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Wayne Dolcefino finds a scandal?


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So, Wayne Dolcefino, when he is not risking life and limb tilting at hurricanes, is ferretting out scandals to make Houstonians' lives better.

Or, is he?

Here's our intrepid investigative reporter's latest entry....METRO employees ride METRO for free.

Channel 13 expose

To which I heartily reply, "So?"

Now, I've seen some pretty stupid exposes in my years in Houston. I've seen some lame reporting (see above reference to hurricane reporting). But, this has got to be the STUPIDEST "expose" I have ever seen. METRO employees ride METRO busses for free? That's it? No film of them them looting the fare receptacles? No black market sales of bus parts? No landscaping and security systems at Ed Wulfe's house paid by taxpayers?

PLEASE! If Wayne had ever had a REAL job, he might have seen the value in having employees ride the bus. Call it cheap Quality Control. Those employees would notice dirty busses, late arrivals, inefficient routes and other things that METRO is not up to snuff on, and notify the correct personnel to address the issue. This should be touted as one of the things METRO does right. But, no, Wayne the diligent sleuth sees sinister motives.

The amazing thing is that after his attempts at making free rides for employees into some METRO Grand Larceny, he proceeds to lambaste the METRO executives for NOT riding free! If riding free is theft, shouldn't NOT riding be considered good public stewardship? Which is it, Wayne? You can't ride both sides of the bus. Either it is bad to ride free or it is not. Your twisted logic attempts both.

This is the kind of cheap ploy that I expect out of Channel 2. Is this what 13 has sunk to....going for the cheap ratings grab by taking potshots at METRO? Aren't there enough things that METRO does wrong without going after the things they do right? I know that it is popular to denigrate METRO, the City of Houston, HISD and other government, whether they do anything wrong or not. But, that is what I expect from talk show callers, people who put NASCAR stickers on their pickups. Then again, maybe that is Channel 13's target audience. Maybe I just need to get my local news from NPR and be done with it.

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I was thinking the exact same thing when i saw the report, Red.

3,000 bucks in a month of an operating budget the size of METRO is practially nothing. The exec was right in saying that "it's basically an empty seat" because that's how it's viewed. The same way that airlines view employee's perks of basically flying for free.

on how hotel Employees are given some nice perks along with just about every other industry.

As much as I like Wayne, I think he's trying too hard to be like Mr. Z.

I miss Marv.

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Dolcefino just proved his true lack of talent by reporting a non-story. The next thing you know, he'll be going after police officers that don't pay out of their pocket to fill their cruisers up. Or perhaps he can tackle why firemen get paid to sleep at night during their 24 shift at the fire station.

I heard a nasty little rumor that some restaurants even let their staff eat for free - ON THE CLOCK! How is that fair to me, Joe Q. Taxpayer? If they are getting meals for free, AND getting paid to eat them, then I should get the same.

As always, great reporting Wayne. You once again exposed a corrupt organization in the midst of their mafioso reign over us helpless little citizens.


Edited by Jeebus
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If he was going to do a report on Metro; he should have done it on the lack of new bus service in the past three years compared to the ten before that. His latest report was just an attempt at cheap sensationalism. Both of his back to back exposes were ridiculous. He needs to do some research and see that all employers offer their employees some sort of perks, even Wal-Mart for goodness sakes! And yes, Metro's commercials are campy, but so are most attempts at humor by a quasi-government agency. But I'd assume these internet commercials he was causing a stir about are overall cheaper because Metro isn't paying networks like Channel 13 for airtime. Jealous much, Wayne?

Where is the investigation about Metro monies going to the COH?

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Next thing you know Wayne will be showing how people who work for Exxon, get their gas for free !

Wayne, lighten up pal, it is called a "PERK". It's like how channel 13 supplies you with never ending amounts of your daily donut intake and the gallons of coffee you guzzle to stay awake, but they NEVER charge you for.

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Actually, my brother said it is only a 15% discount. But, with Wayne's talent, he ought to be able to tie that into today's $83 crude.

Oh, wait. Exxon's not a government entity. Only governments and public schools qualify for Wayne's intense scrutiny.

Interesting about the 15%. I can remember back in the 70's, my grandfather was the Doctor for most of the Baytown Exxon execs. He would sometimes have to go onto the plant site for physicals and whatnot. I was with him a couple of times when he made housecalls. He was allowed to fill up for free on site, and he explained to me that the employees got gas for free. Perhaps he meant just the executive branch and company cars. I am guessing that practice has been far long gone, just like housecalls

Edited by TJones
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Man, you want to see somebody get torn a new one? Go read the comments to Dolcefino's blog.


He writes in it what an intense debate he started with his stellar reporting. But, when you read the comments, EVERYONE is ripping him a new one for picking on METRO's employees. It's great stuff. I have renewed faith in my fellow Houstonians!

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I am ROFLMFAO ! Mr.Douchefino has some serious 'splaining to do ! I know 13 won't pull the plug on him anytime soon. I think the Editor at 13 is just as much to blame for this poor example of "journalism". Repremands all around !

I think Marvin Zindler got just as bad a rap when he exposed the "Chicken Ranch", which was truly a law being broken, but something that wasn't hurting ANYONE, but Marvin felt he had to do something, as much as it was misguided, he believed he was right, he survived the death threats. All Wayne is , is a "wannabe" but with those tiny feet of his, he will NEVER be able to fill even ONE of Marvin's shoes.

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At least METRO told him to piss off. Didn't the Toll Road Authority cave in and make employees start paying tolls?
ed emmitt asked METRO to explain the questions. evidently METRO is now reevaluating the family portion of the policy. you go wayne. Edited by musicman
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wow. I read at least the first sentence of about fifty entries on his blog. Only one was for WD.

tearin him a new one is a nice way of putting it.

evidently he's tearing someone else a new one because policy is being readdressed.. has anyone seen under priscilla's wig?

Edited by musicman
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musicman, spit out your metro haterade. The conclusion I got from the story is that metro is not changing its policy, nor should it. I also think that the toll authority should not have changed their policy. As a person who worked for a local (city) government in another state, I heard the whole "I'm a taxpayer...you work for me" type stuff. Well, here's your quarter back for the next twenty years of my employment, because that's about all it's worth.

People use the "my taxdollars" argument because they look at it as if they are entitled to make certain decisions (really meaning the ones they want to and/or aren't too lazy to figure out). At its basest level, the argument says, "hey, I pay into this common pot". People also argued on wayne's blog that metro employee discounts are different from airline or restaurant employee discounts because those entities are private. That's garbage.

Here's why...if I flew to Washington tomorrow, let's say the flight cost me $500. Now, does the flight actually cost $500 per person for that flight? No. Am I costing the airline $500 to carry me to D.C.? No. Really, the cost to hem is probably more like $400, and they get say $80 of that for profit and the other $20 to do what they wish--including hiring and retaining talent, using incentives such as offering free flights to employees. *gasp* you mean I am paying for an employee's FREE flight on the airlines? Yes. We don't think the airlines have some magic account that covers employees flights, do we? Of course not. We, the passengers (or shall I say, the investors in the airlines' pot called 'revenue') cover those flights.

I think airlines are an intersting example because if I remember correctly, they were bailed out after 9-11 to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars by...you guessed it...your and my tax dollars. And they haven't refunded us the money. Instead they are making increasing profits--which partly go to cover employee flights. Should we be outraged? No. It just comes with the territory.

By the way, maybe Judge Emmett could be rethinking the knee jerk reaction of cancelling toll authority employees perks of free use of the system. I hope they get to use it for free. We are delusional if we think that government employees of certain bodies can't use some parts of it for free. If a water company employee gets a discount on their rates...fine. If a municipal utility employee gets a discount--fine.

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1. on bloghouston, someone posted METRO statutes, and passes for employees and families appears to be written into the law. maybe WD should have read the statutes 1st.

2. do not ignore the possibility that this story airing at this time has something to do with those interests opposing the U Line on Richmond.

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Absolutely agree with Gov Aggie. No one ever got rich working for Harris County, Houston, Texas or METRO. The abuse heaped on these employees is ridiculous. I am also considering writing Judge Emmit to recommend not only leaving METRO's policy alone, but reversing the Toll Authority policy.

WD and his anti-government minions are completely off-base saying public and private entities are different. METRO competes with the private sector for employees. As private sector pay rises, taxpayers either have to pony up for increased salaries or offer other perks and benefits. I know that one of the main reasons I stayed at my far underpaid assistant DA job for 6 years was the insurance benefits and retirement. Otherwise, I could have doubled or even tripled my salary with a private law firm. This problem is not limited to METRO. HPD and the Sherrif cannot keep good officers or attract qualified candidates because the TAXPAYERS will not allow their elected officials to keep salaries competitive.

We get what we pay for. When the anti-tax, anti-government crowd gets their way, we lose cops, drive on crappy streets, get slower bus service and congested toll roads. Bridges in Minnesota fall down. All sorts of infrastructure declines. Just this week, I have read whiny, angry complaining posts on this forum about all of these problems. NOT ONE poster complained that we refuse to pay for this stuff. Every one of the posts blamed the underfunded government entities for the problem. Well, guess what, the piper is here. Time to pay up or shut up.

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I agree with Red Scare again, which is scary in itself. Most proffessionals working for a government agency can get better salaries in the private sector if they wanted to, however they like the security of working in the public sector. Using the City of Houston as an example; The city offered an attractive retirement beneifit at one time for employee retention. The "anti-taxers" convinced Mayor White to change that right after he was elected. These retirement benefits were the exact reason skilled professionals were attracted to work for the city in the first place. Most of them left when these benefits were cut. Those that stayed are disgruntled, and rightly so.

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I think Marvin Zindler got just as bad a rap when he exposed the "Chicken Ranch", which was truly a law being broken, but something that wasn't hurting ANYONE, but Marvin felt he had to do something, as much as it was misguided, he believed he was right, he survived the death threats. All Wayne is , is a "wannabe" but with those tiny feet of his, he will NEVER be able to fill even ONE of Marvin's shoes.

As MZ said later on, he didn't care in itself that there was a whorehouse over there. "We had plenty of them in Houston," he said.

It was the corruption of the local government over there abetting/patronizing the said establishment that he blew open.

As for this Metro thing - who cares?

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:o HAIF moderators get the ad-free version of HAIF for free. :o

...how could you????

We lowly HAIF peons must be visually assaulted by these advertisements that help make the site exist while these few chosen *oh-we're-so-cool* fatcats get this insurmountable luxury of not having a Ford Taurus ad on their page whenever they pull it up? Did you give them their computers too? Do you give them free cable Internet too?

Time for Wayne to expose HAIF for the cesspool of digital corruption it is!

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...how could you????

We lowly HAIF peons must be visually assaulted by these advertisements that help make the site exist while these few chosen *oh-we're-so-cool* fatcats get this insurmountable luxury of not having a Ford Taurus ad on their page whenever they pull it up? Did you give them their computers too? Do you give them free cable Internet too?

Time for Wayne to expose HAIF for the cesspool of digital corruption it is!

Ha ha ha ha!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!! :lol::P

Ahem, sorry about that. ^_^

It is not employees riding for free, but soon the employees will find a way to get their entire family and friends riding for free. That is the real problem!

In the big scheme of things, is it really that much of a problem? These guys don't make a lot of money, and have to take a lot of grief. It seems a bit churlish to begrudge them buss passes.

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How is getting more cars off the road a problem? Isn't that the point of mass transit?

But Metro employees do not drive cars. Metro gives them jetpacks on the public dime to get around when they're not riding the bus or rail for free.

This is to be covered in Part II of WD's Metro expose which will come out in ratings sweeps month.

Edited by BrewsterMcCloud
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