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Everything posted by EMME

  1. I emailed your post to districth@cityofhouston.net
  2. I never ever knew that was a snocone place. I always thought it was a little taqueria. I'm going to try it.
  3. I am so happy that Ed Gonzalez won this position. I actually did not dislike Maverick until I started getting those weird mailers from him. I thought Ed was the better candidate at this time with more experience in the district and a lot more experience in dealing with crime. I really hated to see Maverick go to negative campaigning. I hope he learns from this experience, builds his resume as a public servant and grows as a community leader. We could certainly use all that we can get.
  4. EMME

    I Feel Sick

    no accounting for taste! Where is this house?
  5. Austin is very liberal although with the influx of the California conservatives in the 80s it started to lean a little more right, but it is still quite liberal.
  6. My family lived in Lamar Terrace on Lampassas when I was born and then moved over to Larchmont across Richmond Avenue. Our house in Larchmont was on Lincrest at Barrington (se corner). My mother designed that house. We lived there until I was six years old (1965). It was a neighborhood for the up and comers. Many of the people moved from there to River Oaks, Memorial, Tanglewood, etc. It was a nice neighborhood for families. There was a horse that somebody kept. I of course have no memories of the time on Lampasas, but my mother always spoke well of it. I think she really liked living there.
  7. I think that is fair. I didn't post it to show where he lived, I posted it to show the distance between the buildings.
  8. While I think his complaint is baseless, my complaint is with Fiesta's rolling over and playing dead over one complaint and asking someone that is actually cleaning up their dark, dirty and unsafe parking lot to leave. He has every right to complain whether I agree with him or not. I just don't think action should be taken based on one complaint that is obviously not shared by a majority of the surrounding community. I have been asked for his name and address, and I have not given that to anybody except to the reporter. The only reason I showed the picture of his home was to indicate the distance between the snoball place and the man's house. I do not want this man harrassed and I have never said that I do. He is not really the problem.
  9. I am going to starve when I go to England this summer.
  10. Yessir, there is one realtor, I can't remember her name, but she is evidently famous for how bad she is. I'm sure someone will chime in with her name.
  11. Hey Sevfiv, where did you get that info?
  12. TGI Friday's became Mason Jar in its later years. There was Todd's right next to TGIF. Cooter's was at the far other end of the center. It was hot for years and years. Across Post Oak was Don's Seafood.
  13. Of course, homes in texas pre-AC were built with windows on all sides to allow for cross breezes. You will also notice that they always have trees right around the homestead. Sleeping porches. If your home is close to a river the air is cooler. Limestone is good. You can wet it down when it gets too hot during the day and it will lower the temps in the house. I built a screened in back porch last year. The difference in temp from the front porch to the back porch is amazing. I haven't yet figured out why. And it really keeps out the skeeters.
  14. Good job. While it may not stop the criminals, it may send them off your street.
  15. I was amazed when I went to Rome at all the graffiti everywhere. Mostly, the bad kind, but after awhile you don't notice it. I do like these.
  16. I think they are in a new stable on W. Little York.
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