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If A Tree Falls In The Woodlands


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I was gonna say "If a tree falls in The Woodlands, it's probably a pine"...

Not sure the article is correct. If it is, there is more to it than meets the eye. Cutting the tree is not the issue if it is a felony. That would be destruction of property. Looks to me like the law officer went for bodily harm. The kids knew more what they were doing then the article says. A 17 year-old is not that dumb. Looks to me that The Chronicle has missed something or printed misinformation, but not sure what that would be. "Something is rotten in Denmark".

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Nothing rotten here. There are two ways that cutting a tree without the owner's permission can become criminal. One way would be theft, for example, illegal logging. In that scenario, the level of theft would be the value of the timber stolen. The second way would be criminal mischief, or destruction of property. In this scenario, the level of offense would be determined by the cost to restore the property to its previous undamged state. In the case of a tree, the cost to replace the cut tree with a tree of similar size determines the level of offense. If the cost is over $1,500 (not hard to do for a mature tree), it becomes a felony.

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I was gonna say "If a tree falls in The Woodlands, it's probably a pine"...

Tom Tynan says that "pine trees are the world's biggest weed".

Therefore, cutting down pine trees should simply be considered yardwork.

(Cutting down any other mature tree is a sin)

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This is the part of the article that I find amusing...

The matter of a tree falling in The Woodlands generates some noise, since the community is known for its old oaks and towering hardwoods.

Huh? I hear "The Woodlands" and I think "Pine". Not oaks. Not hardwoods. Pine. PINE. P-I-N-E. PINE! Now, Woodland Heights, I think Oaks. But, The Woodlands? Pine.

I need to call my brother and see if he has anything in his yard OTHER than pine trees. :D

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What's wrong with pine trees? I like a pine forest. If they went away where would I get all the pine cones to start my camp fire?

If Barbara Walters asked you, "what kind of a tree would you be?", would anybody say pine?

(By the way, you can have the pine cones from the big weed in my front yard) ;)

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Nothing rotten here. There are two ways that cutting a tree without the owner's permission can become criminal. One way would be theft, for example, illegal logging. In that scenario, the level of theft would be the value of the timber stolen. The second way would be criminal mischief, or destruction of property. In this scenario, the level of offense would be determined by the cost to restore the property to its previous undamged state. In the case of a tree, the cost to replace the cut tree with a tree of similar size determines the level of offense. If the cost is over $1,500 (not hard to do for a mature tree), it becomes a felony.

Yeah, $1500 value is easily within the cost of a mature pine (30-50 years old). I thought the number for a felony was much higher. Illegal logging is certainly a different way of looking at cutting a tree. I like that idea.

What I would like to know is how much insurance or the IRS considers to be the loss value of a tree. Anyone know the answer to this?

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  • The title was changed to If A Tree Falls In The Woodlands

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