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Posts posted by flyingman

  1. The landing pattern for runway 12R (the only part that would be affected) would NOT be affected. The planes as today fly the pattern to the west of the high rises. The new tower would have been happily in the bunch out of the way. It wouldn't be hard to change airspace rules around downtown high rises anyway for whatever reason, just as they were after 9/11. Takeoff being affected is ridiculous as you're up above 1000 ft well within a couple seconds after takeoff, way before nearing downtown.

    Those findings were so 1980s. :P It even states that it'd just be something new for pilots to look out for, as any mountain, radio tower, or building is.

  2. The problem is people can't seem to think about things in the long run. Yeah, one little light rail isn't going to change the world over night, but we have to start somewhere don't you think? Plus I never mentioned anything about a measly light rail. We need a better transportation system period, no matter what the best solution is.

    Opposition to such improvements astounds me and is very unsettling that my future and the children's future rely on people who have that kind of mentality. Wouldn't it have been fantastic as a teenager or young adult, to easily find your way to the downtown library, to the museums, parks, places to eat, places to hang out, and places to discover in your city? It's not rocket science. Look at the cities you can already do that in.

    I get it... when auto sales go down and oil drama... I get it...

  3. We need a fine mix of closer residential spaces, more retail, and specifically a WAY better public transportation system to get things going in downtown. Does the chicken or the egg need to come first? They need to stop playing that game! Suck it the hell up and develop simultaneously, and you'll have real success.

    Until then, visitors and ourselves will never be able to visit one specific place in Houston to experience the amazing mix of culture we have... the culture of Houston.

  4. Those other models show the remnants returning to the Gulf after it's tour of Louisiana. Hm what shall happen when it does eh? Oops already been touched on. Well I just saw updated models moo :P

  5. People are only NOW hating that over synthesized lip syncing crap?

    I didn't watch the awards and missed her performance, but I rather enjoyed seeing what appeared to be Color Kinetics LED lighting woo :D I'm going to love incorporating bits of color lighting in my place... some day.

  6. Recomended viewing for Toggle and others

    Anthony Bourdain - No Reservations (Travel Channel)

    Episode: Mexico/US Border

    ...Or any episode in which he travels to a bordering city of any two countries. Watch what happens. Oh wait that's BRAVO's catch phrase.

    Darn the next showing isn't until Oct 02, 10pm (Central)

  7. We should not sit idly by while the spanish speakers come in to this country and do not feel the need to assimilate when every other group that comes here does. At the least, learn the language. It isn't like English is difficult to learn for spanish speakers. Far easier than for french, vietnamese, arabic speakers, etc.

    I like how only one group is being targeted by a few. Is it only the spanish speakers we're having a problem with? Does that include Spaniards? So no problem if we were talking about Urdu, French, Samoan, or Gaeilge?

    How did you come to the conclusion that it is easier for Spanish speakers to learn English than others?

    I've driven past a lot of communities where I thought I was in Ha Noi or Dubai. Are these said communities in the list of "every other group that comes here does"?

  8. I was trying to take a picture of Downtown as I approached closer and closer going north on I-45. Damn billboards and business signs kept getting in the way of the awesome shot it would have been. Awesome angle from the sun, unique color of sky, hello billboards and sign.

    Disgusting indeed.

    How about one interchanging LED board every once in a while along the road during the day? (They can be blinding at night as you may tell by MGM and NYNY bridge Vegas) :P LED what? Solar power what? What is this internet you speak of?

  9. I'd suggest some window shutters. Deep red mulch around the plants so it really pops. The plants around the front side of the garage could use that kind of attention as well. Repaint the brown a light, soft, earth-tone green; something along the green called "April Mist" on www.behr.com. It would compliment the mulch color.

    How about the small wall be made of decorative wood fence panels painted the same color as the gutters.

    I'm not sure what I would do with the garage door. Perhaps a creamy color that matches the front door as well.

  10. I didn't say he couldn't post his opinion. We're all simply putting our 2 cents of ours and of course we expect these issues to get heated. No one said his post should be taken down. I simply said what I believe to have been implied by the post. Yay. :lol:

    *peacefully shakes hands with fellow beings*

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