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Everything posted by RedScare

  1. This. I am no big Walmart supporter. I am simply opposed to people opposing Walmart simply because it is based in Arkansas as opposed to Minneapolis. Plus, I enjoy exposing the hypocrisy of the Walmart haters.
  2. I talked to a neighbor this past weekend who was a huge supporter of the ordinance. When it came time to get approval to tear down their old detached garage and build a new garage with apartment, they were denied a CoA by the HAHC because the garage was "too big". Keep in mind that the garage was going to be built along the rear property line and was not attached to the existing house whatsoever. Still denied. They were eventually approved for a smaller structure, but it took them 5 months to get the approval. That's one less HD supporter.
  3. This post sounds like a list of reasons why DART is BEHIND METRO, not an explanation of why DART is light years ahead of METRO.
  4. Feel free to google it and look for yourself. The address is 501 E. Reno, Oklahoma City OK 73105. After you look at it, come back and tell us if that is what you have in mind for Uptown Houston development.
  5. Perhaps you haven't noticed, but Uptown is built on a suburban street grid. The McDonalds fits just fine there. Besides, the only change OK City demanded of the McDonalds in Bricktown is that they clad the McDonalds in brick, to fit with the other buildings. They did not remove the drive thru. The new modern McDonalds is already a style that fits in Uptown. I still don't understand all the uproar over this little McDs. Why not go large and complain about all of the strip centers all up and down Post Oak and Westheimer? Why not demand GFR in all of those condo towers? Let's gripe about something that actually matters!
  6. Like owls, I am probably wasting my time pointing this out, but the City has done many things to thwart density, not promote it. The historic districts, lot line ordinances, parking ordinances, and the high rise setback requirements are just a few, but all of these new rules limit density within the city.
  7. I am not at all sure that any of your "more appealing" alternatives would be more appealing to the city, or to anyone else. I am quite sure that a McDonald's restaurant produces far more tax revenue for the city than an athletic club, or office or residential. A multi-level entertainment center sounds like something that would attract young people and thugs, so I doubt the wealthy condo owners nearby would be impressed. And, as stated several times, McDonald's has owned this property for decades. No one is going to force them out, and the city is not in the business of working deals to make them move. I understand that in your opinion something else should be built there. However, that simply is not how life works. Some of us do not even agree that your opinion is a better idea than what is being built. I think selling half the lot to pay for my redesigned McDonald's is a brilliant idea. I also think athletic clubs are a waste of space, much more than a fast food restaurant. And, in my opinion, entertainment complexes belong in the suburbs, where all the teenagers are. But, that is just my opinion. I think the owner is right.
  8. Is it safe to assume that "traditional built city" is another term for cities that developed before the automobile? If so, and understanding that the automobile is not going anywhere, why should a post WWII city like Houston attempt to force its design into a form that no longer exists? Also, downtown is one of Houston's safest neighborhoods. That seems to conflict with the statement that highrises are unsafe.
  9. I'm curious, who would shop in this "retail core"? Less than 6,000 of the Houston metro's 6 million residents live downtown. That is 1/10th of 1%. There are precious few people downtown who would shop in these stores. If there were, retailers would be rushing to open stores there without the government forcing developers to put in ground floor retail. The fact remains, no one is shopping in downtown, therefore, retailers are not opening downtown.
  10. Why are you entitled to completely go off on this piece of land, yet I am not at all entitled to respond? Has this forum been banned for realists? Are only fantasies allowed? Jesus, bunch of crybabies on this board.
  11. Actually, the embarrassment is the notion that somehow McDonald's should be forced to sell or give away their land so that your idea of a good use can be implemented. Are you unaware that McDonalds has owned that parcel for decades? Or, do you simply not care, and instead, advocate eminent domain for any property that you think should be repurposed? Do landowner have no rights in your world? They sold off half of it. How much should they be forced to sell?
  12. We? Do we own that land? You seem to think that someone other than McDonalds (or a franchisee) owned that property and did something bad. What you do not seem to realize is that McDonalds owned the ENTIRE parcel, and sold half of it to the developer of the highrise. They could have not sold any of the parcel at all. I am "embarrassed" at your lack of knowledge of how these things work.
  13. Same reason the overwhelming majority of Heights residents are not up in arms. It is a non-issue. Just because a couple of Heights residents whine about it doesn't mean all of us do.
  14. If you fancy yourself a new urbanist, you must clamor for GFR in EVERY building. You must also demand rail everywhere, and condemn freeways and suburbs. It is the mantra. Unfortunately, most new urbanists...or wannabes...cannot actually tell when ground floor retail is useful and when it is not, so they demand it in every building, even when the building is not in a walkable area. The naivete is not yours, but theirs.
  15. Anyone know if Gary Wilson or Wilson Architecture Group has anything to do with this grand proposal?
  16. I refer you back to post 3096. I think you and Leonard may be losing it. All this drama over an already built Walmart and a nasty sycamore tree has you two getting more and more shrill. Perhaps you should go to a locally owned restaurant outside the Heights, order an alcoholic beverage, and relax. The Walmart will still be here when you get back. Unfortunately, the sycamore will still be gone.
  17. I would never use the overreaction of a term called "clear cut" to describe a 6,600 sf residential lot. This is a term for large tracts of land, or in your case, hyperbole. That is the danger of hyperbole...that you look and sound stupid.
  18. You do not own the right of way. It is owned by the city. You really should learn your terminology before you attempt to smack talk someone. One's "lot" is that which is owned by me, no the city.
  19. Heh heh. Want to know how I know that you just made this entire post up? Two reasons. One, Walmart is currently running a store specific ad campaign. They do it for a lot of different stores. Two, radio ads are NOT expensive, especially for the #1 largest corporation in the world. You made up this entire post to make it sound like you know something, when in reality, you know nothing...and guessed wrong.
  20. Well maybe you should reread my post. I said "on my lot", not in the right of way. Of course, that Chinese Tallow I cut down was in the right of way, and the city did not care, so there's that.
  21. He is desperate for Walmart not to do well. His entire being is dependent upon this single big box store failing, so that he can believe that the Heights is somehow different than everywhere else. Even if it is successful, he will claim it isn't, lest his raison d'ĂȘtre be extinguished. He is in a very precarious position.
  22. Technically, the Boomers run until 1964. However, myself and two brothers all born between 1960 and 1963 do not think like the Boomers at all. We all think and act like Gen X. Just as well. I think Boomers ruined just about everything.
  23. Or, maybe they understand marketing. They certainly know more about it than you do.
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