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Neutral Site College Football Games

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The big news in D/FW this week is a budding feud between Dallas mayor Laura Miller and Dallas Cowboys Owner, Jerry Jones. After heralding the $50 million restoration of the historic Cotton Bowl stadium in Fair Park, Laura Miller announced that Texas and OU had renewed their contract to play in that stadium until the year 2015. Along with that matchup, the annual PV vs. Grambling game will remain at the CB. Miller was set to announce another big matchup between Texas Tech and Oklahoma State, however this week Jerry Jones flew to Lubbock to entice Texas Tech officials to establish a neutral site series at JerryWorld. Rumor has it that Texas Tech and Texas A&M are still negotiating a possible game in Dallas, and the JerryWorld site might provide a lucrative enough matchup to entice the Ags to give up a home game. The Aggie AD, Bill Byrne, is in favor of the move, yet the fanbase isn't. They may change their minds when they're left out of that picture, allowing two more schools to get feature billing in one of the hottest recruiting grounds in the nation.

Anyway you slice it, such a game whether it be Texas Tech vs. OSU or Texas Tech vs. A&M provides $4 Million windfall to each school, that's essentially the same or more than is usually taken home during a BCS bowl appearance.

Question: Should the city of Houston get into the mix to try and attract big neutral site matchup? Obviously Dallas thinks the economic impact is significant. They make a ton off of the Texas/OU weekend. Why not Houston? I would think a Texas A&M vs. LSU matchup at Reliant would be a no-brainer.

Edited by mrfootball
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Question: Should the city of Houston get into the mix to try and attract big neutral site matchup? Obviously Dallas thinks the economic impact is significant. They make a ton off of the Texas/OU weekend. Why not Houston? I would think a Texas A&M vs. LSU matchup at Reliant would be a no-brainer.

There are a few problems with the Houston scenario;

1) Texas ATM is just too close to Houston for a neutral site game to make much sense. B/CS is pretty much an extension of Northwest Houston. Hell, the Aggies would have to take down their signs offering "big time college football" an hour away.

2) Texas Tech doesn't draw all that well in Houston historically. I am not sure the Raiders could sell half of Reliant even in their best year.

3) Texas and Rice have signed a multi-year agreement for games in Austin and Houston. It's a continuation of the series which typically sees two games in Austin and one in Reliant every 3 years. Last year's game was a disaster attendance wise (announced 45,000 but the national tv audience was greeted by no more than 25,000 actual butts in the seats). A series with Houston would make way more sense and would certainly draw more fans but UT isn't going to play UH anymore and I don't think many UH fans care all that much after years of being bullied by the big monied Whorns.

4) LSU used to have a long standing series with Rice. They also had a more recent one with ATM. However, with Tiger Stadium now seating 92,000, they'd lose a ton of money coming to Reliant. UH has been trying for years to get the Tigers to town.

5) Houston just isn't a Big 12 city. It's too far from all of the North Division schools and Baylor, Tech, and OSU are just not high named draws. Want proof? Check the online photos for the Big 12 championship game that didn't involve Texas!

The best bet for college football in Houston is to hope that UH continues to improve on the field. UH can draw when they have a good year and people are interested in the opponent. Heck, UH's last game with Miami in Reliant (a national team that doesn't travel well) when UH wasn't particularly anything more than mediocre drew as many actual fans as last year's Texas vs. Rice game.

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The LSU-A&M series was proposed here back in the 1970s and again in the 1980s, but now with both schools having huge investments in their on-campus stadiums, it makes no sense now.

Far cry from the 1950s when Bear Bryant would play Rice in Houston every year.

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The big news in D/FW this week is a budding feud between Dallas mayor Laura Miller and Dallas Cowboys Owner, Jerry Jones. After heralding the $50 million restoration of the historic Cotton Bowl stadium in Fair Park, Laura Miller announced that Texas and OU had renewed their contract to play in that stadium until the year 2015. Along with that matchup, the annual PV vs. Grambling game will remain at the CB. Miller was set to announce another big matchup between Texas Tech and Oklahoma State, however this week Jerry Jones flew to Lubbock to entice Texas Tech officials to establish a neutral site series at JerryWorld. Rumor has it that Texas Tech and Texas A&M are still negotiating a possible game in Dallas, and the JerryWorld site might provide a lucrative enough matchup to entice the Ags to give up a home game. The Aggie AD, Bill Byrne, is in favor of the move, yet the fanbase isn't. They may change their minds when they're left out of that picture, allowing two more schools to get feature billing in one of the hottest recruiting grounds in the nation.

Anyway you slice it, such a game whether it be Texas Tech vs. OSU or Texas Tech vs. A&M provides $4 Million windfall to each school, that's essentially the same or more than is usually taken home during a BCS bowl appearance.

Question: Should the city of Houston get into the mix to try and attract big neutral site matchup? Obviously Dallas thinks the economic impact is significant. They make a ton off of the Texas/OU weekend. Why not Houston? I would think a Texas A&M vs. LSU matchup at Reliant would be a no-brainer.

I think an Aggie - Tiger game in Houston would be great. Houston would just have to put on a show along with the game that it doesn't usually step up to do. I mean a Main Event for the game weekend like during the Super Bowl which would create that party atmosphere you need and people swear up and down Houston doesn't have. I do believe these would be the most obvious schools, I'd bet that Houston is home to more Aggies than any other city in the Big 12 and that Houston is home to more Tigers than any other city in the SEC oustide Louisiana.

I'd hate to see more games go to Dallas when Houston has better infrastructure already in place.

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I went to the Texas/OU RRS every year when I was at UT. It is the greatest college football game anywhere. In fact, the game is half the draw. I think I would prefer the 90,000 seat renovated Cotton Bowl in a Texas State Fair atmosphere. But if Dallas and Arlington get into a bidding war, let it go to the highest bidder. Either way it works out well for Tech as D/FW is a Tech bastion (the same way Houston is an A&M bastion), they'll have no trouble selling their alotment.

I think the only matchup that could work for Houston is a UT vs. LSU or an A&M vs. LSU matchup.

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Trust me, NCAA football in an NFL stadium is not all it's cracked up to be.

I gotta' agree with Midtown here. One of the great advantages college football has over the NFL is the superior atmosphere. You start taking games away from campus sites, you're going to lose that and you'll basically have an NFL game with college athletes.

I really don't think the Aggies have a burning desire to play State anyway.

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A $4 million payout is not that big a deal when a sold out home game can bring $7 million, plus concessions and parking. Additionally, travel and expensewise, it is still an away game. However, if it does not count as a home game, that may free up the schedule for an additional home game. I don't know the specifics, but if there is money to be made, Bill Byrne will be all over it.

As for recruiting, somehow I find it hard to believe that A&M needs a game at JerryWorld to recruit Dallas. Not to mention that there is only one Texas/OU game. Everything else would be a distant second. And, I don't care how fancy the stadium is, a college game played in a suburb is a bigtime dud. The only way to enjoy it would be to stay in Dallas or Ft. Worth and drive over on game day....lame.

Overall, I don't see it as a winner. Exhibit Number One is the fact that Texas wanted to drop their game with OU and go to a home and home schedule. If DeLoss Dodds thinks it sucks, that tells me it would suck for A&M, as well.

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Of course Texas/OU weekend is great. Tradition. I lived in Big D and that entire week is crazy with the D/FW Fair and all.

Houston has played Texas Tech a few times in San Antonio. At least in SA there is something to do after the game.

But OSU/TT in Arlington?

Maybe after the game y'all could hang out in the parking lot a Chili's!

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I've been to all of Houston's games at Reliant. They SUCK in comparison to Roberston Stadium.

Reasons why?

1) Cost. It's a lot more at Reliant and the universities see less return

2) Tailgating. Reliant is very strict. In fact, they have a ONE HOUR policy after the game (is it really a good idea to force thousands of drunk drivers on the road all at once?).

3) Size of venue. It is simply too big. Just look at last year, after Texas lost ONE game, the place was less than half full. Granted, Rice brought 319 fans but still!!!

4) Atmosphere. It's simply way better on a college campus. Traditions are lost. Familiarity with environment is lost. Size of spirit groups are limited on the sidelines. You don't sit near the regulars you are used to. There are too many distractions from multiple adds and things of that nature.

5) Reliant can rip you off. When the first Rice vs. UH game was played at Reliant, I purchased tickets for the club level. When we arrived at the game, virtually all amenities were closed. The restaurants were closed. All bars except for one were closed (the lines were horrendous). I will never forgive Reliant for that type of highway robbery.

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I've been to all of Houston's games at Reliant. They SUCK in comparison to Roberston Stadium.

Reasons why?

1) Cost. It's a lot more at Reliant and the universities see less return

2) Tailgating. Reliant is very strict. In fact, they have a ONE HOUR policy after the game (is it really a good idea to force thousands of drunk drivers on the road all at once?).

3) Size of venue. It is simply too big. Just look at last year, after Texas lost ONE game, the place was less than half full. Granted, Rice brought 319 fans but still!!!

4) Atmosphere. It's simply way better on a college campus. Traditions are lost. Familiarity with environment is lost. Size of spirit groups are limited on the sidelines. You don't sit near the regulars you are used to. There are too many distractions from multiple adds and things of that nature.

5) Reliant can rip you off. When the first Rice vs. UH game was played at Reliant, I purchased tickets for the club level. When we arrived at the game, virtually all amenities were closed. The restaurants were closed. All bars except for one were closed (the lines were horrendous). I will never forgive Reliant for that type of highway robbery.

I'd have to agree, a big neutral college game would do better at Rice Stadium than at Reliant. However, if coupled with downtown activities and parties, I still think a game between LSU and TAMU would work. The Ags haven't played in Houston in years, old Ags all over Houston would love a chance to see them play in town.

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Aggy won't play UH or Rice, but they sure love their home games with Citadel and Sisters of the Weak.

That's funny, I thought they were all in the same conference.

BTW, to anyone who isn't MidtownCoog, I'm just trying to rile him up. I'm actually a UH and Rice fan, hence the name "ProHouston." MidtownCoog is talking smack out of jealousy.

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Just a clarification for Redscare, $4 Million is nothing to sneeze at. Consider that A&M and UT usually don't clear that much for a sold out home game (sure there's a significant economic impact to the community in addition to that). Add to that, with a neutral site game, both schools get the payout annually as opposed to the home team getting the gate every other year. So instead of each school making $2 million every two years, they're making $6-$8 million each during that period.

Latest articles:

"Bidding War big moneymaker for OSU-Tech" - Tulsa World Herald

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From what I understand, the whole reason the A&M/LSU series was called off had something to do with LSU not holding up their part of the bargain with regards to payouts. Whether or not they'll decide to make bygones be bygones remains to be seen. It would be a fun matchup to watch.

As per UT's shunning of UH, I'd be pretty upset if I was UH. As I recall, UT was miffed that UH wanted to play that ballgame at their on-campus stadium a few years back. UH put up some temporary bleachers in anticipation of a huge crowd, and UT balked saying they didn't think they were safe. UT went on to make a stink about it, saying they'd never play UH again unless it was at Reliant.

I don't blame UH for wanting to play the game at their on-campus facility. But it certainly makes it a tough sell to bring in big-name non-conference opponents if you don't have enough seats to sell to make it financially worthwhile (non-conference games require the home team to pay the visiting team). A bigger stadium enables you to bring in big name opponents.

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The LSU/A&M series in football did end with controversy. The Aggies claim that LSU reneged on a home date owed A&M and LSU denies this. So the two aren't exactly killing themselves to reschedule.

As for a neutral site game in Houston, I think it could work no problem, given that:

1) Having Houston close to A&M (98 miles) is no worse than having Jacksonville close to the University of Florida (79 miles) as it relates to the Florida/Georgia game. In fact, Baton Rouge is closer to Houston (271 miles) than Athens, GA is to Jacksonville (342 miles), so a precedent would definitely have been set already.

2) LSU has a pretty large alumni here in Houston, the largest outside of Baton Rouge or New Orleans.

3) It's less tedious for fans/players as a potential road game than playing at Florida State (A&M) or Arizona State (LSU). Thus both schools can kind of give their travel budgets a break every couple of years. On the other hand, I'll readily admit that both schools will give up a certain percentage in revenue by holding the game away from their venue.

But anyway, I think it's doable if not for the animosity that still exists over the breakdown of the series back in the early 90s.

EDIT: I'll also admit that it's easier for Fl/Ga and UT/OU to play each other every year because they're already conference games. LSU/A&M would require some non-conference schedule tinkering, which can be a lot more tedious.

Edited by The Great Hizzy!
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EDIT: I'll also admit that it's easier for Fl/Ga and UT/OU to play each other every year because they're already conference games. LSU/A&M would require some non-conference schedule tinkering, which can be a lot more tedious.

This is true but also remember UT/OU wasn't always a conference game until Texas joined the Big 12 from the SWC.

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Aggy won't play UH or Rice, but they sure love their home games with Citadel and Sisters of the Weak.

I remember Coach Fraud poo-pooing his OOC SOS the same year they refused to play UH.

But I understand you have to keep the Gomers happy.

Maybe the Coogs oughta focus on beating the Ragin' Cajuns first ;)

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Just a clarification for Redscare, $4 Million is nothing to sneeze at. Consider that A&M and UT usually don't clear that much for a sold out home game (sure there's a significant economic impact to the community in addition to that). Add to that, with a neutral site game, both schools get the payout annually as opposed to the home team getting the gate every other year. So instead of each school making $2 million every two years, they're making $6-$8 million each during that period.

Latest articles:

"Bidding War big moneymaker for OSU-Tech" - Tulsa World Herald

Not sure exactly what Texas and A&M clear for home games, but I know that A&M currently charges $80 a ticket for the Tech game. At 86,000 fans, that is almost $6.9 million. There is also concessions and parking revenue to be added in, as well as marketing. While $4 million (minus travel expenses) is nothing to sneeze at, I suspect A&M home games with Texas, OU, Tech and Nebraska all clear substantially more than $4 million. Whether it is TWICE that, I don't know.

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A&M, with the 12th Man foundation, handles ALL aspects of the football operations from tickets, concessions, etc. unlike some schools where concessions are handled through a third party, parking is under university police, etc.

I sat in a meeting once with the 12th Man Foundation and they had to buy all new equipment when they took over the stadium concessions in 05 or so....I assume the transition is done and with suites sold out, parking revenue, tickets, etc. A&M is making a nice little profit.

LSU makes too much cash to even think about moving a game....they damn near have 6 to 7 home games per year and the fans expect plenty of home games..

I've been in the college scene for quite some time...pro stadiums for college games suck but Laura Miller is the one who let Cowboys Stadium get away for ignorance. The Cotton Bowl is a great venue in my opinion as it offers great atmosphere...renovations are slowly coming but it's close to the action.

What people don't realize is that when you play in pro stadiums, you play by their rules....they charge you for EVERYTHING

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What people don't realize is that when you play in pro stadiums, you play by their rules....they charge you for EVERYTHING

Which is why UH left the Astrodome, and why we're reluctant to go back to Reliant Stadium even for occasional games. Even though the schools are getting charged to play there, the level of service at Reliant for a college game is horrendous.

Remember the hour-long lines to buy tickets to the Bayou Bucket a few years back?

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I hate Reliant with a passion...we've played there since it opened and they won't let you use the copy machines unless you pay, phone lines cost more than my rent, your forced to feed the media high azz press box food..the ushers also look at you when you turn EVERY CORNER like your Bin Laden....don't touch the grass...you have a one-way ticket out...

ticket prices aren't reasonable and parking is ridiculous now....it's designed for major pro events or THE big-time college game...for local schools, you do better playing somewhere else but if you don't have a stadium in Houston your backed into a corner..Rice and UH aren't as friendly with their stadium rentals like they used to be

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