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There are three Lueckes listed in the area phone book, but none match that Zip Code. I know that location well, The dark green strip to the left of the name and just above the intersection of 71 and 153 is Buescher State Park.

I will be in Smithville this weekend, and I

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From NASA:

We also made an empirical estimate of spatial resolution for lower contrast vegetation boundaries. By clearing forest so that a pattern would be visible to landing aircraft, a landowner outside Austin, Texas (see also aerial photo in Lisheron 2000), created a target that is also useful for evaluating spatial resolution of astronaut photographs. The forest was selectively cleared in order to spell the landowner's name 'LUECKE' with the remaining trees (figure 10). According to local surveyors who planned the clearing, the plan was to create letters that were 3100

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