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Everything posted by gmac

  1. Someone on this thread appears to be an angry, aggressive driver. Slow down and enjoy life.
  2. I stopped and read the sign out front and it didn't enlighten me much. Reads like they are adding a park/recreation area. Perhaps a merry-go-round for the feral hogs?
  3. But, but, but...revitalization! Oh, wait a minute, the other billionaire playhouses within a mile or two of this new boondoggle haven't done kylejacksquat to pump up that EaDo economy, have they? Really? How many stadiums does it take to REALLY get that area thriving? Enjoy your welfare trough, Anschutz.
  4. Thanks for your insight, LT, scintillating as always. WAZ - The Sharpstown site, particularly the old Gillman plot across Bellaire, would be a very good location for the reasons you mention. But evidently only downtown deserves any development.
  5. I can't think of one compelling reason for building this thing downtown, an area that doesn't deserve any more investment, especially tax dollars. Who cares about downtown? It's horrifying to think of hundreds of thousands of people still stupidly heading to a central location each day to try and do their jobs. If private money can get this thing done in the Galleria area, HOORAY!
  6. This is a much better idea than cramming another stadium downtown where it's hard to get to. Even better if it can be done without tax dollars, and it puts the screws to the people profiting off the downtown land deal.
  7. That Houston Press cover was the only good thing to come from Ike. Still makes me laugh.
  8. Don't know the city, but love the pictures so far!
  9. Well jeez, Bryan, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. A hometown is what you make of it. Houston just makes it easier to do that than any of the nine cities I have lived in.
  10. Bolt is a genetic freak. He has changed the game forever. Now the emphasis will be on finding tall athletes (he is 6-5), who might have been overlooked in the past since the conventional wisdom was that sprinters couldn't be tall. I first saw him run when he was 16, and he was freakishly fast even then, running the 200 in 20.13. The scary thing is, he could be even more dominant if he chooses to move up to the 400 meters, where I think he can take down Michael Johnson's WR of 43.18 from 1999. Track gets the headlines for drug positives, but it is nowhere near as dirty as the NFL.
  11. Go back and read the original post.
  12. #4 is Ketchikan, Alaska... I think... edit: #5 is Victoria, BC
  13. Photo #4 in post #12 was the decider for me...
  14. Great photos, beautiful location. Anacapri, Italy.
  15. These photos give Miss Kournikova a hankering for some mid-calf pants...
  16. The stadium pic gave it away for me, since I had recently seen that same pic in a story about World Cup construction. Great shots, though!
  17. Savannah. That last pic was golden!
  18. It would be kinda tough to eat in that location, remembering what was in there previously.
  19. Took more than a few dates to eat there during my years at SWT, and played a whole lot of bad golf. It was a fun place to spend an afternoon or evening, with Ralph, chicken-tac-toe, etc.
  20. I have been going to that store for more years than I can remember. Very nice proprietors, great selection of British goods.
  21. Great photos, great puzzle! It IS Scotland, and ye should hide the family silver.
  22. Cool! Wonder if I can get one to snag a neighbor who insists on honking instead of getting out and knocking on the door. I would pay big $ for that. Give me a call, Mr. Robert Cat...
  23. http://www.tabc.state.tx.us/liccom/credlaw/m_rdlist.htm scroll down to the P's
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