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Emilio Bus Crash - Tejano Star Not Doing Too Well

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It's weird for me to see that he had a bad crash like that. What the hell was HE doing driving his own tour bus. I actually saw him(his bus anyways) coming into town on I-10 eastbound in Katy, Saturday evening on his way to his gig.

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One thing he has in his favor, if this were to have happen anywhere else they most likely would be making funeral arrangements already. He happen to have this tragedy happen in the city with the best Medical Facilty in the world, and Hermann Hospital is state of the art. He is getting the absolute best treatment that he can get, and in some cases couldn't get anywhere else. For instance this experimental hypothermia neurotrauma treatment he's getting, you just can't get everywhere. He is being treated by the best neurosurgeons on the planet, his best chance to recover is right here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Any results form the blood alcohol tests? Seems that info has been kept really quiet.

I hardly heard of this guy before all of this just like when that Selena woman died. It wasn't until she was killed I personally learned who and what she was. Oh well.

Same with him. I too am dumfounded why he would play at such a dump if he wa such a super star? If you saw the place they were playing at you would be just as miffed. Guess its all besides the point now, I reckon y'all.

Hope he gets back to normal.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd heard that early on (I think I mentioned it somewhere up this thread), but had no 'evidence'. But man ...

So how does that change how we feel about this matter. For me, it makes me sympathetic to his condition, but not to the condition that led to him being in this condition. I mean, he coulda killed someone, and weren't there other people on the bus seriously injured?


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  • 4 months later...
I cracked up when the reporter said he must have 9 lives like Morris The Cat. Chuckle...chuckle...

needs to stay way from the bottle while he's at it. :lol: More chuckle..chuckle...

To be fair, during the second crash he was not driving. But, your advice is true.

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