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Posts posted by flyingman

  1. Ugh I wish I could afford it now. Who wants to share a 1 bed loft at Rise!? :wub:

    Let's finish UofH first <_<

    On their website the available ones showing are between 130,000 and 500,000

  2. In 2005 I was in a co-op program working for Shell Chemical plant in Deer Park. I worked in a lab and across the hallway was the supervisor's office. Where he sat at his desk was directly across from our door so you could see him if you were walking by in the lab. One time I was walking by and did a quick glance out the door, to see him digging for gold up his nose. He was way in deep and I just kept on walking. Oh and there was eye contact at that moment too.

  3. I was wondering how hard it would be to make it so you can quote a single post using the quick reply? This is the standard on vBulletin now. It seems logical.

    Another suggestion is a "My Posts" button next to the "View New Posts" button. This comes in handy so you can easily keep track of your posts and get to them quickly.

    Just a suggestion

    Another suggestion would be a "You've posted in this thread" icon. The icons, as they are now, with a change for threads you've posted in.

    I simply clicked "reply" button right under your post and it quoted you, and here I am replying. It didn't take any longer as a regular or fast reply.

    When you go to "My Assistant" there is the "My last 10 posts" option to click

    When you go to your profile the "Posts" option will show your last posts as well

    "Topics" will show you threads you started

    But I don't think it would be much hard to add those suggestions though. (no sarcasm) :)

  4. Back to the main topic ...

    I would find in myself greater respect for any nation's flag flying, but preferably with the American flag along with it. Parrothead may have issues with the Mexican population or the country in itself to feel that way. Unfortunate.

    I'll just say this; if it's because of the immigration thing (and not specifically to Parrothead) it would only be fair to dislike all other countries in poor economic situations, who if conveniently shared borders with us, you know would be doing the same thing. So when you get into bashing their culture and beliefs within their households, that's gone too far. (people were going off on those tangents)

    Flying only the foreign nation's flag feels stubborn and uninviting to me, regardless of what flag it is.

    I think it was unfortunate for that hotel mentioned above to take down the other nations flags post 9/11. It WAS flying with the American flag. To take them down and complaining about taking them down was very ignorant and intolerant, a reason many nations dislike the American PEOPLE. It was disrespectful to the people that work with the company and to the people they accommodate. If Cirque Du Soleil took the many flags that surround their Grand Chapiteau representing the nations of their artists, acrobats, singers, technicians, and creators, it would be a gigantic slap in their face wouldn't it?

  5. I fly. Quite often actually. Not so much as a joy ride though, usually as an escape meachanism. But the thing is, it's like a fake flight. I am always trying not to fall. And it's roof top to roof top flying. I've always wondered what this meant. Oh and I have to make a running start. Weird.

    Ha I love those dreams. I too have to start running and jumping up like an idiot. After a while it's like the flying power deteriorates and then I can't do it anymore :(

  6. I can remember a dream when I was real young where I was running through what looked like an industrial toxic waste area. The dirt and sky were red and toxic barrels randomly thrown all over. There was a cave/tunnel entrance and I was going to walk into it. The black robed skeleton death guy came out and was chasing after me. He was about to catch me but at the last minute my dad came in running from side frame, picked me up, and saved me.

    I can honestly say that at whatever age this was I would have absolutely no idea what the death guy was or the toxic waste dump or what toxic waste even was.

  7. LOL Coit Tower

    No houstonnoob, I would be the last person to know how much things would cost right now. I hadn't seen The Cosmopolitan before so I just previewed it. I really would want to choose what I had and come up with the entire look myself though. That place wouldn't be for me. The bathroom looked nice.

  8. Have you tried www.apartmentratings.com

    I ran into this page just yesterday http://www.gunn.net/rise9438.htm

    I LOVE the space but I hear price is too much for what you're getting. I think the reviews pertain to the whole Post complex.

    I would love to live in the tower. I'd totally gut the kitchen and bathroom. That granite has got to GO.

    So much potential. Can someone say "The Bold Look of Kohler"? :P

  9. Who isn't at SouthBeach every weekend? lol As long as you're with friends and having a great time together then any place including SB is fun. Don't you love the walk all the guys put on as soon as they enter the facility? lol Saturdays are the fuller nights. Free entry Friday and Saturday from 10:30-11. Be in line by 10:40 latest for that.

    I can't wait until my 21st in a couple months to try other places.

  10. So is it standard practice for gay men who want biological kids to decieve straight women into marrying them, getting them pregnant, having their children, then come out of the closet? I ask only because this is not the first time I've heard of the: "I was married with kids, then got a divorce, now my gay lover and I have custody.." scenario before.

    Um no, that's a pretty ignorant assumption. Usually what happens is that in our society some men feel extremely pressured to be "straight" and deny their homosexuality (bad for you). In their denial they try to be "straight" and get into a heterosexual relationship, get married, make their parents happy, have kids, and in SOME cases they will finally fall out of that denial and don't feel right being married to the woman. They may still love eachother on some level, but never in all its aspects. Some women understand and will even tell you that had a pretty good idea the husband was gay.

    So if society just let people be who they are and stopped bitching about it, we wouldn't have men going on dead end voyages in search of having a "Straight" life and hurting wives and children.

    Anyway there are so many different non-decieving ways gays/lesbians can acquire children without going through a pointless marriage/hookup, as many have pointed out. Adoption, surrogate mothers/fathers, etc. etc.

    Happy voyages :closedeyes:

  11. You know I never thought about the stadium but I actually don't think it's that bad. That's a massive compliment from me as I'm always for new and modern improvements and walk around campus with a barf bag because of some of the disgusting buildings. I'm scared that if they built a new one, they would go overboard with it and be something where they try too hard, like the Beijing Olympic Stadium :lol:

  12. How about let's work on getting rid of the discustin Christmas lights first. The green neon building actually gives the skyline some color and flavor @ night.

    Neon lighting is very outdated :P Gives the flavor of dated ideas. No forward progress.

  13. Yeah, well I guess when it comes to clients it can really be any language. Also sounds like when it comes to the people you'll be working with immediately here in the U.S. obviously will be in English. I suppose I'll just go for what language I want, depending what part in Europe I'd think about expanding to, or having connections with.

    Thanks though

  14. THANKYOU for FINALLY mentioning LED lighting.

    I'll just point you to colorkinetics

    To light up downtown SMARTLY you could hope for a collaboration between all the businesses. It doesn't mean you need all this bright lighting peeping through your loft window as some people mentioned. LED gives off soft lighting and if used in the right way, could lead to something beautiful and spectacular. You just need to highlight a couple simple key elements of buildings to make it work. Simplicity would work.

    People definitely aren't going to say "lets go to Houston to see the lit up downtown" but it does leave some kind of impression of the city. It might be tucked in the far back of the head and you might not be able to put your finger on it, but there's something about the city that left an impression on you. Even if it's something small. It would give the city some kind of character.

    Lets just get rid of that disgusting neon green edge of that highrise we have now. It's been done.

  15. You definitely get used to the walking and it helps the Chick-Fil-A go down.

    Someone mentioned earlier about underground classes. I would hate a class underground. I already hate classes with no windows. I'd feel trapped and totally uninspired :ph34r: . I'd be more distracted trying to find some kind of MacGyver way to get out of there into the open. Big open spaces with lots of sunshine are better. Does someone smell a tad of clastrophobia?

    Anyway the whole new plan on expanding UofH sounds great. I only wish I would have had the chance to experience it.

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