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Since when is a mall a "Town Center?"

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Protesting the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation, and the killing of up to 1 million of their citizens while losing thousands of our own is a "pet peeve"? Protesting Beijing's violent putdown of dissidents in Tibet is a "pet peeve"? Attending public meetings to express one's opinion's on public infrastructure that will impact one's home is a "pet peeve"?


Protest can take many forms, from the anarchists throwing molotovs, to writing a letter to the editor. Virtually all change for the better ocurs through protest. I'm sorry that the dirty job of effecting positive change causes you "discomfort". But, the good news is, you have moved to the perfect place to keep your hands clean. If ever there were a capitalist version of a solialist society, Woodlands Town Center would be it.

I guess this is why there are more threads about people leaving the Woodlands lately, than moving into it. It appears that is the only way to dissent.

once again, i had no intention of saying that i loathed the people of china pursuing freedom. those are your words. i made a simple, off the cuff remark, because i hate driving around local protesters and the conversation becomes about some huge ordeal that is far from the truth or spirit of my initial remark. this is why i stay away from many conversations on haif. thanks redscare and memebag, you've reminded me to keep my mouth shut.

and as for you woolie..........remark deleted. we do not encourage that kind of language.

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The SL town center is nice enough for the area, the best part is the setbacks, overhangs, sidewalk space, and street parking. They did a good job of balancing those elements w/r/t the street appeal, reminded me of the natural street scene one would see in Georgetown (DC). The thing I don't like about the SL town center is the site layout of the commercial properties t-boned by the city hall. It creates a steep gilded hierarchy of property values and the periphery storefronts seem a bit neglected and spare by the traffic patterns incorporated. Maybe it was intentional, but I would say by their list of tenants that is probably not the case.

To answer the thread question, no a mall is not a town center

In fact I don't think we even have "centers" anymore in our modern world.

Just look at the decline in importance of libraries, community centers, churches, post offices, city halls, etc etc

It seems as if museums are the last front for Architecture.

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once again, i had no intention of saying that i loathed the people of china pursuing freedom. those are your words. i made a simple, off the cuff remark, because i hate driving around local protesters and the conversation becomes about some huge ordeal that is far from the truth or spirit of my initial remark. this is why i stay away from many conversations on haif. thanks redscare and memebag, you've reminded me to keep my mouth shut.

I don't think the conversation has strayed from the spirit of your remarks. I've given you ample opportunity to clarify your intent. At each point you've made it clear that you are in favor of replacing public space with private space if it will insulate you from protest, and that our world no longer needs protestors.

and as for you woolie..........remark deleted. we do not encourage that kind of language.

Thank you for that object lesson on speech in private space.

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i loathe protesters.

This was your post. It does not distinguish Tibetan monks, Chinese students or hispanics complaining that no tejano bands are playing at the Go Tejano Day at the rodeo.

As for reminding you to keep your mouth shut, I did no such thing. I ADVOCATE speech, including that which disagrees with my beliefs. Don't blame your weak belief system on my strong advocacy for the right to free speech.

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Some of us were a part of those protests against the war back in 2003... I'll post some photos later, to remind everyone who ignored all the evidence that it was a terrible idea. If only people had listened. I suppose in Bachanon's world, the only messages we should hear are the corporate media cheerleaders.

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Because whether Simon or General Growth are willing to acknowledge it or not, new Town Centers don't get built anywhere except near where affluent white people live.

There is one exception to this. The 'Brazos Town Center" in Rosenberg. A pretty good mix of people. I wouldn't call them affluent, but well somewhat well off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday I went to the Sugar Land Town Square or Center or Centre and there was a large group of people praying in front of City Hall. They seemed to be praying to Jesus or YHVH, so I think that's why the Town Square security guards let them in.

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There is one exception to this. The 'Brazos Town Center" in Rosenberg. A pretty good mix of people. I wouldn't call them affluent, but well somewhat well off.

Brazos Town Center is just an oversized strip mall with big box retailers.

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Brazos Town Center is just an oversized strip mall with big box retailers.

Most strip malls don't have a residential component of any sort.

This one has within it two existing apartment complexes with a third being built, and a small neighborhood of homes being constructed on the northwest side of the development.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay so I went to go see what all the fuss was about this place.

Once I saw the movie theater in it's faux art deco get up it didn't take much time strolling around to sense that it was a glorified movie set.

The elliptical central park area, distinctly reminded me of the town square from Back to the Future, except it was missing the clock tower, but it certainly carried with it the implied plot line of capricious time travel, a "dislocation" as P. Eiseman would say.

Overall I'd say it's a fake place for fake people; it would be pointless to protest there, these folks are apathetic at their core, mere rotten souls.

Strangely, I couldn't shake the feeling that the real action was going on else wheres.

This is not Architecture, it's a trap.

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