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Everything posted by memebag

  1. I know what you mean, that's why I was glib. I think homeless people deserve the same access to public parks as homed people.
  2. Did you miss the MFAH films listed in that email? I'm definitely taking my daughter to The Red Balloon. Yes! Please bring a recent mortgage statement when visiting Disco Green! Did they put it where kids can climb on it?
  3. I found a quote from DG: "Starting in Fall 2008, ice skating will return to downtown Houston when the model boat basin of Kinder Lake will be transformed for the holidays into a magnificent outdoor ice skating rink." The model boat basin is described as "a shallow pool".
  4. I'm going to speculate that there's no way they can afford to freeze that lake. I went to Hermann park today, wondering if the crowds at Disco G would take some of the pressure off. No dice. Hermann & the zoo were packed again this weekend.
  5. Thanks for the postcard, mom! I hung it on the wald next to my bunk so I see it whenever I go to sleep or wald up. Some of the guys have decided that it is full of Betty Grables, so it has become quite popular. Wald you send more pictures of industrial structures that might be full of women? I got to go, this wald war won't fight itself. Wald back soon. Your walding son, WALDo. P.S. WALD WALD WALD WALD WALD WALD.
  6. Wow. You have a postcard for a storage facility? What motivated its production?
  7. This thread is hilarious. First, people were excited about a new Target. Then they got discouraged because there's an Arby's next to the Target. It's all just shopping.
  8. There was some sort of festival going on on Saturday (maybe Sunday, too) that put extra cars in the zoo lot. Hermann Park needs more parking. I have memberships at the Museum of Natural Science, Health Museum and Children's Museum, so I get a discount on nearby parking. A big underground lot would be a good idea, especially if it was next to a stop on the new park train.
  9. I loved the banjo concourse. I love past waves of the future.
  10. You don't have to be faster than the tiger, just faster than the guy next to you.
  11. And I like that the Galleria in Houston doesn't look all the same. Same is boring. I think they should accentuate the differences and make Galleria I as disco swank as possible. They should dig up some photos of Kenneth Schnitzer's Summit Suite for inspiration.
  12. I shop there a couple of times a year. I also smell of suburbia. Mmmmm, suburby.
  13. Our gorilla enclosure was an acoustic nightmare. They had to find a deaf gorilla to live in it. If you think our zoo sucks, you should have seen it 30 years ago. There used to be a filthy, depressing block of monkey jail cells in the center of it.
  14. Or visit The Drag in Austin. Panhandlers (like most of us) go where the money is.
  15. I find this a frightening sentiment. What do you mean by "away"? Do you want them dead? In camps? Moved to Dallas? Or do you mean everyone should get a free home?
  16. That's no comfort. Without inspections there's no way to tell how safe or unsafe the planes are.
  17. Did that happen in this thread? I said I new panhandlers who made $50k per year. They weren't homeless, and they weren't wealthy.
  18. I still want to know about the dots and the $15 bed.
  19. I still want to know about the dots. If your fiance doesn't feel safe when people get close to her, it sounds like she either needs to do something to feel more safe (like learn self defense, carry a gun, look scarier than anyone she meets) or avoid places where people might get close. Either way, it doesn't sound like homelessness is the real issue.
  20. I knew panhandlers in Austin who had decent homes. They could pull in $50,000 a year and smoke dope all day. That's why I asked if this thread was about the homeless or panhandlers. If you're panhandling and can't afford a home, you're just not applying yourself. For the record, I never give money to panhandlers.
  21. I can't. What do the dots show? Why can't your fiance tolerate people asking her for money? And, given that she can't, why does she choose to live in midtown?
  22. I thought this thread was about the homeless problem, not panhandlers. Which is it?
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