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Everything posted by tigereye

  1. Hate to BUMP and old thread but, I figured it was better to put it in here, then anywhere else Today as I was talking my usual lunch hour stroll through Downtown, I noticed the old State Bank building at 420 Main (NOT the Byrd Building) is under construction/renovation. Scaffolding now surrounds the entire building on both Main and Preston sides. Carol Kenny, whom handles leasing didint give any details as to what's going on. But I do know they have been trying (unsuccessfully) to lease the space for a while now. Anyone know whats going on?!?
  2. Xtreme Pita is the place open there now. Chicken ETC is coming soon....the have a few more spots built out, just vacant. But when this food court is completed and full, there will be alot of lunch traffic with it being sandwiched inbetween Mid Center Food Court and the othe food court that Prince's is in. And the you have Reliant Energy Plaza next door to that....soon, that are will be mad-busy come lunch time.
  3. Speak of the Devil, IIRC isnt this the area where the Cowboys were first looking at building a new stadium in Downtown Dallas, well until Laura Miller screwed the whole thing up. I know the site was on Industrial Blvd near Downtown. If this is THAT site, what a HUGE missed opportunity this has turned out to be. From a preimer venue Downtown hosting the Cowboys, the Super Bowl, the Final Four, the Cotton Bowl, etc to .......a just minor league ballpark. MASSIVE FAIL. Considering the results, I wonder how some Dallas residents an business owners feel about Miller now?
  4. UPDATE: Luck to Charlie Palilo: Financing secured through BBVA Compass Bank. Anyone else heard anything new on the stadium?
  5. Anyone notice how "Lids" opened a location at HP, and now the store has suddenly vanished. Lids is not even mentioned on the directory anymore.... So, is Lids the first one to bite the dust at HP?
  6. A. Another Aldine Alum here! (c/o 00) I'd prolly say the teacher is Mr Westbrook, since he was a fixture at the school for so long. He recently retired in '03 IIRC...... B. I also went to school with a Bekiri too (Ibrahim). Me and my family are originally for Brooklyn, NY. My pops used to tell me that Brother's also had a location on Kings HWY, had no idea if that is true though.
  7. You got it wrong. Greenspoint is the "Red Stripes District." Why? Because when the guns come out, that's what you will see on the pavement.....red stripes.
  8. Like I posted in BigSoccer, these screens of the most detailed elevations have me thinking Allianz Arena due to the use of what appears to be Teflon wrapping the stadium. Could be lighted and look beautiful at night.
  9. Courtesy of our friends on the Dynamo Board at BigSoccer, the most recent pic I could find. This is the site as of 1/12/09. Since then the warehouse on the left has been cleared.
  10. A. AEG is planning on selling its percentage of ownership of the Dynamo, most likely to the Brenner/De La Hoya group that already partly owns the franchise. This likely wont happen until after the stadium deal is completed, which will be soon anyways. B. That AEG webpage you referenced is about promoting future mixed-use projects the company is working on (like LA Live) and has nothing to do about AEG's future plans for the sports franchises the company owns, like the Dynamo and LA Galaxy. EDIT: Also, keep an eye on Rossetti Architects homepage as well. They will likely play a role in the designing of Dynamo Stadium.
  11. To be quite honest, Ive stopped paying attention to the Discovery Tower thread since its no longer interesting to me......the threads that are interesting to me are the ones with proposed buildings not yet finalized. Discovery Tower is under construction, so the thread will be boring until the building is in its finishing stages. And with the way the Embassy Suites thread is going, after groundbreaking, it will become boring to me too. I guess I might as well start a thread for the "Second Convention Center Hotle" to keep me occupied. LOL!
  12. Another image revealing more of the design to a possible second Convention Center Hotel. What's interesting to not, older images on the Discovery Tower site depitct only OPP but now newer renderings are depicting the Embassy Suites hotel (which we now know is a go) and the second Convention Center Hotel. I'm starting to believe this is in fact a leak on that project. Also note...in the upper left corner. a vague form of what would be Dynamo Stadium
  13. I agree about the recession part. I just cant picture the city going after another Convention Center given the economic circumstances and just how much trouble it took to get Hilton Americas built. But still none the less, its surprising to see it rendered with so much detailed information, which is a dead give away that something is definitley up. And it is Houston, I wouldnt be surprised if city officials were actually still pursuing the project inspite of the recession. All I gotta say is if the city can pull off construction of another multi-million dollar Convention Center, then surely the city and county can pull together to get the Dynamo stadium done across 59 from the DG/GRB campus. And let me be the first to say...if this is a leak hinting at the design for a second Convention Center Hotel, that's one UGLY ASS design which should compliment a bland designed GRB and the equally ugly Hilton Americas PERFECTLY. Who the hell is designing these things?
  14. I can't help but notice ONE thing this rendering: What appears to be a second Convention Center Hotel (w/attached skybridge to GRB) To be honest, I think this is a leak on that second Convention Center Hotel. We know the city has a desire to see this project through. And its kind of hard to dismiss how much detail was put into this building on this rendering, especially when you consider the rendering also coreectly depicts renderings for the other under-construction projects. I would have dismissed it if Gensler had depicted as a darkened opaque box like some of the other buildings. But the fact that they have illustrated so much detail on that second Convention Hotel leads me to believe this is a leak of a project we dont know much about......yet! Discuss.
  15. Hate to say it but judging by the amenities listed in the article, i think the design has changed to a BOX. The article lists a "rooftop pool" as being one of the amenities. In the original rendering, the decorative roof design leaves little room for a rooftop pool IMO. In fact, in the original rendering, the pool looks like it might have been located above the garage facing the GRB side of the hotel. (But now, the article also lists the garage as being underground.) So this amenities list leads me to believe that the design has possibly dramatically changed from the original renderings. And based upon the "rooftop pool," i also believe the art deco crown has given way to a (dreaded) flat roof design. The only question now is, is this possible redesign for the better, or for the worse? Based upon the few new clues we have, it doesnt sound good......
  16. Well, obviously construction work has yet to begin on El Paso Tower's renovation. I work next door and pass (street level) by or through (via tunnel) El Paso on almost a daily basis and I have seen no signs of a renovation on going. But then again, completeion of the project according to Hines is for 2011 so they have 3 more years still.... Anyone know what Hines has planned for the renovation of El Paso Tower?
  17. People, please look at the beginning of the video again..... DID HINES INADVERTENTLY TIP ITS HAND ON ANOTHER PROJECT? In the beginning of the video in which Hines points out all its projects/properties downtown, why does El Paso Tower have a 2011 completion date listed? Is there a renovation in the works for El Paso Tower?
  18. FYI - That "Days-377" sign is for days without a worker hurt on the jobsite. IIRC, scaffolding started going up in 2004 too.
  19. Let me give you an idea as to a potential name of the project if Universal Studios comes aboard...... Guess who owns the rights to "Jurassic Park?" And guess what theme park has "Jurassic Park: The Ride" in use currently? (HINT: Its in Japan) Universal Studios and a Dino-Themed Park....I can see the name coming already.... "Universal Studios: Jurassic Park" Now that right there has "tourist attraction" written all over it.....
  20. This according to the Chronicle. This project will pave the way for the long-anticipated replacement of the "Banjo" concourses in favor of a design consistent to the rest of the terminals at IAH. This project will also include a second FIS facility as well. Consider this....Terminal E and its FIS facility costed $300 million dollars. I'm interested to see what a $1.2 Billion Dollar Terminal B will look like... (EDIT: Sorry for the lack of a link...no copy/paste on IPhone)
  21. Tomorrow is the Dynamo's "drop dead" date for stadium negotations with the city and its a little too quiet on the news front. Has ANYONE heard any news at all?
  22. IIRC, on all three fronts, the Chronic and various local media otlets broke those stories correctly before the sports authority released an announcement.
  23. I seriously doubt Texas Ave would even be considered. The Astros would object to the idea of a "Main St-style" construction nightmare at the front door of Minute Maid Park for the next 3 seasons. My money is on the rail line running on Rusk or Capitol. From there it can either do the following.... 1. Tunnel under the stadium 2. Turn onto St Emanuel, 1 block before it reaches the Dynamo Stadium site. 3. The Chronicle has it wrong and my "What If" theroy on the site is correct. In that case, rail can run down Rusk. For the record, My money is on option 2 FTW. I know its the Chronic were talkin about here but i just dont see them repoting inaccurate facts on something so big and important to the city as another new downtown stadium. When breaking the stories for MMP/Reliant/TC, the Chronic got all 3 venue site's correct.
  24. Let me pose a BIG "What If" here. "What if" the Chronicle does have the 6 block-long site slightly incorrect and the real site's boundaries are Rusk (South) Hutchins/Ballpark lofts (West) Texas (North) and St Charles (East)? This site arrangement would leave Rusk unblocked by the stadium for light rail to follow down on. The only downside...the stadium would block Dowling right before Harrisburgh...not sure how big of an impact this would be on traffic in this area though....maybe traffic from Harrisburgh going to Dowling can be rerouted to from Dowling to St Charles, which ends at Harrisburgh anyways?
  25. I'm well aware of the difference between usuable space and footprint. The way the Twins are able to fit over 1 million square feet of usuable space onto the smallest foottprint for a major league ballpark is by building the ballpark upwards, much like the office tower concept you alluded to. This is why I brought this up. While I dont know the acreage of the site, if it is indeed a tight fit for a soccer stadium, the facility could be built upwards, like the Twins Ballpark. In fact, the Twins new Ballpark at 237 ft high, will be a full 42 ft higher then the 195 ft high Metrodome. But also, this ballpark runs right up to the sidewalks as well. And I happen to like that, it gives the venue and the area around it a more true urban feel. Now imagine Dynamo Stadium being fit into a tight space in the Warehouse District, much like the Twins ballpark or Fenway Park, to the point where the stadium runs right up to the sidewalk. I think, with all the nearby townhome developments surrounding the site, a stadium arrangement like this would create an urban neighborhood much like Wrigleyville or the area around Yawkey Way. Something like this would do wonders to changing the entire landscape of the East End area.
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