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Luv Ya Blue!

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Who remembers the Luv Ya Blue days? Well I sure do because we had season tickets during that era. Here are some pictures I found that I took at the dome during that era.



Now, for a bit of trivia. Those pom-poms were first handed out during the Miami Dolphins game that took place on Monday Night Football. Actually, that is the first and only time they were handed out for free. After that game you had purchase them. I think they were a couple of bucks, or something like that. Houston won that game 35-30.

However, I think the pictures above were taken during one of those pep rallys they had after Houston lost to Pittsburgh. Look at the first picture, the seats are empty, so it had to be during the pep rally. However I remember sitting elsewhere during the pep rallys (rallies, whatever). I do have more, let me look them up.


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Guest Marty

Cool B) thanks for sharing your photo's, My fondest memories is listening to a Oilers game on the radio in my peppal's 1956 Ford truck going northbound on Hardy street (1980) after a hair cut from the Barber Shop on Airline and Little York. :D

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Why is everyone waving around cotton candy?

Actually that does look like cotton candy. They are actually blue and white pom-poms that were handed out before the start of the game. I should have made that entirely clear. Like I had mentioned before I have a lot more pictures from those days which I would like to share once I find them.


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Hard to explain now how crazy Houston was for the old Oilers of the late 1970s. I was in high school in those days and I can still remember how electric those days were.

Nevertheless, I always preferred these uniforms:


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Remeber poster boards the paper had each week? My 6th grade teacher had them all over her room.

I remeber the sea of blue on Monday Night Football vs. the Steelers. I also remember staying up late to watch that Miami game.

I have the "Houston Oilers" 45 and also Carl Mauck's "Cannonball Run" or something like that.

I even have a can of Kenny Stabler's Snake Venom Cola. Wat that after Luv Ya Blue?

Edited by MidtownCoog
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Remember those Luv Ya Blue welcoming parties after the Oilers lost the conference championships? The team rode in on buses on the floor of the dome. I can remember everyone going wild and stomping their feet for what seemed like forever -- it felt as if the dome would collapse. I kept my Luv Ya Blue pom poms for almost 20 years.

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Man, I was loving the Oilers long before the Luv Ya Blue days, back when it was haaaaaaaaaarrrrd to love em. Back when they had back-to-back 1-13 seasons. Back when they had Hoyle Granger and Jerry Levias; Pastorini and Dickey.

Carl Mauck was a trip, one of my favorite Oilers.

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