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When The Bough Breaks Film Locations


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I am still laughing just to think of the whole scene that was deleted from Evening Star the follow up film to Terms of Endearment.

Spoke of in earlier topic of film's shot in Houston.

The whole area directly in front of Jones Hall was to be NYC on a typical snowy day. The scene is Aurora and another person leaving the NY Metropolitan (Jone's Hall double) they chat and walk to get into a cab and drive away. That scene took all day to shoot complete with ice/snow trucks haulig in snow and hundreds of extras milling about in heavy coats, street signs covered, subway entrance fake installed, and all the NYC cabs bumper to bumper in this scene. ALL CUT from final film!

Just think how much $ was lost!

We watched the whole thing from Pzl Place 6th floor so we had a perfect view of the action. I was mad because we waited to see at the theater and it was just not there. Grrrr. :angry:

Hey! but now maybe its on cut scenes on the DVD?

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Seems The Swarm got an Oscar nomination for best costume design...I barely remember the movie and the clothing even less.

WHOA!!! I am wondering how they got all those bees into costumes, that sounds like hard work ???

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That was The Swarm (1978), generally regarded as the worst disaster film ever made. And you have it backwards. The military guys came up with the idea of luring the bees into the Astrodome to kill them.

Ah, I remember now. It's odd that I forgot, being that the plot was so gripping. :wacko:

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Ah, I remember now. It's odd that I forgot, being that the plot was so gripping. :wacko:

I'm surprised no one has mentioned RoboCop 2. Filmed all over Houston, posing as New Detroit. And who could forget that final Armageddon between the good and bad RoboCops in front of the Wortham Center?

Of course my favorite Houston shot of all time is that quickie in Brewster McCloud of Sally Kellerman skinny dipping in the Mecom Fountain.

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What about tha BEST ONE ? Reality BITES . . .(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110950/)

Reality Bites was filmed on one of the streets behind Cecil's on W. Grey.

Rush was filmed in and around Houston. One of the notable scenes was filmed in a fourplex in Montrose.

A friend lived there years ago and there were pictures all over the walls from the filming.


Many scenes from Arlington Road were filmed on the UH campus.


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I always forget about Arlington Road being filmed here. I live in Pearland off of Dixie Farm Road west of 518. The same builder that built our house was also building east of 518 in an area called Dixe Woods. There were several houses that were complete and not yet sold and so the street was right for reimaging into a Virginia suburb of DC. The actual house used for interiors was being lived in but the movie production company rented it from the homeowners and moved all their stuff out to bring in their own furniture for filming. They brought in all sorts of trees in containers to spruce up the street scenes and spent several weeks filming at the location. They would close all off the street and filmed both day and night scenes. It was quite interesting for several weeks in Pearland.

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and futuristic's Logan's Run. Still recall filming done at recently completed Houston Center 1976.


Hyatt Regency CUT from film, what?


The goof's are hilarious! :lol:

Excerpt from site:Costs for interiors and exteriors would have been insurmountable if it had not been for the state of Texas. In Dallas, Houston, and Ft. Worth, producer David and director Anderson located the most advanced architecture in America and incorporated the futuristic structures into Logan's Run.


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I remember when the film crews were here for Terms of Endearment. The kitchen scenes were filmed at the Waldo Mansion at Westmoreland and Garrott. I lived on Garrott at that time. The exteriors of Jack's and Shirley's houses were filmed over in River Oaks, a block or two north of Westheimer, kind of over near Chuy's.

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1985's The Trip To Bountiful.

Carrie Watts is living the twilight of her life trapped in an apartment in 1940's Houston, Texas with a controlling daughter-in-law and a hen-pecked son.

Masterson shot The Trip to Bountiful entirely on location, though Dallas substituted for the son's Houston home. Despite her status as one of the world's greatest actresses, Page was far from the diva. She even told Masterson not to let her get away with the acting tricks she had developed over the years but rather to push her to give a totally honest performance.

Geraldine Page got the well deserved Oscar for her part.


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While surfing cable this weekend, I ran across a couple walking through Tranquility Park. The movie was "Reality Bites" from 1994. It was directed by Ben Stiller and included Winona Ryder, Ethan Hawke, Janeane Garofalo. I don't recall that moving being filmed here, but apparently it was.

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While surfing cable this weekend, I ran across a couple walking through Tranquility Park. The movie was "Reality Bites" from 1994. It was directed by Ben Stiller and included Winona Ryder, Ethan Hawke, Janeane Garofalo. I don't recall that moving being filmed here, but apparently it was.

I love that flick! It was filmed on a street behind Gray Street around the corner from Cecil's. A friend of mine was living on that street when they were filming.

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I love that flick! It was filmed on a street behind Gray Street around the corner from Cecil's. A friend of mine was living on that street when they were filming.

I remember being annoyed by the egregious product placement. The main characters drank 7-11 Slurpees even though 7-11 had already been out of the Houston market for like a decade. Ditto Rolling Rock beer. Nobody in Houston ever drank Rolling Rock.

Of course there was Independence Day where a fictional sign with arrows pointing to South Houston and the University of Houston subbed for the city before they nuked us. You'd think they could have at least dug up some stock footage.

Some scenes in the excellent Local Hero were filmed downtown and on the Pierce elevated.

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I remember being annoyed by the egregious product placement. The main characters drank 7-11 Slurpees even though 7-11 had already been out of the Houston market for like a decade. Ditto Rolling Rock beer. Nobody in Houston ever drank Rolling Rock.

I remember that too <_< you would watch it and want to go get a slurpee and be S.O.L.

I will admit to drinking alot of Rolling Rock while I was going to school in Denton :D Go Pioneers !

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