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Everything posted by texas911

  1. Another idiotic design is the new underground feeder road from 610 northbound that merges with 59 northbound. If your on the 59 feeder it will merge with the 610 feeder but it is totally blind. So they closed off one lane, the only problem is tons of cars use the feeder, they exit on New Castle to avoid the giant traffic jam on 610, and many want to make a left on Richmond. I thought they did all this big buck work to help traffic in the Galleria Area? I think its made it worse.
  2. Sorry about that, I meant 59 northbound to 610 southbound. Its a huge bottleneck and it causes all the traffic there at the intersection. People go so freaking slow on that connection, because its another blind merge from the connector from 59 southbound and then all the kamikazi guys on 610 trying to exit on Fornace. Do the traffic engineers even scope out the traffic patterns before they design these things?
  3. Again, who did these designs? All that construction and money for basically the same results! Idiots! No accountability. Why is the 59 northbound to 610 north only one freaking lane?!!??!?!??!?!? What they need to do is shut down the Chimney Rock entrance ramp there.
  4. Astrodome. Too bad NASA doesn't have a signature building on its campus because we're kinda known to be a NASA town.
  5. Let's all pitch in and buy it! It will always be the Republic Bank Building to me.
  6. I agree with you AftonAg, that's why I try to promote UH to become the state's 3rd Flagship Tier University. It's a crying shame that the 3rd most populous state only has 2 Flagship funded state Universities. They have to turn away eligible students who then go out of state and stay there. But UT and ATM want to keep all the money for themselves. California in comparison has 7! They lead the nation in tech companies and jobs, do you think that's just a coincidence?
  7. Thanks for the memories Ed! Godspeed.
  8. Its like buying something on sale at Neiman Marcus, a suite originally selling for $5000 is on sale for $3000, which is a pretty good discount but its still $3000! The drop in home sales was compared to the previous year.
  9. Nikon buys their sensors from other suppliers, usually Sony. But everything else from the exposure algorithms to the processing is strictly Nikon. Canon makes their own CMOS sensors for their DSLRs, and is why they are ahead of Nikon because they offer full frame capabilities in their high end DSLRs. I like Nikon because they have a continuity to their design philosophy. All lenses made from the 70's still work with even their latest DSLR, all the buttons are located about the same place. Once you've mastered a Nikon, you don't have to relearn too much when you buy another. With the Canon's, its like each camera was designed by a different company.
  10. UST not a research univeristy, nor does it claim to be nor aspire to be. Its a close knit Liberal Arts College run by Catholic Priests.
  11. BTW. I'm a Nikon guy and would recommend buying Nikon gear. And don't bother buying DX lenses, go for full frame because eventually, everyone will be going full frame, so just get ready for it.
  12. All this is true, but at better schools, the odds are with you that your kid will get a better education. That's what people are looking for, better odds.
  13. They said the same thing about the Eiffel tower when it was built.
  14. Houston needs a landmark. Why not a tall good looking skyscraper? Look what Patronas towers did for Malaysia.
  15. Shrimp are scavengers too. Ever seen a whole shrimp? Looks kinda like a crawfish.
  16. They finally finished Phase 1 of the storm sewer upgrade/street repave and it looks great! I can see how property values are going to go up with the new streets/curbs and new sidewalks. Has that fresh concrete look to it. Surprisingly, part of Phase 1 includes Knollwood, just south of Braes Bayou. I guess it was originally part of Braes Heights. The second Phase is on Academy. Don't know when that's going to start though. Supposedly going out to bid this year.
  17. I disagree, its nice that they distinguished each store as a separate looking store front. In the Village, only the signs are different, at least in the new parts. Makes it visually more interesting and scaled for pedestrians.
  18. The Chik-Fil-A redo is kinda cheesey. I liked the original look better.
  19. When I was at school, we did a study with Texas TVG, even did design work for their proposed station in Houston, which would have been downtown, or on Allen Parkway and Sheppard. We got to talk the reps that was trying to get this done. Without state and federal funding, it wouldn't be feasable, and they had strong opposition from the Texas Airlines. One interesting fact is that their railway would have been a freeway type closed system, with overpasses over all roads, because they couldn't afford to hit any car going 150mph, that illegally crossed over a rail road crossing, and living in Houston, I know this would have been a wise choice.
  20. I don't use the WPTW, but agree with the poster that said TXDOT really f'ed up the connection to 59. That exchange is super dangerous. Because its right before the Chimney Rock exit around the West Park curve. Almost a blind curve at that point. Its especially dangerous when there is not traffic and people on 59 are doing 70mph and the WPTW people are going pretty fast too. What idiot traffic engineer desiged this? Infact I've seen lots of street design engineering blunders all over Houston. Who is accountable for this?
  21. I agree, the Chronicle is crappy because it has no competition. Houston should and can support 2 newspapers.
  22. Hey Matt, thanks for the Memories. I started watching you back in school. I've grown up watching you! Still remember the days when you were over on Westheimer on the roof. I don't think you look gay with the glasses. Thanks again for being a part of my life for 17 years.
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