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Posts posted by sevfiv

  1. I doubt they pee in their bathtubs macbro. There is probably an unwritten rule that no bum is allowed to pee in the fountain, because all bums are required to wash their faces at least once every 6 months in it. They usually use trees I'm sure.

    i second that - and don't remember ever smelling it near fountains.

    now the texaco building, rusk side - that's a different story

  2. speaking of swc, i was a little disappointed with the chron review this am.

    that said, i am still gonna go see it, even though he told me to wait for the video :P

    i have been hearing that the movie is disappointing...maybe only to fans, though

  3. Absolutely agree.

    When I finally break down and buy that DVD player, the first purchase will be the boxed complete Strangers With Candy set.

    "I'm an obuse man, so I'll try to be oblique." - Principal Blackman

    i HIGHLY recommend :)

    btw, amazon has the complete series on sale for about $39!

    Must be nice to hope for the thing you wish to want


  4. that's where i live! thanks for the leads :)

    So Alpine used to be all townhouses? That's really interesting! Today, one side of the street has 6 or 7 townhomes, and the other side of the street has 4 megamansions. Quite a contrast, but works wonders for the property values for those of us in the townhomes!

    i am not sure if the townhomes extended to bellaire blvd., but there certainly weren't any 4,500 square foot stucco things! - my bad, the one i lived in is still there...#17

    i remember it being a pretty neat place, and riding my bike around (and around) the cul-de-sac :D

  5. the city might have some records, although i am not sure how bellaire keeps up with that...

    in the mid-eighties, i used to live in a townhome on alpine in bellaire (looking at hcad, it appears that about half (including the one i lived in) have been replaced by something more expensive)...i don't believe there were any records to be heard of :(

  6. So I'm 0-3 in the last couple of weeks on trying to get decent take out food around 9:30 PM Monday - Thursday. Some days, thats just the first chance I have to try and get food and don't always feel like cooking.

    Besides the standard Taco Cabana and fast food joints, what are some places in the loop you all like to hit up for take out food a little later at night

    mai's, bibas

    (although i have never taken out, but i know you can call in orders)

  7. Those are already dead. To me at least. I prefer the classic sitcoms of the '50s - '80s.

    TV sucks. Other than "Lost" I don't watch the major networks anymore, period.

    Side note: I read that last week was the lowest rated week in TV history! Whoa nelly!

    How about Hollister? I'm not kidding, I recently had a nightmare that I went somewhere and everyone had a shirt that had "Hollister" across the front. I hate any clothing that has the brand name (especially if it's supposed to be a trendy brand) plastered across the front. It's much cooler and classier if the brand name is more subtle, like on a tag near the bottom of the shirt or embroidered somewere. I just think they're cheesy.

    i agree about the sitcom - i'll take 50-80's era any day over current...

    and about brand-name clothing - it always struck me as odd that someone would pay (a lot, sometimes) to advertise for some big company.

    it has to be the most successful (and idiotic) advertising campaign ever :wacko:

  8. She's my little douche, Scoop.

    You don't know what I've got.

    (And, grammatically speaking, shouldn't it be "You don't know what I have"?)


    well, i do suppose it is better than being "wrapped up like a douche"

    (i don't care how many runners are there in the night!)


  9. Maybe I found it eeire because it was being showcased on a show called "Weird U.S." complete with weird music. Or maybe because when you think oddball Houston, you tend to lump the Orange Show in with the Funeral Museum. I don't know. I don't want to say I was disturbed, but it made me a little bit uncomfortable. It's definitely chaotic and disorienting.

    i kind of get the eerie thing now - like along the lines of an abandoned playground gone awry

  10. fondren has been going downhill since the mid eighties

    Pollack lives!!! in the Phoenix area for the last 10 years. He is still cheesy......but even bigger (professionally and physically) and more successful here. He does mostly commercial properties now...and of average appeal.

    Enjoy his biography: http://www.pollackinvestments.com/company.php

    ack! while the idea for the advertising museum (http://pollackmuseum.com/) is interesting, it is still creepy...



  11. La Porte


    ps - mojo is killed when someone points out that mojo has been killed :D

    What else would call it. It might be computer aided but it is animation to me.

    I think you killed the mojo of this post.

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