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Everything posted by rci2145

  1. I agree with Redscare but I will give the place a try. My immediate thought was. "What a stupid name for a bar."
  2. Here is a pic I took yesterday. Looks even better in person.
  3. Never been there for a Sunday funday but it sounds like a nightmare douchefest.
  4. That place and Majorka need a renovation. I have no idea how Majorka stays open. I've been there twice for HH and my gf and I were the only ones there both times. Decent food but awful drinks and the decor is beyond cheesey.
  5. I'm really dissapointed. This was the best news I had heard since I moved to Midtown 6 years ago.
  6. "Reviewing alternate sites." I wonder if that means they have given up on the Louisiana location completely or if they are just looking to see if another site might be better.
  7. Anybody know what might be going in this location?
  8. Barcadia was a pretty nice little restaurant bar located on the good side of the Superblock Park. lt had underrated food and great specials. Plus free arcade games. My gf and I went there every Monday for half price food. There was rarely anyone else there. There just was no foot traffic. No population density there. With Camden going in, it will rise but you can't blame them for not wanting to add retail right now.
  9. Too late, my house was already broken into this year while my girlfriend and I were sleeping. Stole a bunch of things and smeared blood on my couches. But it's nice to know you are lurking the interwebs defending the bums of Midtown. How righteous you are InfiniteJim.
  10. A friend of mine got mugged at Randall's 3 years ago, I guess she didn't have enough Jesus. Personally, Im not scare of bums. But I chose to buy a home in this neighborhood and I have no problem saying that less is better, in every possible way.
  11. This park seems nothing like Discovery Green. It's a lot more like the bum hangout on Gray across from Buffalo Wild Wings except that the Superblock location is much worse.
  12. My post was overly negative and dramatic. (As was the one before mine!) There are a few cool places in that area. But I don't blame developers for being skittish. Greyhound station + light rail = nightmare for businesses in that area. When I envision a park there, I just can't imagine it as a real option for people to want to use it. Maybe they should just turn it into a massive dog park.
  13. Anyone expecting this park to be much more than a hangout for bums is going to be disappointed. I live in Midtown and I can see no reason for ever going to the Superblock park. Almost everything near the light rail faces substantial challenges because in that area, the rail is merely a homeless transportation system from Midtown to downtown. I know because I used to ride it into downtown every morning and was the only one that ever paid to ride it. They should tear up the tracks and leave the Med Center section.
  14. If it stays mismatched and ugly it will match the rest of the block. Drinkery and the spot where El Patio was are an eyesore to say the least.
  15. Im sure this was already brought up somewhere but I couldn't find it. What is the massive construction on Elgin between Smith and Louisiana?
  16. There are three Starbucks on the corner of Gray and Shepherd. Not enough I say!
  17. Really excited about Potbelly and Torchy's! Hopefully they can make it look non-suburbish.
  18. Unless I'm looking at the wrong block, I don't see any construction activity yet.
  19. That's not for the Midtown one, the Vintage Park one is opening in early 2013.
  20. I think Alamo Drafthouse will be the biggest thing to happen to Midtown since Post moved in. When are they expected to open doors? I never saw a date.
  21. The tIme horizon is 30 years. It's a place she would live in for a while and then rent out until the mortgage is paid. I'm curious why you think the returns would be higher than the west side. Baldwin Park already seems built out. I don't know what else is going to make it much better. The light rail will bring in a constant flow of vagrants. Also, the neighborhoods on the other side of 59 aren't going anywhere soon. Don't get me wrong, the area looks nice. I just wonder how any of the current problems will go away.
  22. My girlfriend is thinking of buying a town home near Baldwin Park. I don't know much a out the area but the surrounding areas look dangerous. I was wondering if you all had any input. Is the area improving, or is it as good as it will ever be? Are there a lot of crimes down there? Would buying a town home there be a good long term investment? Thanks.
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