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Everything posted by roadrunner

  1. I travel every week for business. I work for a very large company. If they made me take a bus around the city, I'd probably quit. I would say less than 5% of business travelers have restrictions that tight. Tourists would most likely rent a car if they came to Houston. Why in the world would you try to visit Houston catching bus after bus in this city? And honestly, wouldn't you pay an extra $15 to take a pleasant cab ride to catch a flight that would more than likely save you 30 min-1 hour if you would have tried to get to the transit center and then take this bus?
  2. What a joke. I have no idea how this service would be beneficial to anybody other than someone who is flying here for business with the most strict expense policy ever.
  3. It was a mixed use Camden project that never happened.
  4. Well this blows. I don't think a "stimulus package" would be the answer, either. That land is too valuable to sit vacant for that long. We don't need city dollars to pay for another half-built Allen Parkway version of the Pavilions. Just wait 5-10 years for the right thing to come along.
  5. I think Washington Ave is losing the walkability urban format people were hoping for. These developments don't encourage that. Oh well, it's still turning into a nice strip.
  6. I'm going to hold off my opinion on this since all we've seen is a little thumbnail rendering of it.
  7. I'll try to check out this weekend, but yeah I agree. That looks pretty underwhelming for the amount of money spent on it.
  8. As a recent college grad, I can kind of attest to this. I wouldn't necessarily call Houston a hotter destination, but it seems like most of the people that graduated with good jobs ended up in Houston. People that really wanted to go to Dallas or ended up there were mainly girls and only a few actually had a solid job lined up. This means absolutely nothing about either city and which one is a better destination - it's just my observation. I am a native Houstonian who has plenty of time in Dallas and I love that city, too. The only thing that bothers me about my observation is that I am a single male, and I wish Houston would win over those females.
  9. Yeah that's what I meant by nothing is happening. I mean, the light rail plan had a lot of flaws and I don't know how efficient it would have been. We might as well go back to square 1.
  10. Yeah I drove by this the other day. I think it really looks good. Are there any renderings out there? And when is it supposed to be complete?
  11. Honestly, at this point I almost feel like Metro should just scrap the entire light rail 2012 plan and start over. Sure, we've wasted millions of dollars in the engineering, design, etc., but it has gotten to the point where all of that money just seems to be thrown in a bottomless pit anyways. Even with stimulus money coming in, I still am skeptical of anything being done related to light rail. I say scrap it, build up capital and start working on the design of a couple of subway lines going through the west side of town to start service in 2020s.
  12. There isn't an official press release regarding a W in Houston. People made these assumptions by the scope of the project and the renderings released by the developer. This would have been a really neat concept, but it seemed very ambitious.
  13. I think if Houston's convention business downtown continues to grow, in the long run this will be fine. It's definitely not a tourist destination or anything (not really sure what is in this city), but it still will be a nice little nightlife complex to complement GRB/DG....similar to Bayou Place and the Theater District.
  14. It was kind of hard to imagine this being a success based on the timing and the current economic environment.
  15. What does this mean? What are the construction timelines now?
  16. What about the block next to this one that has what looks like an old bank? Does the Holocaust Museum own this property?
  17. I think if downtown vacancy rates hold steady around 10% going into 2010, there may be a chance that this could be built. Everything I've heard from the real estate world is that 2010 is going to be the turnaround growth year. Not sure if that notion will hold up through 09, but if it does I would imagine this project would be strongly considered to go forward.
  18. There is absolutely no way it can be a CVS. We already have a CVS and Walgreens on Almeda, and then a handful in Midtown. I'm hoping for a restaurant, although I haven't seen what the building is shaping up to be lately.
  19. Brown Bag Deli took the place of the Antoine's and seems to be doing very good business.
  20. This place is open now and I tried it out. It's pretty good. Very similar to Chipotle and Freebirds. I'll be going back.
  21. Or he could be talking about that small plot of land that has something going up on the east side of San Jac. It started a few weeks ago right across from those half-built townhomes/rowhouses. Hopefully it isn't a phase 2 of that project....
  22. I was guessing a gas station, but I haven't been by there in awhile.
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