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Everything posted by Houston19514

  1. I think the Club Quarters is available to non-members on weekends. I could be wrong, but that was my impression. I was thinking of trying to stay there on my next visit as well.
  2. No, dammit! ;-) Although right now I have a lead on possible job with Shell, so I'm hoping my phone will ring any day now... We will now return to your regularly scheduled programming. Sorry for the interruption.
  3. . . . As does almost EVERY other building in town. While $500 per square foot is not an unheard of price in the Houston luxury high-rise market, it is far from typical.
  4. FWIW, their website is still up and taking reservations, or at least appears to be doing so.
  5. Where in the today's article does it specify one highrise? It appears to me that the plans are not yet that specific. It mentions "several hundred high-rise residential units, a hotel, four-story apartments and brownstones". They never say that they are going to put several hundred high-rise residential units and a hotel all in one building. It may well involve several high-rise structures. Ed Wulfe is a retail developer, not a residential or hotel developer. He will work with, sell or lease land to hotel and residential developers.
  6. I can't find a link right now, but I've read in the past that there are 150,000 - 160,000 jobs in downtown Houston.
  7. Texaco Heritage Plaza is one of my favorite buildings anywhere. I think it's beautiful. While it does not have a "tunnel" connection, it is connected to the downtown tunnel system by way of a skywalk. There are a number of buildings downtown that, for one reason or another, either chose to or were forced to use skywalk connections rather than tunnel connections.Texaco Heritage Plaza Actually, compared to a lot of other downtown buildings, the name changes have been pretty minor. So far I believe, it has been known only by two names and the change between these two was pretty minor: (1) Heritage Plaza (2) Texaco Heritage Plaza (and I presume a third name change, or at least a reversion to the original "Heritage Plaza" name will be coming soon) Compare that to, for example: Allied Bank Plaza --> First Interstate Bank Plaza --> Wells Fargo Plaza or Texas Commerce Tower --> Chase Tower --> JPMorgan Chase Tower or RepublicBank Center --> NCNB Center --> NationsBank Center --> Bank of America Center
  8. The plans for the Texaco building have always included a residential component; both when it was originally slated to be a Ritz-Carlton and in the second iteration when it was slated to be a Renaissance.
  9. Neither METRO nor HCTRA are private entities. They are both entirely public.
  10. When one throws out nonsense like a "1200-1500' wide river of concrete" for the Grand Parkway, one starts losing credibility. I don't think there is a freeway in all of Houston that uses a 1200-1500' ROW, or anything even very close to that.
  11. Copyright notice and "disclaimer" copied from the bottom of the website: Copyright 2002-2004 Absolutely Reliable News & Rumors. Pieces written by the Supreme Commander and Eternal Fuzzy Friend (read: the editor in chief) except where indicated by inscrutable initials. By the way, in case you're really not too sharp, this is satire.
  12. That's pretty funny. I hope you all realize that was a parody, and not actually from Six Flags.
  13. Back to the subject... I agree. Every time I see that publication I want to storm the office of the GHCVB and ask them what the heck they are thinking? Why would you put giant "OVB" on the cover of your visitors' guide, like those letters mean anything to anyone?!?! And further on the general incompentency of the GHCVB, I've for years been amazed they don't make ANY use of the huge potential at George Bush Intercontinental Airport. A person can spend hours at that airport and never know what city they are in. More than 35 million people travel through that airport every year, all of them captive for some amount of time, many of them never leave the airport, and are just there to change planes. Couldn't the GHCVB at least let them know where they are?
  14. The Chronicle has published a lot of ignorant articles over its history, and this one has to be near the top of the scale of ignorance. The addition to the convention center was not completed until late 2003 and they put out data showing attendance at convention center events dropped between 1999 and 2003, BEFORE the addition was even completed. And from that they conclude that the expansion of the convention center was not worth the expense. Sheesh. Do these people even read the garbage they write?
  15. I have been telling people for many years that Houston is America's best-kept secret.
  16. I snicker just a bit every time I see a reference to the "High Five." I can't help it. It just cracks me up that Dallas is so excited to be getting their first five-level stack interchange that they had a contest to name the thing. LOL
  17. Very interesting and impressive Glen. I've never enjoyed a 'rant' so much. ;-) I noticed that all of the highest-paid departments work 52-53 hour weeks. How much of a pay raise is the Mayor proposing?
  18. But the Metro positions are appointed by people you vote for. (and I guess that means Metro had to be in on the conspiracy too; I failed to include them in my earlier post). And we all know that Metro has never run behind on anything else it has ever done... ;-)
  19. Oh, yes, how could I have forgotten about that grand conspiracy whereby the city of Houston, the road construction contractors and all of their subcontractors, probably TxDOT, Harris County, Harris County/Houston Sports Authority, Harris County Sports and Convention Corporation, the Houston Texans, and the evil Reliant Energy all got together with the grand plan of tearing up Main Street three years before the completion of Reliant Stadium and leaving it torn up until the completion of Reliant Stadium, all for the purpose of driving out certain businesses. Whatever, man. That is just looney. Again, it's not like delays in road construction projects are unusual... Are all such delays part of some grand conspiracy, or was there something unique about this one? (In spite of your track record on "facts", I'm just accepting your recitation of the time it took to conduct the Main Street widening and improvements) And for what it's worth, it's also a democracy that decides who our elected officials are going to be. And it was those democratically-elected officials who conducted the Main Street widening/improvement project. That is no less legitimate than a democratically-imposed zoning. It appears that "gentrification done by forcing business out is wrong but legal" unless it fits into LarryDallas' master plan.
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