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Perpetual Pet


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I accidently ran across this website and found it a little disturbing...


"Freeze-dry pet preservation creates a lasting memorial and more importantly, preserves your pet in a natural state thereafter, without any alteration in appearance. This allows pet owners to see, touch and hold their pets, and in a sense, "never have to let go." Best of all, freeze-dry pet preservation results in the preservation of your pet's actual, physical body. This is in sharp contrast to the conventional method of taxidermy, in which only the outer hide of the animal typically remains, attached to a plastic form or other type of artificial mounting."


"The animal is carefully prepared and posed, supported by a custom made framework. It is then placed into a sealed vacuum chamber at extremely low temperature. Over time, frozen moisture is slowly converted into a gaseous state, and then extracted. The larger the subject, the greater the amount of moisture to be extracted. Typically, a small cat or dog will take 10 to 12 weeks. Larger pets will take a longer period of time, perhaps as much as 6 months in the case of a very large dog. However, all pets are unique, and sometimes take a bit more or less time than expected."

Wow! This is just as I remember "Cisco"...always chillin' and listening to his Ipod. :blink:


Edited by gnu
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i feel sad for symba...

The only thing is, my other 2 cats know its Snuffy, but they just can't understand why he doesn't move. Its

really pretty funny. My girl cat "Symba" can't understand how Snuffy came back. She just keeps creeping up

on him to see if he's going to swat her like he used too.

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I think the world of my dog, but this is disgusting! Why not freeze dry Gramps, too? You could prop him up in the LazyBoy, with Cujo curled up at his feet. Then, you could talk to him, discussing deep matters, such as, "Gramps, how come none of my friends come over to visit anymore?"

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this was haunting me this afternoon, so i had to go back and read more :P

my favorite quotes:

Even from a distance of a mere couple of feet or so, it will be difficult to tell any difference at all, save the lack of movement.

If not subjected to subsequent damage (dirt, spills, stains, weather, mistreatment, etc.) there should be no further change or deterioration. With a little care, your pet can be held, carried, transported, and even gently petted.



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In fact it wouldn't surprise me if after your take home your freeze dried pet they attach a sound box. Just press on the paw and you get a meow or a ruff! Sort of like ring tones?

Take it for walks? Attach little wheels to the bottoms of the footsies and roll away. Even put one of those little funnels on the pup. You could still walk to a fire hydrant or tree. Take to family reunions, have portraits made.

If it help's the illusion then why not?

Place on a rocking chair by the window? :wacko:

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