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Downtown Photos


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wow, your something allright

the second batch of photos are great..

Thanks a lot citizen4rmptown!!!

There HAS to be more!

The photographic quality of these are excellent, among the best I've seen posted at HAIF. Here's hoping you're able to make a regular contribution.

Strong work.

Thanks Hizzy! There are more @ my flickr site, but as for this batch I still have a few I need to process and upload, which I'll be able to do, likely tomorrow or Thursday.

Whatever you're doing post-processing-wise.. I like.

What are you shooting with?

Shooting with a 40D. Thanks for the compliment!

So, YOU'RE Telwink, Bengiann. Bless. I love your photos on Flickr; have been a fan for a long time. :)

YEP! I'm the telwink [: THank you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much for the compliments!!!! That means so much, I can't even tell you. That kind of feedback is very inspirational and means a lot to me.

I'll definitely post more as I have time to process. Thanks for the compliments and comments guys!

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Yeah, my park and ride bus drives past those buildings every day and I wonder if anyone (outside this website) really understands how beautiful they are.

More please!

Yes, they're quite remarkable!

Here are a few more.

My Sloane-inspired Main St. Photo:


Hogan-Allnoch Dry Goods:


Hotel ZaZa:


North Downtown Panoramic:


Lee & Joe Jamil Skate Park:


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Like them all.

BTW, were you at the skatepark Saturday night? I think I saw you. I was wearing a McGrady jersey just observing at about 9:30ish

I sure was! I vaguely remember you around - I'll have to go through my photos from that night. I have a 100 or so.

I love what you have done with these shots. Nice composition, and a post processing job that is reminiscent of old timey picture postcards. Outstanding!

Thanks HoustoninInColorado!

Your gorgeous Main Street shot is now my desktop background, FYI. :)

Very cool! I just ordered a couple proof prints of that one, because I think I'm going to order a couple 16x24s or 16x20s of it, to hang one of next to my Sloane shot from 1928 in the exact same location on Main St. @ Franklin.

Beautiful pics. I love how they "pop", for lack of a better descriptor.

Thanks arisegundo.

Hey, is that bum urinating in the fountain?

HAHAHAHA MAN I had a huge laugh when I read that, TheNiche. A group of photography buddies walked around the area for the night, and that's one of them setting up his shot.

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Today was an incredibly beautiful day (although quite hot), and I got some fun, sort of cartoonish shots I thought I'd share with zeh forum. I have more to come, but this is all I had time to edit today. If you likey, please feel free to visit my flickr page.

A slideshow of your photos is one of how I spend the night. Keep it coming.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
;):):D I just cant get over how good and professional-like your photos are!

Thay amaze me, you capture what only few can. Your photos rival that of JAX's

Thanks citizen4rmptown. JAX is a stellar photographer, so I take that as a huge compliment.

professional-like?? Telwink's a pro.

I don't know about all that

A colleague lives in the Hermann Building... concrete ceilings, history, nice view, open... I wouldn't mind living there.

Nice pics.

I didn't even realize they were condos/lofts. What a location.

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