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Everything posted by tigereye

  1. Cause for concern? https://twitter.com/nsarnoff/status/1088506949921136640?s=21
  2. Cause for concern? https://twitter.com/nsarnoff/status/1088506949921136640?s=21
  3. Cause for concern? https://twitter.com/nsarnoff/status/1088506949921136640?s=21
  4. This project would help that end of McGowen. I used to live on this block along Bremond and the green space was prime target for area crackheads (until the white house at the middle of the block finally flipped). Not sure what the neighborhood is like now... If this empty patch flipped, the last real open lot is across Austin (along McGowen).
  5. Considering the the amount of leases Brookfield let expire causing closures, I’d say a renovation of the Park Shops is still likely. But I am surprised at the lack of details on this side of the project. Also, in the below render, you can see a sliver of the Park Shops, which looks to be at least reclad in a new material. The squared up design is similar to the renders on the Gibran Villalobos site.
  6. Per Sarnoff - an announcement on the empty Bud’s space expected next week. But it another space has opened up: McAlister’s closed up shop. https://www.chron.com/entertainment/restaurants-bars/article/McAlister-s-Deli-closes-at-Avenida-Houston-13514969.php
  7. Insteadc the put the multistory sky dancers on another building. I’d be down for letting the building become Houston’s version of 5 Pointz or Graffiti Park. Let Gonzo247 & other local artists go wild with the entire building as their canvas.
  8. Updated renders and model of Globe Life Field. Honestly not a fan of this design. For $1.2 billion, hometown architect HKS & the Rangers could’ve come up with a better design then a retro version Marlins Park. https://twitter.com/globelifefield/status/1067480024519979008?s=21 https://twitter.com/krldandrewg/status/1067470800457003009?s=21
  9. Does Lina Hidalgo’s upset win over Ed Emmett put the Dome renovation in any jeopardy now? Or are we too far down the line, given County Commissionsers prior approval? https://www.chron.com/news/politics/houston/article/Harris-County-Commissioners-Court-OKs-105M-plan-12610107.php
  10. http://houston.culturemap.com/news/city-life/10-08-18-toyota-center-turns-15-houston-rockets-tilman-fertitta-tad-davis-houston-astros-jim-crane/ What would you like to see done with the arena during the major overhaul?!? For me, I would like to see rooftop bar spaces for the upper deck sections and SRO with a view of the event floor below. This has been a trend with venues lately (MSG Skybridge, Fiserv Forum’s Panaroma Club, etc). IMO this could be added to Toyota Center at the top of each of the 4 structural roof support structures at the corners of the arena. Previously, the roof support columns have been a dead area of the venue. In recent years, they’ve been backlit by LED lighting so clearly they’re trying to do something with this dead area (see Astros CF renovation) An example: T-Mobile Arena’s rooftop bars.
  11. How many Pearl’s is Midtown gonna have? Pearl on Travis, Pearl Midtown, Pearl Midtown West (Whole Foods), Pearl on Helena, now possibly another one?
  12. Idea: When the renovation is complete, host a car show in the Dome. https://twitter.com/thachadwick/status/1030711043121668096?s=21
  13. A multi-purpose venue? Could partner up with the other tenant (Texans) and have the venue be an indoor practice facility for training camp. Add HQ buildings for both HLSR & the Texans, maybe add a hotel, and some retail & restaurants near the Fannin South rail stop and you could turn this plot of land into The Star in Frisco. https://3q87le1gsko01ibim33e4wib-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/the-stars.jpg[/img]
  14. No where. As previously stated, keep Minute Maid and renovate. Or if a new ballpark is a must, since there might not be a better site available by then, demolish MMP and build a new ballpark on the same site. (which would require the Astros playing elsewhere during construction. Tottenham & Chelsea are utilizing these methods to create their new stadiums on the same site.
  15. Buried in the Chronicle’s article is the first mention of a ballpark village in downtown. The reroute is brought up but Crane already owns property on block 161. https://www.chron.com/sports/astros/article/Astros-plans-future-improvements-Minute-Maid-Park-13061261.php
  16. One reason: Construction prices aren’t getting any cheaper. Considering the locations and ballpark designs (roof included), $250 million paid to construct Minute Maid in 97-00 looks like a bargain compared to the 1 billion dollar price tag Arlington will be footing for Globe Life Field. In addition to his restaurants and land owning nearby (block 161), Crane and the Astros say they have more renovations planned for Minute Maid Park. Jim Crane on potential future changes to Minute Maid Park https://twitter.com/markbermanfox26/status/1016409147510853632?s=21 Reid Ryan: "Our goal is every single year we try to add something substantial to the Minute Maid Park experience." https://twitter.com/markbermanfox26/status/1016420968863076353?s=21
  17. Astros & HCHSA to vote Monday on 20 year lease extension at Minute Maid Park. http://www.fox26houston.com/sports/astros-looking-for-20-year-extension-on-lease-at-minute-maid-park
  18. Etro Lounge is leaving Montrose for Downtown in August. With the success of Anvil coupled with the parking situation on California St, will be interesting to see what happens to the old space. https://www.facebook.com/168343289321/posts/10156405183734322/
  19. Etro Lounge is leaving Montrose for Downtown. https://www.facebook.com/168343289321/posts/10156405183734322/
  20. As a Midtown resident, I don’t have any issues with Randall’s. Conveniently located for me, especially when it rains (underground parking garage). We’ll see how my opinion changes once Whole Foods opens (across the street from my residence)
  21. There’s plenty of space at Northwest Mall to do a lot of things. With the Texas Central + Amtrak partnership, why not relocate it to the NW Mall site? And while we are on the topic of outdated facilities, Greyhound is looking to replace the their bus terminal. Add in a relocated NW Transit Center P&R, extend the Post Oak BRT to NW Mall, and this could be our opportunity to create a multimodal regional ground transportation facility at the convergence of 3 major freeways centered between 3 major employment centers (Downtown, Uptown, Energy Corridor). Metro has dreamed of it before at Burnett, the opportunity is there to make it a reality now.
  22. You mean, like it is for drivers now? And it’s not like the Lamar bike lane doesn’t have to deal with Downtown cross streets either. The roadway lanes on Main are barely being used for vehicular traffic. With all the multifamily developments going up along the corridor, repurposing Main as a pedestrian/bike route might make more sense and better serve the area than what’s currently there.
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