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Real Or Artificial Tree


Christmas Trees - Real or Fake  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. What kind of tree do you have?

    • Real
    • Artificial
    • None/Neither (or Festivus Pole)

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Musicman's tree name poll made me think of this question to poll.

This year we have a real tree. We own an artificial tree and have used it for the past several years but this year I wanted a real one. Well actually I want a real one every year but the wife likes the artificial since we already own it and it has a perfect shape etc. I made us get a real one this year. Something about the smell i guess i like and then growing up we had real one's (except for when i was a baby when we had the aluminum tree with the rotating light thing)

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Always artificial.

I really love those gaudy aluminum trees with the blue, lime green and fluorescent pink ornaments and icicles. Oh, and those light up ornaments with the oil inside. I forgot what they're called. My grandma always had them.

My Grandma had them also. We just called them "bubble lights". They are being sold again. Pretty easy to find.

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My wife grew up in the woods, but her family always had artificial trees. I grew up in the city, but we always had real trees.

When we had a place with enough space, I insisted on a real tree. I think it's the only time I've put my foot down and demanded something as the husband.

We recently moved to a much smaller place because of an upcoming financial crisis, so we don't have room for any tree. Instead we're going to exchange gifts in front of the big tree in the plaza in front of our building.


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My wife grew up in the woods, but her family always had artificial trees. I grew up in the city, but we always had real trees.

When we had a place with enough space, I insisted on a real tree. I think it's the only time I've put my foot down and demanded something as the husband.

We recently moved to a much smaller place because of an upcoming financial crisis, so we don't have room for any tree. Instead we're going to exchange gifts in front of the big tree in the plaza in front of our building.

That is a fantastic idea! and you will all remember it for ever!

Buon Natale or Merry Christmas!

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