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Jerry Falwell Dead at 73


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I wish his family all the best. Death isn't ever easy.

That said, I LOVE the fact that most of the younger posters had NO CLUE as to who this man was until he died. That gives me great hope for the future!

I wonder what will happen to Liberty University (if anything)?

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I wish his family all the best. Death isn't ever easy.

That said, I LOVE the fact that most of the younger posters had NO CLUE as to who this man was until he died. That gives me great hope for the future!

I wonder what will happen to Liberty University (if anything)?

I think Liberty University will become less conservative; this trend began and occurred before Falwell's death.

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I agree, Kinkaid. He has been somewhat irrelevant since the mid 90's. Perhaps some of his more outrageous comments were done so he can have SOME coverage.

Having believed that those that usually protest the loudest generally are guilty of doing the same thing, it's my belief that he would qualify fit that category. Lord knows what secrets he's taken to the grave.

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Can't say I liked either his religion or his politics, but his impact on both in the last few decades was undeniable.

Years ago, I saw a cartoon in Hustler magazine. It was a sign on a highway that said: "Welcome to Lynchburg, Virginia. Set your watches back 200 years."

Ironically, Lynchburg, Virginia was the campaign headquarters for Democrat Lyndon LaRouche. He believed that all AIDS victims should be quarantined and the Queen Elizabeth of England was involved in drug trafficking.

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