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HAIF Photo Contest One


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I'm starting a HAIF Photo Contest. This is the first in what I hope will be a series of contests that will help everyone share and enjoy the great photographic opportunities that exist in Houston.

I know, I know -- all you care about is the prize. Well, here it is:


It's a copy of the Seibido Mook 2008 Tokyo Architecture Best Guide. Straight from Japan. 128 thick, glossy pages showing what's going up next year in Japan. With pictures, maps, diagrams, and more. It's a fascinating look at development in the Land of the Rising Sun (Oh, God, did I just use that awful cliche?)

Here'a a few of the inside pages:




Sure, it's in Japanese -- but that's what makes it cool. And we all know architecture books are really all about the pictures, anyway.

Here's how the contest works:

Simply post a picture in this thread between now and October 1st. The picture has to be taken in the metropolitan Houston area, but can be of anything. There is no theme this time around. Pictures will be judged on artistic, not technical, merit. So it can be an HDR image of Houston at sunset, or a guy digging through a trash bin that you snapped with your camera phone. This time the contest is open to any topic.

After October 1st, my wife will pick what she thinks are the top five pictures. I'll then create a new thread and the members of HAIF will vote on which image they like the best. The image that gets the most votes by October 15th wins the book.

Now the fine print: You can enter as many images as you want, but only one image per photographer will be selected for the final five. Please post one image in each reply if possible. Yeah, the forum software will sometimes merge replies. I'll just have to deal with it. When you post, be sure to state under the photograph where it was taken and what we're looking at. You retain all rights to the images submitted, but in doing so you grant HAIF permission to use the image for promoting the web site. Specifically, I'd like to use some of the contest entries for backgrounds on the HAIF banner at the top of the site. Naturally, you will be given photo credit.

That's it. So get snapping, or if you already have a library of great Houston pics, get posting! I'm anxious to see what people come up with.

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Very interesting contest. But seeing some of Jax' work, I don't think I want to embarrass myself by even entering anything.

Come on in, Boris. The water's fine. How about reposting some of your recent market pics? They're cool.

Anyhow, the guy who dared to cross the gym floor to ask a girl to dance in 6th grade will put it out there again. I call this "CO2" - taken form Continental Flight #2 on approach to IAH January 31, 2007. I know...gratuitous nature pic. With Jax and Highway6, our HAIFers fresh off their really big show, not to mention Boris' talent at capturing life, I figured I would start high...really high.

Editor, are you sure we're not playing for an iPod here?



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Come on in, Boris. The water's fine. How about reposting some of your recent market pics? They're cool.

Anyhow, the guy who dared to cross the gym floor to ask a girl to dance in 6th grade will put it out there again. I call this "CO2" - taken form Continental Flight #2 on approach to IAH January 31, 2007. I know...gratuitous nature pic. With Jax and Highway6, our HAIFers fresh off their really big show, not to mention Boris' talent at capturing life, I figured I would start high...really high.

Editor, are you sure we're not playing for an iPod here?



Great picture. Glad to have the entry. Feel free to enter some more.

And no, the iPod is a different contest entirely.

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Great idea! This is going to be a lot of fun!Does the photo have to be taken between now and Oct, or can I post anything I've taken in the past?
New photos or old. Whatever you have. The only restriction is that it must have been snapped in the Houston area.
Great idea.. i'll definitely post a few.Though, i do wish there was a theme in this first competition... that would force most of us to go out and take fresh pics.As is, several of us could just post something from our best of collections... which i guess is okay.
That's the idea -- let people post their best pictures in this first contest. That way they won't feel weird of like they don't have a shot once we start having themes. I'd like to see as many people as possible try, rather than assume they can't win.
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Here's my first entry. The B&W version of a photo of mine in the Houstonist exhibit at the M2 Gallery in the Heights. It was taken on a rainy day in Southampton near North Blvd and Mandel.


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Here's my first entry. The B&W version of a photo of mine in the Houstonist exhibit at the M2 Gallery in the Heights. It was taken on a rainy day in Southampton near North Blvd and Mandel.

nice photo - and i love tree ferns (when they aren't all sizzled)

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Hwy.6 I like your shot alot, Great perspective. To me, the colors on the sculpture seem to represent the diversity of Houston, while the buildings represent the GROWTH of Houston, and the blue sky's represent our future. That's just me though.

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