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California sees business boom from gay weddings


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Do the county "clerks" "perform" the ceremonies? That can't be too legal, they don't have authority to do that, just issue the license.

Just because a county clerk in Texas can only issue a marriage license doesn't mean that they don't have authority to do more in California. These things vary greatly by state. You can't make assumptions about their authority in California based on the authority Texas grants a similar county official.

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The California Code, Section 400, authorizes several different groups of people to conduct marriages. Some of these groups include ministers, priests, rabbis and other officials of religious denominations, judges--active and retired--, state legislators and constitutional officers, and members of Congress who represent a district with the state while they are in office. County Clerks are also allowed to conduct marriages and many perform civil marriage ceremonies in their offices.

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Yes, we all yearn to be married by a county clerk.

Selma and Patty! Baby!

Not me. I yearn to blow $50,000 on a church wedding with all the fixins! Now that's how to get hitched up right! The best part is the hundreds of pictures, because I just KNOW that me and the missus are gonna be lookin at all them pictures for years on end.


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Not me. I yearn to blow $50,000 on a church wedding with all the fixins! Now that's how to get hitched up right! The best part is the hundreds of pictures, because I just KNOW that me and the missus are gonna be lookin at all them pictures for years on end.


The pictures and $50,000 aren't for you, silly; they're for God! He isn't watching the county clerk's office, and he doesn't like cheapskates.

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Not me. I yearn to blow $50,000 on a church wedding with all the fixins! Now that's how to get hitched up right! The best part is the hundreds of pictures, because I just KNOW that me and the missus are gonna be lookin at all them pictures for years on end.


Try close to $100,000 for the wedding we attended last weekend. :o

Yes, we all yearn to be married by a county clerk.

Selma and Patty! Baby!

It's not really any different from the thousands of Texans married by the JP.

Not that I'd want to do it that way, but if all you really care about is the civil side of the marriage (all the legal stuff) and really aren't religious, why not just get it all done in one stop down at the courthouse? You'd have to go there to get a marriage license before your big church wedding anyway.

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Picking up your license at Harris County is pretty lame. While you are there you can pick up your personalized license plates on the first floor and pay your taxes.

I don't really remember how much our wedding cost but it was one hell of a party.

The father in law seemed pretty happy to pay.

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Picking up your license at Harris County is pretty lame. While you are there you can pick up your personalized license plates on the first floor and pay your taxes.

My husband and I are super lame. We got married at an annex courthouse. Can you believe that I forgot to pick up my plates?! :o

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Not me. I yearn to blow $50,000 on a church wedding with all the fixins! Now that's how to get hitched up right! The best part is the hundreds of pictures, because I just KNOW that me and the missus are gonna be lookin at all them pictures for years on end.

Yikes!!! $50K?

The "missus" and I got lucky, I guess. We had a church wedding, invited 40 people, had a backyard reception, spent less than $1000, and thought our wedding was perfect. Of course, I guess that's because we were focused more on the marriage than the wedding.

And Red, we look at those pictures pretty often. I like to remember how much hair I used to have!

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For $5k you can vacation and get married all together, which I highly recommend.

Our Anglican minister looked suspiciously like the "hooray beer" guy in the Red Stripe commericals, and for all you women over 30, you'll enjoy the chuckles you get from people when you show them the offical Jamaican mariage certificate where under "status" you'll be listed as "spinster". No joke, not previously married, over 30, officially a spinster. The reception was a catamaran stocked with rum for a 2 hour sail off the coast at sunset. I jumped off the Negril cliffs in my wedding dress. In retpropect, a fitting metaphor for my marriage. But damn, we both have good memories of the wedding trip.

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  • 1 month later...

Positive change developing in California. Basically, prior to the Court's decision, the wording on the ballot would have read:



Amends the California Constitution to provide that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: The measure would have no fiscal effect on state or local governments. This is because there would be no change to the manner in which marriages are currently recognized by the state.

The above was true, before the Court's decision. Now, given the Court's decision, the Secretary of State, of CA, has revised the wording that will appear on the ballot to reflect the true nature of what people will be voting on, and making it clear to voters of the harm that they may inflict onto a class of citizens, if they chose to do so, by eliminating their right to marriage:



Changes California Constitution to eliminate right of same-sex couples to marry. Provides that only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Fiscal Impact: Over the next few years, potential revenue loss, mainly sales taxes, totaling in the several tens of millions of dollars, to state and local governments. In the long run, likely little fiscal impact to state and local governments.

The exact wording "Provides that only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California," which was on the petition, is still in both the pre-Court and post-Court versions. The Secretary of State cannot change that, but must, under CA law, state the fiscal impact that measures will have, among other impacts (in this case, elimination of rights.)

Good to see the voting language actually, directly, explain the true nature of the initiative. It's a shame other states, that voted on these rights, didn't have the guts to actually title and summarize their initiatives in a similar fashion.

Edited by BryanS
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  • 4 weeks later...
The exact wording "Provides that only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California," which was on the petition, is still in both the pre-Court and post-Court versions. The Secretary of State cannot change that, but must, under CA law, state the fiscal impact that measures will have, among other impacts (in this case, elimination of rights.)

Good to see the voting language actually, directly, explain the true nature of the initiative. It's a shame other states, that voted on these rights, didn't have the guts to actually title and summarize their initiatives in a similar fashion.

I agree. I wish all states were required to explain the fiscal and social impacts of propositions and initiatives that are put up for a vote by the public in a general election. I might make people think a little more before making a choice, rather than just quickly reacting based on emotion.

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