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Everything posted by cnote

  1. I love how you like to hate on a school for having fans that did not necessarily attend the University. That is because we have something called tradition at the program, where people grow up rooting for us, and continue to do so despite not attending the school for whatever reason. You come across as jealous and petty. You are again presuming to know things about people over the interwebs, as you have done in this forum since I joined... I will say that we needed no luck to win against OSU at home, we actually had bad luck to let OSU back in the game we dominated in every category in the first three quarters...We all remember that Tech beat Texas at night in Lubbock in the biggest game in Tech history on the play of the year in college football by the best receiver in college football at the last second, this doesn't really help your argument. None of the teams are undefeated and we had the best loss with no home game in the round robin. The coaches and humans tried to give it to UT becuase they actually watch the games and use logic to determine that UT is the best team in the conference. Football is about more than statistics when you watch a game. But this is not something I would expect someone who thinks Texas isn't even the best team in the state to understand... When was OU hurt by the BCS? I seem to remember them and LSU benefitting the most....not saying it didn't happen, just that I don't remember....
  2. Defensive style points for blitzing??? Are you freaking kidding me??? Running any play on 1st and ten with 30 seconds to go when the other team holds no, or even one, timeout is just flat out classless. Agree with your points about the non BCS schools and the fact that all the controversy helps to destabalize the system, but it is gonna take a whole lot of money and a shift in the balance of power to create a playoff system, and won't happen for some time...
  3. Why do you want to use a whole season to pick the winner of a conference??? Lets decide it in the conference, in the UT-Okla-Tech matchups...Tech blown out on the road, Oklahoma beaten soundly by two scores on a neutral field, and UT beaten on a last second play on the road... You know what we don't do? We don't get cheap touchdowns running the ball with 1st and 10 with 30 seconds left up by two scores...I thought the BCS was supposed to eliminate the so called "style" points....it has made it worse...OU has something coming to them from the football gods... You can get a good laugh when that is the rule next year, just like it is in the ACC and SEC...I bet the commissioners of those leagues think it is a silly tie-breaker. We have the best football team in the conference, the only one that has a real defense...we hold teams to thier lowest point totals on the season. Can you imagine what florida's special teams is gonna do againt OU's kick coverage? Oklahoma better pray for Florida to come out flat against Bama...Even then, Bama's lackluster offense should be good for at least 45 against Venables... This is also shaping up so that it could be possible to have a split MNC if the AP poll decides UT looks better than Florida after the bowls... They should rename the conference title game to the "We lost to UT by double digits Showcase!"
  4. HAHAHA....The best you can come up with is the Vince Young knee on the pitch? Talk about whining...
  5. Agree about Utah...I do think Alabama is a bit over-rated though. Saban is great, but the offense just does nothing for me. I admit to only having watched three of their games...Miss, GA, and LSU...Now LSU they looked really bad, and maybe that was a fluke...but Ole Miss and GA were very similar games where they built huge leads very early and had to hang on for the victory (Miss moreso than GA). Shouldn't a team that is supposed to dominate in the trenches get stronger as the game goes on rather than fade? What happens when they don't get a fast start against a good team? I think they lose...but I wouldn't put too much money against little Nicky.... I also agree with some of what you said about the OU vs UT schedule issue...but I don't think it is a slam dunk for OU....Arkansas is much better than winless Washington and they should probably have points deducted for playing winless FCS Chattanooga. Then you have Cincy and TCU where we played the north champion Mizzou. UT got hurt last weekend when FL ATL, UTEP, and Ark all lost, but Rice still has a chance to win CUSA...But I agree a road win in Stillwater could be significant to the voters....
  6. Okay, that's fine....but OU shouldn't play for it when the team that beat them on a neutral field got beat by a team on the road that got crushed 3 weeks later...but seriously, OU shouldn't play for it when the team that beat them on a neutral field has an identical record. This would all be solved if we were in the SEC, because if the top two teams in a 3 way tie are within 3 spots of each other in the BCS, it goes to head to head. People that are puting OU in need to take a step back and realize that what happened to Tech in Norman has NO BEARING on whether OU is better than UT. What happened in Dallas does. Your statement that we should stop whining because we had our chance is ridiculous. If this were the case Alabama and Utah would be 1-2...Florida, Texas, OU, Tech, USC, and Penn St. would be eliminated from consideration...and then when Florida beats Alabama, we can all watch Utah play Boise St. in the title game...
  7. I'm glad you are on board...I also think UT has a pretty good record in BCS bowls, being the victor in two of the greatest Rose Bowls in recent history. Florida would be a tough test for either school, but they are also very beatable. Florida should lose BCS points for running up the score on Citadel... I am honestly trying to look at this as objectively as possible and no one can give me a convincing argument as to why OU should play...I mean, all three teams have played and all have one loss, so lets look at those losses...Tech was blown out on the road, Texas lost on the road at the last second, and OU lost on a neutral field by two scores...who has the best loss? They all have the same number of wins over very similar competition. OU played Cincy and TCU, but Texas played Missouri, and Texas played all FBS schools while OU played an FCS school...
  8. We already saw what happened on the field...we rolled OU by 10....I would make no argument if we were talking about whether Tech or UT should play for the MNC becuase we had that game in our hands and we dropped the ball. We lost on the field, but the BCS has made it a discussion of OU or UT, and that answer is just as clear. The main argument for the BCS over a playoff is that it makes every game of the regular season a playoff game, well UT and OU already played that game so the voters should act accordingly. I wonder if Mac can pull some strings to get the RRS played on ESPN classic this week.... I also don't care what 100 people in a poll think. People who don't pay enough attention deciding things is my big problem. I care what the coaches who are supposed to follow this think, and the fact that they get seduced by OU stomping a Tech team playing over their heads that had too much time to think about how great they were and had things snowball pisses me off. OU is just not as great as that victory suggests, and I don't want to see OU embarrass our conference by getting rolled in another BCS game.
  9. How is UT playing Mediocre? Because they are crushing bad teams? No doubt OU is playing great, but if you want to talk about whether OU or Texas deserves it based on the season (and leave Tech out, as the BCS has) I don't see anyone being able to argue OU deserves it more...it's a little thing called scoreboard on a neutral field... It really pisses me off that OU is going to jump Texas in the BCS next week when we whipped them, hopefully enough voters will come back from the dark side... Oh yeah, and Go Rebels...if they take care of business against State they could be in the Cotton Bowl against TTU...
  10. Drove by on the way back from picking up Chuy's...saw some streamers and a decent crowd. Probably would have been much better if they were open on Friday or Saturday...I know we would have gone Friday, instead we hit up Texadelphia....
  11. I would argue that Texas did an excellent job of slowing Tech's offense, especially when their own offense put them in so many bad positions. They held them without a touchdown in the second half until the final play of the game and should have stopped that drive with an easy interception....Tech is a great team and Crabtree and Harrel are awesome, but they are not unstoppable. Although they did look pretty freaking unstoppable this past weekend... Nebraska also did an excellent job of containing them...I want to see a rematch of Texas and Texas Tech in Miami!!!!!!!!!! I really do think they are the two best teams in the country, although I know I will hear it from Florida fans... EDIT::: I really don't want to sound like I am dogging Tech, I think they should be number one right now...Just don't be too exuberant just yet, there is a lot of football left.
  12. A common opponents approach to Duke and Baylor won't get us any closer to proving or disproving my original statement with which you found fault; that Baylor could beat the bottom feeding teams in the SEC...I didn't assume you were an SEC fan, just that you think teams like Vandy, Miss St, Auburn, Ark, and Tennessee are light years ahead of Baylor, which I contend they are not...since Baylor hasn't played any of them on the field, the only thing we can do is talk about the transitive property of historical wins and losses, which really can't be done in college football. The Baylor team that played Wake in week 1 bringing in a freshman QB off the bench is not the same team you will see against my Longhorns this weekend. Hopefully we can settle the whole SEC vs Big 12 thing in the bowl season...nothing would make me happier than a Florida/Bama vs. UT/Tech/Oklahoma/OSU MNC game...though personally I think Tech will fade in the next two weeks.
  13. So is the ACC so awesome that Duke is really a great team or so terrible that Wake is god aweful for losing to anyone in the league?? Your right, Wake sucks, but they were good enough to beat Ole Miss in a game I WATCHED (one of your SEC teams with a quality road win)...Duke sucks too, (along with everyone in the ACC) but they were good enough to beat your vaunted, road tested, Commodores at home...the SEC is not the untouchable league it once was, the middle of the road and bottom feeding SEC teams just aren't that great this year. Vandy got way too much credit for beating Auburn at home by a point. Right now they are playing bad football on a three game losing streak. I watch a lot of college football outside of the Big 12 and grew up a fan of an SEC team...I would ask you if you have watched any Baylor games before deriding them as being "just as terrible as ever" which is certainly not true...they lost some non conference games early under a freshman quarterback and a new head coach and are only now starting to play their best football. I am not saying they are a good team yet, but neither are any of the SEC teams I think they would beat. Unfortunately for them, they play in a division where 4/6 team are ranked in the top 10... And just so we are clear, I am talking about picking a team in hypothetical games based on watching the teams play, you seem to be the one picking them based on the transitive property of college football. I may have been harsh on Vandy for losing to an improving Duke team under Cutcliffe, but that is still a game a decent SEC team should win at home every time. But the transitive property can be fun...how about Wake > Ole Miss > Florida???? EDIT:: UConn beat the tar out of that Virginia team you give Duke so much credit for beating...also West Virgina has some very losable games ahead like @Pitt and South Florida...
  14. I wonder if the other site will be the 2 year rumored Lupe Tortilla Location...
  15. Doesn't look like we made that deadline...anyone know when it is supposed to open????
  16. Wake is a good team who is one game out of first in their division...Baylor played them to open the season and Baylor is a young team who is getting better every weak, much like aTm...What's wrong with losing on the road at UConn in a highly competetive game to a team who was picked by many to win their conference and still might? Lets remember we are talking about our doormat losing to potential BCS conference division winners... Auburn has quit (you could throw Tennessee in there too), Arkansas has no talent at skill positions, Vanderbilt lost to Duke AT HOME and I wont pick them against a high school team after that (also, their tough road win came at Ole Miss where Mississippi turned the ball over 6 times and once on the two yard line as a back was walking into the end zone for a winning score)... Also, to Red's point, you argument can just as easily prove it is much tougher to win a road game in the Big 12...Nothing could be further from the truth regarding Baylor being just as terrible as ever, Robert Griffin is a special player and they have some all Big 12 talent on their O line...watch some of the highlights from the game against Mizzou...
  17. It actually may have been bad for the eventual big 12 south winner, who need Mizzou to stay highly ranked since they will most likely be in the big 12 title game. Agree though, Baylor has some great players, they just need to learn how to win. That team always loses the 4th quarter...
  18. Are you saying that 7/12 teams in the SEC have won a road game against a team that currently has a winning record??? Lets compare apples to apples... Agreed, I don't think anyone wants to play them right now...still can't see how they lost to Ole Miss at home, but I saw it with my own eyes... The only thing about Florida is how much credence you lend to beating the crap out of LSU and Georgia, both of which appear to be highly overrated...interesting to see how well LSU does against Bama and Ole Miss...
  19. We were talking about 1 loss contenders for the national title, I don't think Baylor quite qualifies. I actually think Baylor, the worst team in the big 12 south (though this is close with aTm)...would beat Auburn, Arkansas, Vanderbilt, Miss St., and show well against Kentucky and Tennessee...Interesting about the road games, but that will work itself out as conference road/home flips every year... More gimmie games in a conference has nothing to do with home/road and everything to do with the quality of opponents...but many teams in the big 12 would struggle with SEC officiating as they call holding. Wide splits on the spread basically force an offensive lineman to hold against a faster D line.
  20. Show me another team with a better loss or a tougher schedule...I'll wait.... Also, with regard to the zebra's in the Tech game...they were a joke both ways...can anyone tell me how a team throws the ball 53 times and does not get called for one holding penalty? If an NFL offensive line played a high school team and threw the ball 53 times they would hold once. The big 12 offenses/QBs are really aided by this complete disregard for the rules. It has become blatantly obvious that you are now allowed to grab onto a defensive player and hold on for dear life no matter which direction he goes. The Longhorns should coach accordingly. Kuddos to Tech on a great win and a great night of college football...that is what it is all about. Crabtree is a stud, it can't be said enough...If Penn st. would have been ahead of Tech this morning I would have puked...
  21. Exactly, UT "should" beat everyone left, but USC "should" beat everyone in the PAC 10 by 28 every year, but it doesn't happen. I am glad you are not worried about Tech, because I sure am. Should be a great game and great weather this weekend. All these big games right in a row are putting a strain on my psyche, it is a lot of stress for a die hard fan...but a lot of fun too, Go Horns!
  22. Not to get into a lengthy discussion on the play (as I have on other boards), lets just say the play was reviewed by the official committee after the game and the call was upheld. The hits on McCoy were ticky-tacky, as was the roughing the punter call against UT, which was basically a turnover. So that offsets the "interception that wasn't"... Now lets get to the holding/tackling of Orakpo on nearly every down by Loadholt, and the screen passes that were nearly the entire OU offense in the second half where linemen were illegally downfield every time. They even broke down the screens on ESPN postgame showing how the linemen were 10 yards downfield when the ball is thrown past the line of scrimmage... Regardless, the Horns looked really good against Mizzou. Still lots of football left, but if they can keep from reading about how great they are and maintain focus (these are 18-22 yo kids we are talking about here) I don't think there is anyone on their remaining schedule that SHOULD beat them. Kudos to Mack and all the coaches for a great job on the year so far...keep it up, and Hook 'em!!! Edit:::Going to Lubbock still scares me, wierd things happen up there...Also, a rematch against Mizzou in the title game if we make it won't be fun. At Kansas can also be really tough...Okie St. is still top ten but at least it is at home...we just have such a tough schedule it really tempers your excitement...
  23. Did anyone else hear the reasons Metro gave for the hike? Expanded service to the Airport (I bet this is a loser, but we will see), and service to Pasadena which refuses to tax citizens for it. I cannot for the life of me see why I should pay more to fund this service.... Oh well, everyone can make up their own minds as to whether or not to ride from the zones that just got a 30% increase...I will be driving and slugging more.
  24. I don't argue that it is still cost effective, but much less so. And with oil now below $80, it is getting less so all the time. For a few bucks a day, I will take the convenience of driving myself over a crowded bus. But that is just my opinion...also, I can park downtown for $3.50 which is pretty sweet! Don't many employers generally pick up bus passes for employees? So I guess it won't matter to most folks...
  25. I have to say I am against increases for the Park and Rides. They effectively raised rates very recently by implementing the Q cards and eliminating the monthly pass discounts. Hiking it up a $1.00 each way for people out in Katy and other far flung suburbs is quite a large increase. $9.00 a day to ride the bus? If this passes, and gas prices continue to drop (likely)...I see a lot more cars on the road...slugging will really take off as a money saver!
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