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When The Bough Breaks Film Locations


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Watching lots of excess movies lately... and pulled out this vhs copy of this movie I got to resell on ebay eons ago. Twas called "When The Bough Breaks" starring Martin Sheen, Ally Walker, and Ron Perlman (think that's spelled right), made in 1993.

I hate it when they have a movie that set in some city and don't even try to make it seem authentic. This was a so-so thriller.. but only mention of Houston was the showing of a Houston map (show pretty much the loop only, not much beltway) in one scene, a Houston Chronicle in one scene.. and a Houston Post in another. And of course the good ol' boy cop (Sheen) wears a cowboy hat.. it IS Texas and all. Most of the action is in a nearby town (in the movie) called Two Rivers.

Has anyone heard of Two Rivers? Is it near Houston?

Also, most of the action is in a house that has a basement (in Two Rivers, wherever that is..). What parts of Houston (I hear there are) are there homes with basements? Just curious.

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What parts of Houston (I hear there are) are there homes with basements? Just curious.

There are some houses in Montrose near St. Thomas Univ. that have basements. I know of two in particular because they flooded during Tropical Storm Allison.

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Watching lots of excess movies lately... and pulled out this vhs copy of this movie I got to resell on ebay eons ago. Twas called "When The Bough Breaks" starring Martin Sheen, Ally Walker, and Ron Perlman (think that's spelled right), made in 1993.

I hate it when they have a movie that set in some city and don't even try to make it seem authentic. This was a so-so thriller.. but only mention of Houston was the showing of a Houston map (show pretty much the loop only, not much beltway) in one scene, a Houston Chronicle in one scene.. and a Houston Post in another. And of course the good ol' boy cop (Sheen) wears a cowboy hat.. it IS Texas and all. Most of the action is in a nearby town (in the movie) called Two Rivers.

Has anyone heard of Two Rivers? Is it near Houston?

Also, most of the action is in a house that has a basement (in Two Rivers, wherever that is..). What parts of Houston (I hear there are) are there homes with basements? Just curious.

I would assume that most all of the indoor scenes would be filmed in a studio and only outdoor shots in Houston.

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There is a basement in the old Sierra grill location on Montrose, I am guessing that area may have a few basements, especially the homes closest to Hwy.59, You can tell how there is a little more room by judging how they dug out 59 right there where Montrose crosses it. Med Center has basements also.

This movie reminds me of another TERRIBLE adaptation from a GREAT Serial Killer book called MERCY. The movie is set in Houston, just like the book, and that is about where it ends. Pissed me off to watch them destroy the book by a crappy screenplay.

WOW, I just IMDB'd it and someone else wrote almost what I wrote in the comments section. LOL! TOO FUNNY, but it is true, the novel is GREAT, the movie is crap, but if you want a movie with references to Houston but filmed in Toronto, well.........


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I was watching the John Wayne flick "Comancheros" the other day and Wayne, a Texas Ranger, is taking a prisoner from Galveston to Austin. Only it looks like he goes by way of Utah or Arizona. Some folks warn to be careful, them nasty Comanches is stirring trouble all along the Brazos, while they (Wayne and party) are watering their horses in the Colorado... the one in the Grand Canyon. LOL!

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I was watching the John Wayne flick "Comancheros" the other day and Wayne, a Texas Ranger, is taking a prisoner from Galveston to Austin. Only it looks like he goes by way of Utah or Arizona. Some folks warn to be careful, them nasty Comanches is stirring trouble all along the Brazos, while they (Wayne and party) are watering their horses in the Colorado... the one in the Grand Canyon. LOL!

LOL! Poor Duke, his movies always seem to have some very historically INCORRECT parts. Like an AIRPLANE flying in the background while he is talking over plans about how to defend The Alamo against 6000 Mexicans when they attack it.

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This movie reminds me of another TERRIBLE adaptation from a GREAT Serial Killer book called MERCY. The movie is set in Houston, just like the book, and that is about where it ends. Pissed me off to watch them destroy the book by a crappy screenplay.

I didn't realize that was made into a movie. There was a series of books by the same author set in Houston. A little bloody for my taste.

What parts of Houston (I hear there are) are there homes with basements? Just curious.

My house in the Heights had a very cool basement, part of which had been turned into a wine cellar. Built 1906.

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I didn't realize that was made into a movie. There was a series of books by the same author set in Houston. A little bloody for my taste.

I like David Lindsey, he writes pretty graphically, I agree. He seems to know Houston pretty well also. I don't know if the guy lived here or just did alot of homework, but his description of places and surroundings is DEAD ON ! His Mercy novel could double as a map. He also leads me to believe that he has had some actual "firsthand" experience with some of the "underground" stuff he writes about.

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I like David Lindsey, he writes pretty graphically, I agree. He seems to know Houston pretty well also. I don't know if the guy lived here or just did alot of homework, but his description of places and surroundings is DEAD ON ! His Mercy novel could double as a map. He also leads me to believe that he has had some actual "firsthand" experience with some of the "underground" stuff he writes about.

Thanks, I couldn't remember the author. I wasn't quite sure about the accuracy. I remember reading one of the books and it mentioned that someone was on the Southwest Freeway and exited on Montrose. Slight error there. On the other hand, even with the occasional slip it was fun to read novels that took place in Houston.

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There are some houses in Montrose near St. Thomas Univ. that have basements. I know of two in particular because they flooded during Tropical Storm Allison.

There is at least one house in Eastwood and one in Broadmoor with full or partial basements. Some of the houses built in the 1920's-30's in River Oaks had basements.

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There is a basement in the old Sierra grill location on Montrose, I am guessing that area may have a few basements, especially the homes closest to Hwy.59, You can tell how there is a little more room by judging how they dug out 59 right there where Montrose crosses it. Med Center has basements also.

This movie reminds me of another TERRIBLE adaptation from a GREAT Serial Killer book called MERCY. The movie is set in Houston, just like the book, and that is about where it ends. Pissed me off to watch them destroy the book by a crappy screenplay.

WOW, I just IMDB'd it and someone else wrote almost what I wrote in the comments section. LOL! TOO FUNNY, but it is true, the novel is GREAT, the movie is crap, but if you want a movie with references to Houston but filmed in Toronto, well.........


I'm not sure about Sierra Grill, but I also agree that there are a number of homes in River Oaks that have basements. In particular there is a substantial (almost obscene) basement on a home on Lazy Lane, complete with an ungodly safe and (if I remember corretly) a bar and dance floor.

I am going to have to read that book again, I stumbled across it about 15 years ago and enjoyed it. I never read any of the other books, but now my interest is piqued by this author. I'm apprehensive about the movie, however, but I will see it as a curiousity.

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I'm not sure about Sierra Grill, but I also agree that there are a number of homes in River Oaks that have basements. In particular there is a substantial (almost obscene) basement on a home on Lazy Lane, complete with an ungodly safe and (if I remember corretly) a bar and dance floor.

I am going to have to read that book again, I stumbled across it about 15 years ago and enjoyed it. I never read any of the other books, but now my interest is piqued by this author. I'm apprehensive about the movie, however, but I will see it as a curiousity.

I'm sure about Sierra Grill, because I have been in it. It was turned into a wine cellar with a very large table for 20 or so for larger parties and private parties. It was pretty neat. I was sad when they closed it down. I did see some renovating (gutting) going on as of Wednesday this past week.

OOOOHHHHHHHH, BTW, in the news JUST YESTERDAY, there was a reference to 3 Rivers. They were talking about a riot or someone had escaped form the prison unit there. Weird coincidence.

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I caught part of a recent movie the other day about some gymnasts training in a Houston gym. The references were sort of vague, for example a Houston Chronicle banner hanging on the wall as a tournament sponser and one of the girl's mom had a crappy Texas accent. Perhaps the most ridiculous was when a Harris County emgergency vehicle pulled up oustide of the gym and there were mountains in the background. The movie wasn't very good.

"Stick It"


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Not sure if anyone remembers Capricorn One (about a faked landing on Mars), but in it, Elliot Gould uncovers the conspiracy and the bad guys mess with the brakes on his car. His brakes fail on what looks like 610 at Westheimer and a few seconds later he ends up in the drink at what's supposed to be the Ship Channel.

Gotta love it. Of course, it's only a movie. But still, it's funny watching the artistic liberies they take.

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Some old apts in Midtown (on Elgin near 288) have basements and basement parking. Looks sooo Not Houston but nice.

There are so many old films shot here where Houston is not credited one iota. Always credits other cities Ex: the Robocop films.

PS, the whole vicinity where Urban Cowboy was filmed at Gilley's is all brand new. No sign any famous bar was ever there. Looks nice though.

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Yes, Lindsey is from Austin, but he did big time homework on his books. The last few have not been set in the Houston area and they do grow increasingly gruesome. Generally, though, he has some of the best Houston settings. (as did Larry McMurtry back in the day.) Unlike British author W. A. Harbinson, in his novel Genesis, which has deserts and dust storms between Galveston and Houston!

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I have mentioned it before but there was a totally forgetable movie called "My Best Friends a Vampire". A teenage spoof on vampires where they are good guys. The main character works delivering groceries for Jamails, and is shown getting on a bus in Idylwood, and goes to high school at Milby, although while it was filmed there the name was changed for the movie. Has a lot of outdoor scenes during a chase but they jump all over the place from Mecom Foutain to the Dome to who knows where. Fun to watch only to see all the vintage Houston shots.

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Funny story... I saw Fearless, with Jeff Bridges as the only survivor of a flight from San Francisco to Houston, while I was in San Francisco with my dad.

My dad has always been leery of flying anyways, it definitely made him nervous on the flight back to H-Town.

The movie was interesting and worth seeing, but I really don't like Rosie Perez.

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And of course the wonderful but forgotten "Student Bodies" filmed at Lamar HS, clumsily changed to "Lamab."

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083133/

One of my favorite CORNY movies, and I can't believe I forgot to put it on the Corny Movie list thread.

"That's not punch............Melvin pee RED !"

I started reading a book that was set in Houston. I stopped reading it when the main character got in her car in Houston and drove about an hour to her "mountain hideaway." :rolleyes:

..........Then you would absolutely LOVE Uncommon Valor. I can still remember to this day how EVERYONE in the audience was laughing their heads off when it showed the caption below a mountainous location for the training that read " 30 miles northwest of Galveston,Tx." I almost choked on my popcorn !

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Then you would absolutely LOVE Uncommon Valor. I can still remember to this day how EVERYONE in the audience was laughing their heads off when it showed the caption below a mountainous location for the training that read " 30 miles northwest of Galveston,Tx." I almost choked on my popcorn !

Then YOU would love the opening scene of Walk on the Wild Side, if you ever catch it on Turner Classic Movies. Made in 1961, it starred Laurence Harvey, Capucine, Jane Fonda, Barbara Stanwyck and some others.

Harvey plays a cowboy from Texas who falls in love with a prostitute in New Orleans. Just hearing British actor Harvey trying to do a Texas accent was funny enough. But, like you, I almost choked on my popcorn during the opening scene where it shows Harvey waiting for a train by some railroad tracks in the middle of what I swear looks like Death Valley.

Nothing but desert, mountains in the far background, some cactii, and a big sign by the tracks that read "Beaumont Texas".

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FilioScotia, you beat me to it. That snipit from Walk On The Wild Side never fails to crack me up.

One afternoon I went down to Rice Village and saw a sign that read "Long Beach Municipal Library" Turns out they were filming the Charlie Sheen, Kristy Swanson movie The Chase (1994) down on University Blvd. When I saw the movie on TV several years later I was shocked and pleased to see that many of the car chase sequences were filmed in my Nassau Bay neighborhood. But it was jolting to see the scenery switch abruptly from the streets of Rice Village, West U and South Hampton to the mean streets of Nassau Bay!

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There are some houses in Montrose near St. Thomas Univ. that have basements. I know of two in particular because they flooded during Tropical Storm Allison.

Being from Pennsylvania, it was weird moving here and seeing homes having no basements... every home has a basement where I grew up.

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Does anybody remember the movie about Killer Bees. Everybody had to escape the bees in the icy, air conditioned AstroDome. Pretty amusing.

That was The Swarm (1978), generally regarded as the worst disaster film ever made. And you have it backwards. The military guys came up with the idea of luring the bees into the Astrodome to kill them.

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