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Everything posted by hydepark

  1. I saw the sign hanging over the balconey too.... Sort of like the lemons painted on a condo window not far from there. Look at it now. I hope this banner is no indication of things to come. I woud love to talk to the owner so I could know the real story.
  2. :ph34r: The TRCC is no help. We can no longer get help form Deceptive Trade Practices Act either. Even though the TRCC laws are retroactive back to 1993 and my contract was fraud, it doesn't matter because if the arbitration clause is in the contract...which it is in all new homes in Texas. The arbitration contract can not be voided. You can not sue. You no longer have any seventh amendment rights. I have been trying to sue for fraud for 2 years. You have no recourse agasinst a builder, no matter what he does to you. even if you house is so bad you can't live in it. No one in this state will help you and attorneys can't help, except cost you more money. The laws of Texas are against you. Sadly more and more people are finding this out the hard way. No one believes you in the beginng until they have a major problem and then the vortex of buck passing is endless, until you exhaust yourself and funds. Texas is not the home of the American Dream. The builder won't sue me for slander because I am telling the truth and he is afraid to go to court because all that he has done would be made public knowledge.
  3. After I watched Slick Perry kick off his campaign at the Greater Houston Homebuilder Ass, and smiley Ken DeLay walk in to show his support, I realized....I would rather stand in the street and scream for Carol or Kinky. They sure couldn't do a worse job. Homebuilders willl take care of Perry and his campagin and he knows it. Unfortunantley, all you need in this state is the builders' backing and you win. That is to all our detriment. See the websight Clean up Texas Politics and you can see just who the builders want elected. One thing about Strayhorn if you go to Austin and ask for help, she is one of the FEW there that will make time for you and really listen and try........ Then lets look at Orlando Sanchez. FOR TREASURER??? He shared office with Jorge Casimiro... go to houston snitch .com. Anyone that votes for him has a short memory. Yea, howdy will he take care of things. Does the guy have a real job? Did he ever? Thank the Lord people in this city saw to it, he was never elected mayor.
  4. You are correct Imisquoted. Mortgage rates have not doubled ,foreclosure rates have. I meant to say that. Because that I did research.
  5. Go into the neighborhoods that are over 2 or 3years old and talk to the owners. See how many are for sale in the neighborhood and check HCAD to see if their houses have gone up or down in value. Good Luck!
  6. Before Katrina, in all the areas I fuss about ... in the loop around Montrose they were tagged with yar I saw that one from montrose down to allen parkway and down on yes ...Tremont Tower and there is more now behind wendys and one the back corner of Tremont towers since they got it all off the westhiemer side. I have seen more, but Yar seems to not be around anymore? Some of them are really talented, I just wish they could find a construcitve use for it.
  7. Bridget, Victoria and Tammy Fay give God a bad name ...or is that give love a bad name? Sickos to the right of me sickos to the left. They are great actresses..Divas in their own minds...give your money to these people and their ministry take a good look they are wearing a lot of it...l Just proves there is enough greed to go around and it doesn't stop at the church doors. It makes good christian, hard working people look sad and dumb for surporting these money grubbers...These people hurt good people trying to do the right thing .....in a world where not much value is placed on it.
  8. You know old Irving, he did Tremont towers and is surpose to do the Repairian on Montrose. That one owned byStauffer River Cafe... that is under the company name 3615 Montrose Inc. It has a post office box for an address...
  9. The people in my neighborhood weren't living out of their means they just couldn't afford new houses and 40 to 100 thousand to repair them. The foreclosure numbers are not accurate either, bottom feeder investors contact you and they will keep you out of foreclosure if you sign a power of attorney so they can negoiciate with your mortgage company for a lower price on your house. You don't get a dime. I had a mailbox full of such offers as soon as my house was posted. Also some mortgage companies and builders put people in houses they know they not only can't qualify for, but they know ....and do not care if the mortgage company gets stuck they got their money. The mortgage rates have doubled in the last year in Houston.
  10. If the bad people tear out sheetrock and repaint how would your inspector know that mold was all in there and the studds were rottied . I really want to know.
  11. Dose anyone know what company acquired Hydepark orginally when it was going to be developed..or anything about how the deal wentdown?
  12. You are correct there are enough open public records to support without fiction. Nuns surely did not, and woud not say that.. the surrounding neighbors said it but I did repeated it. I wish they had saved the old building and a few of the trees.
  13. : ] [be careful with these foreclosures. The sellers do not have to give any disclosure in Texas on them. My house has been empty for over a year..... and they are over there right now covering up and patching. There is black toxic mold, and I have the reports: in the A/C ducks under the carpet and in the walls. There is even a suit in Judge McCorkel's court... open records where the builder filed suit on the roofer and sub contractor telling about all the defects in my house and all the water in the walls. They have removed a truck load of wet insulation and they have put new insulation in, but the wood is still rotted and molded. A baby or puppy is at great risk or if you have any allergies at all. This house was apprasied at $408,000 the day I bought it, and century 21 excel has it listed in the low $290,000 but would probably take less to dump it. It was at auction at the family law center back in June... BUT NO ONE WAS DUMB enough to bid on it. But it looks really good from the outside, the holes from the water testing have been covered up and the shower put back in and I guess they covered up the mold on the walls, ceiling and pantry. Probably has new carpet in the bedroom where the mold was growing out of the floor. The windows that were installed upside down, still seem to be. You would have to know to look at the top ones, to see the weep holes are upside down. It is on the clue list with State farm, listed as not coverd, because of builder defects and substandard constuction, so you may have a problem getting insurance on it. However my plants are gorgous, I did the yard myself and the trees and flowers are unbelivable. My mother was a landscaper and some of the plants were hers. It makes me sad to see them left there, but they were to big to afford to move again. It makes me sad to drive and see how much money we lost. It makes me sad to see the unbeilvable mess my neighbors are in... or the new owners that these properties were dumped on. It should have been torn down. All the fianancial heartbreak and emotional pain this builder caused is not civil it is criminal.a Buyer Beware is an understatement . quote name='RedScare' date='Sunday, July 10th, 2005 @ 2:58pm' post='33899'] I can't say for sure, since I've never looked at the foreclosures much closer than noticing the notices posted on the board at the Family Law Center (where the auctions are held). However, I do have some knowledge of other "lists" that are created from public records, and many are in fact created by people with laptops. For instance, when someone is arrested, they are deluged with letters from bail bondsman and lawyers. The arrest is public record. Numerous clerks for companies that provide the letter sending service will sit at public terminals and type the info into laptops to create the mailing list. The District Clerk has several lists that they can print off for a fee. Almost anything on the computer can be accessed for a price. However, foreclosures require a lawyer hired by the mortgage company to post the notice. Unless something has changed recently, I am unaware of a requirement to file the notice of foreclosure with the Clerk. It merely is posted at the courthouse. Since any lawyer can post the foreclosure, there would be no central database. This suggests that to compile the list, someone indeed types it into a laptop and sells that info to anyone who will pay for it.
  14. If you are going to wait for the TRCC to do something... plan a long wait. We have been waiting for the ruling on the investigation of Tremont/stature for over a year.They are by the builder. for the builder.of the builder, so don'tt hold your breathe. I have been to Austin one Director already resigned. If he did his job Perry would have him fired from "his agency," and if he did't all he did was get called on the carpet from the rest of Texas for not protecting the homeowners. It is a joke. As Carol Strayhorn said it should be blown up . Rep. Garnet Coleman said." only in Texas can you buy your own agency and regulate yoruself." They have made millions off the homeowners just since Perry bought it.
  15. Somebody said a convent was there and Tremont owners threw the nuns out and that was why it went to hell it was cursed.
  16. Have the roof inspected that is the most important thing 76% of leaks are caused by the roofing problems. Get an inspector to go over it completely, know him well. Read your arbitration clause and get a lawyer to explain it. You are giving up your seventh amendment rights. If you find defects, or if there is something out of order run!
  17. Some agencies try to do the right thing,,some agents aren't told, then they can say they were not aware of any defects. If anyone shows you something at Hydepark or Tremont Towers, or Ccandlelight estates or knox street or [u]any foreclosures you might want to look for someone you know and trust. Know one thing, if the deal is too good to be true, it is. Houses listed from foreclsures do not have to tell you the defects in the house! Not in Texas anyway ..SO please get a really good inspector and make sure he is an expert at roofs,flashing, water intrusions and mold. Protect yourself, hire your own inspector not one your seller suggests to you. Buyer Beware....
  18. Tremont, was thrown out and others followed. I have to be absoutly correct before I answer. I will get the names and get back with you..
  19. Many of the larger builders are leaving the BBB becasue they are bound to arbitrate there, BBB is free for the first day. AAA arbitration is so costly the little guy can't afford it, so they can't participate and that is what the big builders count on. They also do not own the arbitrators in BBB. In AAA they are the repeat clients and AAA makes a lot of money off them. The little guy is not going to be able to buy another house after AAA and the big builders get though with them. They come out in bankrupcy,foreclosure and ususally under secrecety aggreements,gag orders.
  20. I do not mean to insult anyone's intelligence... but for if Kinky or Strayhorn to get on the ballot at all...you DO NOt vote in either state party's primary on Tuesday March the 7th..or in the runoff on Tuesday april 11,2006. YOU CAN NOt sign the offical petition if you are not a registered voter OR if you voted in the primaries. The state elecction will throw it out and neither of these canidates will get on the ballot. Petitions will be circulating durning March. I personally would like to have a choice. I would like to have a choice other than the paper or plastic offered by the Domocracts or the republicans. I would vote foranyone to keep Perry out of office again. I am sick of politics as usual and when I see him hit the campagin trail with Delay in tow I get ill. We need choices and they will have to be carefully weighed and studied... the future of Texas is in our hands and I hope we can calmly and with great though pick the best for Texas and it's citizens.
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