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Everything posted by sevfiv

  1. ^ eek! a little birdie told me there will be RO t-shirts for sale beginning sometime tomorrow from GHPA's website and at the copy.com store
  2. good luck with the house are you cha-ching-ing for flip/resale? does anyone buy a house to actually live in these days?!
  3. i'll be heading back into town that night eh, oh well...maybe next time
  4. last concert cafe - carolyn wonderland - khou?! must be a different carolyn...
  5. the guy still has to be on the stuff to work and act like that... good thing i have never needed emergency furniture
  6. yeah...the book is terrific...the PDF can be a little grueling to look through
  7. speaking of thge brunson, it is mentioned in this article: http://www.baytownsun.com/story.lasso?ewcd=2c958e873bd60f77
  8. sevfiv

    las manitas

    the project has been briefly mentioned in another thread, but this focuses on the businesses in jeopardy: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/chronicle/4082738.html http://www.savelasmanitas.org/
  9. for one, the river oaks is actually in use and not falling apart
  10. i saw it last week, and i was okay with it
  11. the first floor wasn't terrible (but it did smell), but it had rained recently, which made everything nice.
  12. it just pains me to see it sit...and sit...and sit. it just keeps getting worse on the inside, and now that there's the reinforced boards on the first-level windows, the rot inside is surely baking into something really disgusting, from the basement up. it's one of those buildings from which you don't want to be down-wind
  13. ooh i love bowling! and i think it has to be at least the largest in the US...
  14. sevfiv

    Plus Sizes Inflight

    these days, even reclining your seat can be a nightmare for the person behind you (no matter who it is) on the "now-more-cramped-so-we-can-cram-more-people-and-get-ourselves-out-of-our-financial-mess" airlines. i opt to drive everywhere these days if i can help it (unless it involves crossing a large mass of water)
  15. ooh buttons! weingarten is in the consumer-driven industry, and most of the people who enjoy the lesser-homogeneity of this shopping center are its consumers, they feel that it IS weingarten's duty to please them to some extent. also, at weingarten's 2006 second quarter earnings meeting, there was no report of business being bad, or needing a "boost" by doing something like this there are t-shirts! (maybe just added)
  16. you're right, weingarten does have the liberty to build (almost) whatever they want - and they just might. it just makes them jerkies and to most, bad stewards of the property. regarding the plan, it does exactly match what has been said recently by the tenants
  17. true enough - i was thinking more along the lines that the inside is probably trashed
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