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A hot and humid fall day


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It's fall. It's supposed to be "cool" outside, but it's not. There is something that makes me feel good about that. I walk outside and it feels like summer, but it kind of doesn't. You can sense the fall somewhere in the air and kind of feel it, but the temperatures are July-like. You think, "wow, it feels like summertime" and somehow it's very refreshing. Anyone agree?

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I thought it was only cool outside in the winter here. And even then sometimes its warm.

I can only remember feeling cold twice last winter, but maybe that's because I'm Canadian!

I do admit it feels nice out today. I went out in the sun twice to take a break and I ate lunch outside. I'm looking forward to biking home.

Edited by Jax
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Fall means that you need a jacket and the leaves are turning. That never happens here.

Here, the leaves slowly turn a sick brown-green color and fall from October thru January. You may need a jacket during the middle of the night sometime in January. In my book - That sucks.

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Fall means that you need a jacket and the leaves are turning. That never happens here.

Here, the leaves slowly turn a sick brown-green color and fall from October thru January. You may need a jacket during the middle of the night sometime in January. In my book - That sucks.

I agree. I'm a sunshine and summertime kind of guy, but jacket weather comes in at a close second. Ever since I moved down to Huntsville, I've been missing those clear, crisp winter days with a bright blue sky. They're the best.

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I love Christmas dinner poolside.

Cool weather is fine with me as long as I don't have to wear anything heavier than a light, long-sleeved shirt.

You should "smack" mother nature with that ruler. Tell her to get with the big cool down. :lol:

Honest, down here (South) we only wear our heaviest coats once in a blue moon. I remember one Christmas day at the beach in Galveston and people were in swimsuits and playing volleyball.

One day we should all take a Christmas tree to the beach, decorate and have Pina Colada's around it. Give it the tropical effect.

Here's looking at you Kim. "cling"

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A beautiful fall day.

Let's see if we can make a comeback with the slap bracelets! woo

We can make mother nature snap-out-of-it! :P

It's nice and chrispy outside for now though 7:47am 10/11/07.

Wake up Houston! It's time to rise and shine on Haif101 radio. On your FM dial!

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I love fall and winter, and Houston barely has either. Last week I was in Denver and it was a joy to see the trees changing color and to need to turn the heat on in the mornings for a few minutes when I woke up.

I hate Houston weather. Sure it's not quite as miserable in October as it is in the summer, but it's not really fall either. It's just more of a "summer lite".

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  • 1 month later...
Speaking of hot and humid. It is so hot we had to turn the A/C back on.

Still using the AC too! This is insane! Even while I was putting up the Christmas lights outside the mosquitoes kept jacking with me!

Had to spray "Off" from head to toe while humming holiday tunes. :blush:

We used to go to the beach on Christmas day to hang out and could see girls in swim suits playing volleyball while getting a sun tan. Gotta love the South!

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As I was getting ready for the day, Channel 11 was speaking of the cold front moving in as they spoke. They spoke of how they knew the models were wrong and then proceeded to forcast 55 as the high for yesterday and the rest of the week. I put on my leather jacket when leaving work, only to be surprised by warm air as I walked out the front door.

This weather is just crazy. I know it's Houston, but sheesh.

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I went swimming outside last weekend. I love this weather!

I love it, too! People keep whining that it doesn't feel like Christmas. What is Christmas supposed to feel or look like, what we see in those cheesy made-for-Lifetime/Hallmark Channel Christmas movies or commercials? No thank you. This suits me just fine.

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Well, I think you're right. And since I do not really celebrate 'Christmas' I suppose it really doesn't matter.In a way, I kinda like it too ... the air is mild and nights are breezy. Not bad.

As I was getting ready for the day, Channel 11 was speaking of the cold front moving in as they spoke. They spoke of how they knew the models were wrong and then proceeded to forcast 55 as the high for yesterday and the rest of the week. I put on my leather jacket when leaving work, only to be surprised by warm air as I walked out the front door.This weather is just crazy. I know it's Houston, but sheesh.
I think they just spin a dial and shoot a dart most of the time. I could have sworn I'd heard really hot (80s) weather too .. and lo and behold, when I left the house it was cold and wet. Oh well ... I guess everyone needs a job, huh?
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