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Houston The Indian/south Aisan Mecca Of American?


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I was watching Nightline last night and they were talking about how Bollywood in India is the largest movie maker in the world not Hollywood. Then they showed how Americans were bringing Bollywood to America. Then he said something like "it might surprise you where most South Asian Idians are moving to when they come to America." Then they showed a shout of Houston. When they came back from comercial break, they showed how Houston is a Mecca for indian and South Asians. They talked about Indian American movies being shout in Houston, Magazines headquartered there such as Bibi Magizine for Indians and so much more. Did anyone else see this?


Also the other day WorldNews Tonight, was shout in Houston, And they will have a special on next week about the Worlds Largest Medical Center, The Texas Medical Center, and how it influnces Health across the United States.

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I live for the day that a positive fact is revealed about Houston that doesn't begin with the phrase: "It may surprise you..." Houston is a major US city and an international center. Why should this surprise anyone?

I'm anxious to see the report on the Med Center.


Sorry, you made me laugh, because, you are so right!

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Hmmm. I did not know that. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Med Cntr attracting young Indian doctors, of which there seem to be a large number of.

They seem to have a good education ethic and are very entrepreneurial.

But do we really need anymore Quickie Marts?...... :P Now, now, just a joke!

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I live for the day that a positive fact is revealed about Houston that doesn't begin with the phrase: "It may surprise you..." Houston is a major US city and an international center. Why should this surprise anyone?

I was thinking the samething. why is everyone so suprissed about Houston? All of my cousins from California are always supprised. They all love Texas and want to move here. Some of them are planning on it. But anyway they where always suprised in the past but now they realize what Houston and Texas in general is about.

I have family here in Bryan/ College Station that don't know all of the ends and outs of Houston. A few years back alot of them went on a trip to Boston and had so much fun there. They told me about where they went and how they loved the resturant they ate at called the Cheese Cake Factory and how they wished we had that kind of stuff in Texas. That's when it hit me on how ignorant people are about Houston and Texas in general, even people that live Here. I laughed and told them Houston has 2 Cheese Cake Factory's. (Another under construction makes 3)

Many people don't know about Houston, many people in my family have only seen Houston form the freeways and the suburbs, because we never really went into the city.

A few months back I drove my Aunt to Houston to Help her son move into his apartment, we past by the Galleria and she was like where are we I did not know Houston had anything like this, she was so excited, and feel in love with the area.

About a week later I rode with her husband to Houston and He thought Uptown was Downtown, because it was so big, he did not realize Houston had anything like that.

Many people just don't know, they don't venture out and see the real city like I have always done. My family use to never think of Houston as a place to go for fun until I helped them, It was always Austin, or Dallas, And we only live less than 100 miles from Houston.

Also many people from Bryan College Station that come to Houston with me don't know the variety of radio stations in Houston. Usually we listen to Magic 102.1 or 97.9 the Boxx (because they can kind of be heard in Bryan College Station), but what many of them did not realize until I showed them was there are more urban stations like Power 97.5, 95.7 The Wave, Party 104.9, and many more.

Ignorance From Out Of Towners Could Be Hurting Houston!

It seems people from other countries know more about Houston than people here in the United States!

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I was thinking the samething. why is everyone so suprissed about Houston? All of my cousins from California are always supprised. They all love Texas and want to move here. Some of them are planning on it. But anyway they where always suprised in the past but now they realize what Houston and Texas in general is about.

I have family here in Bryan/ College Station that don't know all of the ends and outs of Houston. A few years back alot of them went on a trip to Boston and had so much fun there. They told me about where they went and how they loved the resturant they ate at called the Cheese Cake Factory and how they wished we had that kind of stuff in Texas. That's when it hit me on how ignorant people are about Houston and Texas in general, even people that live Here. I laughed and told them Houston has 2 Cheese Cake Factory's. (Another under construction makes 3)

Many people don't know about Houston, many people in my family have only seen Houston form the freeways and the suburbs, because we never really went into the city.

A few months back I drove my Aunt to Houston to Help her son move into his apartment, we past by the Galleria and she was like where are we I did not know Houston had anything like this, she was so excited, and feel in love with the area.

About a week later I rode with her husband to Houston and He thought Uptown was Downtown, because it was so big, he did not realize Houston had anything like that.

Many people just don't know, they don't venture out and see the real city like I have always done. My family use to never think of Houston as a place to go for fun until I helped them, It was always Austin, or Dallas, And we only live less than 100 miles from Houston.

Also many people from Bryan College Station that come to Houston with me don't know the variety of radio stations in Houston. Usually we listen to Magic 102.1 or 97.9 the Boxx (because they can kind of be heard in Bryan College Station), but what many of them did not realize until I showed them was there are more urban stations like Power 97.5, 95.7 The Wave, Party 104.9, and many more.

Ignorance From Out Of Towners Could Be Hurting Houston!

It seems people from other countries know more about Houston than people here in the United States!

Yeah, many people have negative perception of Houston, even those in Texas. I follow another forum regularly (www.fodors.com/forums) and someone wanted to travel to Texas and asked for advice about where to go and what to do. Some jerk who responsed had something good to say about every place in Texas from El Paso to Padre Island. Yet, the last sentence of his post was "but avoid Houston. Its worst than Detroit." I can pretty much guarantee that the poster had never been to Houston or Detroit or both since then he would never have made such an uneducated remark.

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My parents immigrated to the U.S. in 1968. That was a few years after the 1965 Immigration Act. Pretty much the top cities in population in the US are meccas for South Asians. I know New York/Jersey, Chicago, Philly, Detroit are good examples. Dallas has a good population as well. I do know that Atlanta is up and coming, mainly being populated from South Asians from New York/Jersey/Chicago as well as first generation immigrants. I think that's a weather issue :) . It was for my parents, hehe. My family is scattered around the country, Bakersfield-California, Chicago, Atlanta, Philly, Denver, Oklahoma City, Dallas, DC and Houston.

Article about the immigration

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Two of my siblings are dating Viet's both of which live elsewhere in the states but whose families immigrated from asia to orange county and then to sugarland (as stated by 27). I've always thought it was a wild coincidense.

... which I soon forget about as soon as the food hits the table... mmmm

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I was thinking the samething. why is everyone so suprissed about Houston? All of my cousins from California are always supprised. They all love Texas and want to move here. Some of them are planning on it.

I'm from No CA but lived in Los Angeles in the 80s and had the same, vague, generic idea that a lot of Californians have, and probably a lot of others have, about Houston. A bunch of cowboys, backwards and somehow inferior in many ways to "us".

I remember when the first positive seed was planted in my mind regarding Houston. I drove a cab in LA in 1988 and used to work the cab stand at the Sheraton Grande downtown in the mornings, hoping to grab an airport trip. If I got stuck in line long enough, sometimes I'd end up taking ballplayers to Dodger Stadium. The Astros used to stay there and one day I had a young Ken Caminiti, who was also from No CA . I said something about how it must be nice to be in the majors and then said, with kind of a smirking tone, "but Houston?". He looked at me with a straight face and said. "I like Houston".

4 years later when a job opportunity came up, I flew out to check it out and decided Houston was cool, and am glad I did.

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Same here Danax. I'm from N. Cali... I thought it was going to be horses and tumbleweeds, I kid you not.

On a side note, Caminiti was a relative of mine by marriage. Never met the guy though.

I know. We were a bunch of snobs out there, just thinking there was no better spot on earth. If they only knew....

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I know. We were a bunch of snobs out there, just thinking there was no better spot on earth. If they only knew....

Growing up in Cali I really had no idea that there was a life outside the state and now it would be pretty hard to get me to return.

My brother lives out there in Rodando Beach and I try to get him to leave it all the time. He's got the blinders on.

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  • 1 year later...

This thread is way old, but I thought I'd throw in my little story as well. And maybe others who haven't seen this thread may have theirs too.

But I went to school in LA for four years and one day I was telling someone about Houston and how we rode horses on dirty roads and junk like that and they actually believed me, no lie.

Kind of like that other Californian who thought it was fully of tumble weeds.

And I think some of us native Houstonians kind of put ourselves down, thinking that our city isn't as great as others. On the contrary, sometimes I don't think we realize how good we do actually have it. I think we're so used to it and assume that other places are so much greater when in reality, there may be other benefits in other cities, people there may think the same thing about Houston if they've ever been.

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  • 4 weeks later...
And I think some of us native Houstonians kind of put ourselves down, thinking that our city isn't as great as others. On the contrary, sometimes I don't think we realize how good we do actually have it. I think we're so used to it and assume that other places are so much greater when in reality, there may be other benefits in other cities, people there may think the same thing about Houston if they've ever been.

The longer we keep this place a secret, the longer our cost of living will stay below the national average. There's a reason why a home in California that would cost 600k, only cost 150k here. I hope we can keep it that way.

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