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Everything posted by august948

  1. What would market based parking look like in front of someone's home?
  2. If they rezone you, talk to the district admin. We had that happen when my oldest was in kindergarten and they grandfathered us in as long as we didn't need bus service (which we didn't).
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong here but this is an expansion of existing roadways, is it not? Something that happens along all freeway corridors at some point? They aren't tearing up existing neighborhoods to create brand new roadways like was done when the highway system was established in the 50's. The Katy Freeway expansion project tore things up for years and, get this, runs through some of the wealthiest zip codes in town. Could the difference be that this one affects east-enders more?
  4. When it comes to rodeo cookies, this one is still the champ both on the tasty and the really, really bad for you levels. 😜
  5. Google maps shows Bissonnet as West University's northern border so height shouldn't be an issue. Could it be the asking price is prohibitive?
  6. I do the same thing. 😜 Somehow my number got on Beto's call list back when he ran for Senate. I've had a ball ever since trolling whoever spams me. It's a guilty pleasure.
  7. If she drives to New Mexico, or elsewhere, and has the abortion then she risks losing standing in the case. The Texas Supreme Court already has a similar case in front of it and the state is arguing against the plaintiffs standing as their pregnancies have already ended one way or the other. Interestingly, Paxton has already appealed this case to the Texas Supreme Court and asked them to expedite it. Perhaps he's overplaying his hand or he thinks her standing won't matter. Either the court is going to have to clarify what constitutes exceptions to the law.
  8. It's a good project to do, but "overwhelming" is a bit of a reach. I've walked it to and from Uptown Park and the Eastern Glades and crossing the access roads on 610 isn't that big of a deal.
  9. He can't...this is the point where he has to do the back-scratching.
  10. Sheila Jackson Lee tells Houston voters to go to polls – on the wrong day https://www.chron.com/news/article/sheila-jackson-lee-houston-texas-18532403.php Add another one to the gaff list...🤣🤣🤣
  11. I'll give the Tim Bits a try next time. If nothing else, it's a place to get coffee and donuts at zero dark thirty, especially now that the Westheimer location is open. Anything else worth checking out?
  12. Went to the one in Katy a few weeks ago. The donuts and coffee were ok, not spectacular, but decent enough. They keep their donuts cold and we discovered the next day that the frosting on the donuts left over melted at room temp.
  13. Does it seem strange to anyone else that the bike rack is located so far away from the entrance in an apparently pristine patch of lawn, where you have to walk or ride your bike across the landscaping?
  14. One hand washing the other is probably one of the oldest elements of politics, my friend. Let's see where Mayor Turner turns up next.
  15. It can be, not so much for the voters but for the endorsers. I have to wonder what Mayor Turner was promised to induce him to endorse SJL.
  16. My understanding has been that subways aren't feasible here due to the high water table combined with shifting clay soil and our frequent flood events. Hadn't even considered the likelihood of abandoned well bores. Like the constraints, or lack thereof, I'm sure that varies widely from locale to locale.
  17. Does the fiscal record you're referring to take into account all the economic activity engendered by a road system? Is there a study that compares the economic impact of maximum flexibility of movement vs constrained? It's hard to beat a packet system for maximum flexibility. Like I said, transit system choices are a product of local constraints. The Netherlands has constraints that don't exist here, so in that light point-to-point fixed transit may have been their better option.
  18. Transit systems are products of the local constraints, whether they be geographical, economic, political or architectural. In places like Houston with few constraints, freeway systems are always going to be the logical choice. As for subways, given how high our water table is you might have to run it as a submarine line.
  19. Millennials/Gen Z gonna change the world, eh? We've heard that before... ...from the Boomers 🤣🤣🤣 tu fui ego eris
  20. Metro must recognize this as the picture below is the first thing that shows up on their Fares page...
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