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Everything posted by J008

  1. I have still not figured out what it is about the 11th/Shep Kroger that makes it such a black hole, it takes triple the amount of time to go there than anywhere else. It is ungodly big I still think there are corners of it that have yet to be discovered. I imagine it would indeed compare well with a walmart (though thankfully they don't have the fried potato stink that I envision the WM having)
  2. My experience saturday was almost identical, salami, bread, coffee all top notch. Unfortunately, it was so busy I really couldn't look at all they have to offer for all the people (that said I didn't have to wait for service at the deli or coffee bar). I wish they had a product list or something cause there is a lot of stuff that looks cool.
  3. they have really done a lot of work in the past month and I am just curious if anyone has any updated info (their website has nothing of value).
  4. Maybe they will get around it however Paulie's and Lanier Middle do (I think they are a "club" or something). There is no way they are 300 ft apart.
  5. I agree, much like the safe clear bill that was inexplicably vetoed this law will be much harder to pass in TX than it should be.
  6. The above website has a pretty good atlas of the laws (see below) seems 23 states have laws in place so you are right on calling him out on the "most" states part probably should have said "many" states. Nonetheless, it is a common sense bill. http://www.completestreets.org/complete-streets-fundamentals/complete-streets-atlas/
  7. I am just curious if there are any rules on noise at a construction site. I have been driving really early by this site and it is crazy busy with dump trucks before 7 and often before 6. Additionally, at least this morning there were two north bound dump trucks in the turning lane which of course is one-way southbound at that hour.
  8. Build them at least some minimum distance from houses (or preferably next to other 20-30 story buidlings) I actually think this one may be pretty cool and 6 stories half of which are parking should be up pretty quick. 20-30 would be horrible. Especially now that I have a kid < 1 yo, I would move \ run away as soon as possible. This morning I took 11th 1/2 to studemont around 6am and there were about 5 dump trucs and back hoes running, it would be hell on earth for me to live anywhere with earshot of it. While it is not too bad right now, most of the construction sites on my bike route (the new Jackson Hill Apts in particular) have a thick layer of dirt that completely surrounds it. On windy days you can taste the grit in your mouth and everything has a layer of dirt on it. There should be a law against basically dumping in the street. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, hopefully this one is more neighborly.
  9. Seriously, it is hard to think anyone would really want to live next to a 20-30 story construction project for a couple years.
  10. Anyone know what the plan is for that big lot on Studewood between 12th 1/2 and 13th that used to be an Immanuel Lutheran Campus? I noticed there is a variance request sign up with the name Owens Management System LLC on it.
  11. It is pretty odd when looking at other major metro areas, that if Houston had zoning most likely I could never imagine being able to afford a house so close to downtown as the heights is. The end result has certainly made Houston housing cheaper as the article above mentions "They do not believe housing could be that cheap," he said. "It's a tremendous draw for people who are locked out of communities in San Francisco, where they have to commute two or three hours each way." but from my understanding Houston's parking and setback requirements pretty much codify sprawl and are an expensive and onerous form of zoning\regulation. I do agree that somewhere between 3 and 30 stories there should be a limit on what you can do in a predominately residential neighborhood, but even River Oaks has their share of much higher high rises next to houses (the huntington? on Kirby for one). It is also very hard to be anti-Walmart ( massive 1 story sprawling ugly cluster F ) and (anti-mixed use mulitfloor parking denser design oriented development) without seeming anti-everything.
  12. The bridge is sort of a moot point since if Walmart needs a new bridge the city would simply reimburse them for it anyway.
  13. yes their website is very strange, whole bunch of extremely non-specific hype. "Novemeber 2010. Purchased land for development" "December 2010. Completed design for latest development concept" Picture of downtown Houston. Thats it.
  14. wow. I just looked it up and seems there will be ~$3 Million of construction there they got there permit on the 20th so the timing is only coincidence
  15. Your explanation makes the most since to me. Come Monday it will go back to being the quasi waste dump big rig hangout that heights yankee more eloquently describes on her blog.
  16. Anyone know what is being built on the big open lot between 11 1/2 and Someburger on Studemont? A black perimeter fence appears to have been put up today that I think says "cain construction" or something like that.
  17. Unless they are incompetent ones who are too risky to practice in any other state.
  18. I thought Texas already did this. I am not in the medicine business (nor a lawyer) but I thought Texas leads the nation in limiting malpractice and capped pain and suffering at $250,000 and damages in case of death at $1.6 Million or something like this. The result being more doctors in the state, but no meaningful reduction in medical expenses.
  19. There is always Somalia... no taxes, no government regulations, no EPA\FDA\USDA, no Amtrak, no USPS, no Dept of education, no socialized health care, no telling you what to eat, just survival of the fittest.
  20. Completely agree that the study is worthless. Since Walmart has pretty much saturated the suburban \ rural market (hence they have to build stores in inappropriate urban areas) it says more about the culture of sitting in your car for two hours to sit at work for eight hours to sit in your car for two more hours and wondering why there is no time for exercise. Though simply put, if wal mart does indeed decrease the price of food (which I am not so sure) everything else equal it should increase the quantity demanded.
  21. sorry for misleading you on the veg part, I still swear I saw something but I was wrong. In hindsight, King Bisuit (within sight of houston ave at white oak) could have been a good alternative too, I know they have a veg black bean burger.
  22. sorry on the spelling. You are correct though, I can't see any connection to anything distillery related.
  23. I am not sure how I feel about distillary 25 25 yet ( houston ave and white oak), but I do remember some kind of Veggie thing on the menu and you will be overwhelmed with wall to wall TV's.
  24. With all due respect, Lafayette is the center of Cajun food and culture and if you are going to New Orleans for it you have probably gone too far.
  25. Good to hear that you had a good experience. I was hoping to eat some Louisiana food friday night and I still do not even consider the mamou after my two attempts eating there after they first opened. I may try their beignets one weekend but maybe they have improved since openening.
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