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Ike: Best Hurricane Beverages


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I would wager that half the Houston population or more has never been through a direct hit.

i'd have to agree. i just hope everyone got plenty of cash and other reserves. seems like the east side bayous/streams are rising. i heard that brays bayou at mason park is way higher than normal.

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On a different beverage note, addicts like me should remember to brew some coffee now and put it on ice for the morning, in case there's no power then. Personally, I don't want to face tomorrow without a nice hit of coffee.

Thanks for the idea...the lone star only lasts so long

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Going to make a sandwich and think about bourbon after.

Made the coffee--thanks Sarahiki!

You're welcome! My few moments of joy post-Ike came from drinking iced coffee the next two mornings. Then it was like the scene from airplane, quoted below, more or less:

Stewardess: We just want to give you some information about our flight. We're a tad off-course.

Passenger: How much is a tad?

Stewardess: About two hundred million miles. Those bumps you feel are asteroids pummelling the ship. We are headed for the sun, and unable to correct course.

[passengers smile, relaxed and unworried]

Passenger: Are you telling us everything?

Stewardess: Oh, we're also out of coffee.

[all hell breaks loose]

Anyway, may I threadjack and ask if anyone has any clever ideas for cooking with canned/dry good? I am going to the store tomorrow to pick up canned soup, spaghetti-o's, pasta, and bread, but if my family has to eat that for more a couple days we'll all be pretty unhappy. Any good packaged dinners, or other ideas? Our stove and water work, but no fridge, so no fresh food.

Thansk for any ideas!

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You're welcome! My few moments of joy post-Ike came from drinking iced coffee the next two mornings. Then it was like the scene from airplane, quoted below, more or less:

Stewardess: We just want to give you some information about our flight. We're a tad off-course.

Passenger: How much is a tad?

Stewardess: About two hundred million miles. Those bumps you feel are asteroids pummelling the ship. We are headed for the sun, and unable to correct course.

[passengers smile, relaxed and unworried]

Passenger: Are you telling us everything?

Stewardess: Oh, we're also out of coffee.

[all hell breaks loose]

Anyway, may I threadjack and ask if anyone has any clever ideas for cooking with canned/dry good? I am going to the store tomorrow to pick up canned soup, spaghetti-o's, pasta, and bread, but if my family has to eat that for more a couple days we'll all be pretty unhappy. Any good packaged dinners, or other ideas? Our stove and water work, but no fridge, so no fresh food.

Thansk for any ideas!

BBQ - Bust out the grill.

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Anyway, may I threadjack and ask if anyone has any clever ideas for cooking with canned/dry good? I am going to the store tomorrow to pick up canned soup, spaghetti-o's, pasta, and bread, but if my family has to eat that for more a couple days we'll all be pretty unhappy. Any good packaged dinners, or other ideas? Our stove and water work, but no fridge, so no fresh food.

Thansk for any ideas!

Go primitive camping for a couple days and totally reverse your state of mind. Make a family vacation of it. Then come back to restored power, a clean house, and a hot shower, and RELAX!

As for gourmet cooking from MREs, dry goods, canned items, etc., think about which spices go with which flavors, how you can thicken sauces, be creative, and experiment. Perhaps you'll come up with something really tasty that you can attribute to your hurricane survival experience.

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Dark Rum + Coffee ---> :)

Hmm, two dark drinks to match your personality :lol: .

Kidding aside, I really like your advise for looking at the food thing as an adventure rather than and inconvenience. Yesterday, as the fridge/freezer was thawing, I consolidated many things to the deep freeze. I had frozen jugs of water before Edouard and that really helped sustain the temp. I started grilling things such as fish even though I wasn't going to eat it. The cat's enjoying very much though. It's better to cook the stuff rather than dealing with smelly garbage that no one knows when will be picked up. I also cooked sausage, boudain, Texas toast! and frozen meatballs on the grill.

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