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Everything posted by torvald

  1. are there any articles, etc? i did a HAIF search but only one other thread came up. not leaning one way or the other just trying to catch up here...
  2. can someone please educate me on what the issues are on this ferttita stuff or reference a HAIF thread please?
  3. the "no parking illness" sign is interesting... what does it mean exactly? also, i am sorry for your loss.
  4. no to all of the above... except yes it is poorly maintained, though not from lack of caring.
  5. not in the heights. not sure about any work done on the church as it looks the same as it did during the time of rita.
  6. yes it is historic, yet not the reccent one that burned down. i photographed some old buildings in my area before Rita hit... just in case...
  7. not familiar with "heroes" but eccleston did a great job reviving dr. who...
  8. my job is crazy around the holidays but would consider something after...
  9. on the GHPA allen's landing tour today, the guide said it was "as far as a larger sized vessel could reach on the bayou". the boat was closer to a large sail boat than an elissa sized ship...
  10. this was a one time thing. definitely downtown houston in the late 80's. it was on some sort of tour and was going to more than one port in the gulf. it may be a small ship or a scaled down version of a larger ship. it was most similar to the ship from the illustration, yet as i think of it probably only had 2 masts. the only photo we have from the outing, since we weren't really interested in the ship. obviously, she was more interested in the creepy bridge... would a small boat like that be too much for bayou's depth? with these ships the mast can be lowered if it's the height also a problem. it wasn't as large as the elissa, which i have seen in person. we were sort of unimpressed with the boat at the time, so it couldn't have been that big.
  11. the dietrich's on montrose is now packed with the overflow from the closed location. phooey. there's plenty of other good coffee shops in the area.
  12. was reminiscing with someone about my father (no longer living) when we remembered an outing we had taken in the late eighties down to buffalo bayou downtown. there was a large boat there similar to this: http://static.flickr.com/106/297740331_71c62fe673_m.jpg laughable picture and is probably too fancy, but gives a general idea. he kept joking with us that it was a viking ship and of course we didn't believe him. it was a full sized boat with wood sides and cloth sails. i know at the time i read an article in the chronicle (or post!) that it was making a tour and was a recreation or restored boat of some sort. since my friend was there, i know i'm not totally dreaming it... it was docked, at a landing but don't know specifically where.
  13. never went into that store until a o-worker was registered there. was sort of turned off by the building. that store was overpriced and the items there were really odd... not artistically odd but honking ugly odd. not surprised to see it go. :closedeyes:
  14. i'm am sure it will make more sense once we see what replaces it.
  15. graphic from the NYT 10/24
  16. looking up the name but over 100 years old, it was due to get a historic places medallion soon... a friend called and said it was in montrose. rode my bike past st. thomas, the greek orthodox, bering-memorial and the episcopal church on w. alabama... just in time to get another call from her that find it was the church in freedman's town. here it is: Friendship Baptist Church 1313 Matthews St
  17. looks like a rest stop sort of set-up...
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