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How you voted and why


How did you vote and why?  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Which candidates did you vote for?

    • McCain/Palin
    • Obama/Biden
    • Other

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This is a poll to see how the HAIFers voted. Simply state how you voted and in just a line or two why.

This is not a thread to criticize other people's voting choices, it's way too late for that. Do not reply to other people's posts. Just state what you did and why you did it.

I'll start (even though I won't vote for a few more hours):

McCain/Palin: To show the Democratic machine in Cook County that not everyone goes along with systemic corruption and one-party politics.

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I voted McCain 100% because I don't believe in socialism. I think Obama's tax plan, which he has openly said is wealth re-distribution, is just that.

I did not vote straight ticket. Many state and local Libertarian and Democratic nominees got my vote today as well.

Edited by Jeebus
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I am a Liberal who thinks the Washington Democrites should all be hung for treason, and I don’t trust Obama, even more than I didn’t trust Hiliary. He scares the crapola out of me, and the thought that O’Bama, Nutsy Pelosi, Scary Reid and the likes of John Moutha could basically have a free hand at running (ruining) this country is a nightmare.

Edited, but only to add that I did just what was asked; I said who I voted for, and why, and did so in only two sentences.

Edited by Heights2Bastrop
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I am a Liberal who thinks the Washington Democrites should all be hung for treason. I don't trust Obama, even more than I didn't trust Hiliary. He scares the crapola out of me, and the thought that O'Bama, Nutsy Pelosi, Scary Reid and the likes of John Moutha could basically have a free hand at running (ruining) this country is a nightmare.

True. I don't really have anything against Obama. I kind of like the guy. Don't agree with all his policys but neither do I like all of McCains. The thought of leaving the Pelosi's and Frank's unchecked (no veto) scares the hell out of me. The only good thing if Obama wins is the democrats will no longer be able to blame all of Congress' bad decisions on Bush.

Edited by LunaticFringe
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To stop the war in Iraq, and to put a rational, intelligent and informed leader in the White House.


Simply state how you voted and in just a line or two why.
I am a Liberal who thinks the Washington Democrites should all be hung for treason. I don’t trust Obama, even more than I didn’t trust Hiliary. He scares the crapola out of me, and the thought that O’Bama, Nutsy Pelosi, Scary Reid and the likes of John Moutha could basically have a free hand at running (ruining) this country is a nightmare.

I'll repeat:

Simply state how you voted and in just a line or two why.

This is not a thread to criticize other people's voting choices, it's way too late for that. Do not reply to other people's posts. Just state what you did and why you did it.

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Did you just criticize my voting choice before telling people not to criticize voting choices?

No, I noted that you failed to follow the thread's instructions which were outlined in the very first post, then highlighted again for you later. You did not state for whom you voted. And still haven't.


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I dislike both tickets, but Obama's economic policy is profoundly destructive (first line). And I'm not talking about economic deadweight such as is caused by small/moderate-sized wars, graft, corruption, earmarks, or other forms of waste such as are finite and limited in scope and that will occur under any government; I'm talking about policies that broadly influence decisions made by households and firms in ways that discourage economic output (second line, done).

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No, I noted that you failed to follow the thread's instructions which were outlined in the very first post, then highlighted again for you later. You did not state for whom you voted. And still haven't.

The first post says to "state how you voted", which I did by voting in the poll at the top of the page and adding the Obama graphic under my name.

What's the deal, editor? You seem to have an axe to grind with me. Have I done something to anger you?

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The first post says to "state how you voted", which I did by voting in the poll at the top of the page and adding the Obama graphic under my name.

Clicking a box is voting, not stating. With the candidates all making such similar claims and promises it is difficult to match a name with your chosen description, which is why the instructions were written as they are.

What's the deal, editor? You seem to have an axe to grind with me. Have I done something to anger you?

No axe, you're just messy. Everyone else has been able to figure it out. You still haven't stated for whom you voted.

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Obama. Sarah Palin should never have been McCain's VP pick. I am also weary of rancor and fear. The people who thought invading Iraq was a good idea should pay the tab, not their grandchildren. Also, all of the nasty E-mails I have gotten since Whitewater are from people who know so little about how governments work, they don't even know they live in a water district. If Qbama wins it will be the first time in 48 years of voting that I voted for a presidential candidate who won.

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I did not vote for either big ticket Partisan losers. I wrote my vote in this time. My big issue is closing the border, or at least containing it better, without a wall as my candidate wants, but his heart is in the right place. He also wants to stop welfare. I am hoping enough folks voted like me to put a blip on the polls tonight, and other people will wake up and want to see WHY Mr. Paul's name is there.

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Scalia does not need more playmates. In June of this year, the Supreme Court upheld the writ of habeas corpus (a liberal concept hatched in 1301 AD) by only one vote.

Obama, and like Porchman, the Supreme Court was a major factor for me. One more Scalia-like justice would be truely detrimental to the judicial system.

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I voted McCain 100% because I don't believe in socialism

Why is everyone so scared of the word "Socialism" ? America is in the closet about socialism, we already practice many government programs that are "socialist". Germany and many other countries that are "Democratic Socialist" countries have been doing quite well, even better to some extent than America. Maybe we can learn something from our older brethren countries in Europe...

I voted Nader for President. My biggest problem with our government is that it is controlled by corporations who are running this country to deepen their pockets, not to govern the American people.

Edited by Daniepwils
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Why is everyone so scared of the word "Socialism" ? America is in the closet about socialism, we already practice many government programs that are "socialist". Germany and many other countries that are "Democratic Socialist" countries have been doing quite well, even better to some extent than America. Maybe we can learn something from our older brethren countries in Europe...

Post this in the right thread and I'll reply. I just don't want any of Editor's nasty FAIL signs pointed in my direction! :P

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