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Posts posted by flyingman

  1. You want it laid out? Fine, here it is:...

    See that was good. I'm not sure about the shoving diversity down throats on my part, but I can certainly say many of us disliked the line of thought of people like Toggle, who practically posted an article of how it's ok to be miserable about diversity and dislike it because it's been proven to be true to all. What was the intention behind it? Are we supposed to suddenly gather and force people out of the country who are not like Toggle, because we should strive to cause less misery to people who can't accept diversity? Perhaps segregate neighborhoods, schools, cities? Who's to say anything belongs to anyone's culture or practices, when the country was founded by immigrants and is composed of immigrants from all around? Naturally, we have all assimilated into whatever the hell it is we are.

    I guess you weren't really on the other side as I mentioned eh? ha. x_x

  2. I'm quite happy and content when I go to the University of Houston and am surrounded by so many different people. If anyone was miserable I doubt they would even consider going there. I don't think you'll succeed in rewinding that kind of progress anywhere. We're your future. Isn't that scary? Call the police, progress is trying to taking place.

    Conclusion: Diversity causes Toggle Misery.

  3. Again, let's focus on making school lunches healthier, cost-effective, and tastier, not creating a model UN in the cafeteria.

    Side note - I don't want to get in the middle of the argument "assimilation", as I don't believe that making immigrant students eat chicken nuggets instead of pupusas is going to make them any more "assimilated"

    That pretty much sums it up. I'm done. :closedeyes:

  4. I'm having a hard time seeing how having a couple different choices on the menu is going to negatively change the ultra-complexity that is American Culture, or affect students' ability to embrace or alter the American culture they're living. Aside from the lunch, I don't see anything else in the school system in danger of being un-American and being trampled on by foreign ways. Assimilate/indoctrinate children into American culture? What does that mean and how would they go about doing that? Putting them in the school and living in the United States does that on its own doesn't it? Tends has that effect I think...

    Can you describe what American culture is? Which aspects are the ones you want and that can be embraced in public schools? The way things are done and the way systems work simply is our way right? It would be obviously different to any student dropping in from another country.

    American tax payers are quite a diverse group...

  5. I fear for what will become of the Almeda Mall space. I have wanted that place torn down for a while now. I was a little kid when I noticed how it was dying down. One day my mother was taking me for a ride on the mini-train, the next day it was all but a distant memory. I will vomit if it becomes extra space for more of those strip centers.

    I hate the "let's gear it towards the demographic" instead of an idea outside the box that would benefit or inspire the area for the better. The planning around there sucks. Damn cookie-cutter houses went up like zits.

  6. LOL how does eating foreign foods and opening your mind to the world you live in have anything to do with embracing the English Language? No one said anything about teaching classes in Japanese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Spanish, Russian, French, etc. Seeing Chicken Pad Thai on the sign is not going to erase the English language from anyone's brain.

    Anyway I think the schools should be introducing better healthy food choices, and one way you'll find better variety of healthy food is by looking at all types of cuisines from around the world. There are some delicious choices out there be it from Japan, China, Greece, France, anywhere!

  7. Of course it was as mindlessly all-encompansing of Republicans as was our resident closet case's reference to The Olive Garden. We'd be glad to treat our gay brother Musicman to a better than mediocre meal at Olive garden any day of the week-except Fridays.

    I'm missing the whole Olive Garden thing. Inside joke?

  8. First came out to 2 girl friends senior year at work. One of them was vaguely trying to ask me something personal over MS Office email, and I thought she was trying to ask me if I was gay. Eventually I said yeah, I like guys. Apparently I later found out she was trying to ask me if I liked my other friend lol.

    Eventually the friends I've met since are either gay or gay-friendly.

    I haven't told my parents but I think somehow they know. Myspace page probably gave my sisters more insight to it, and who knows if my parents have asked them to show them my page.

    My mom sometimes does say remarks about really flamboyant guys shown on tv, and I can't blame her for reacting with "look at that :wacko: " when we saw a lesbian couple making out outside an Olive Garden. For the most part I strongly think they would be very ok with it, maybe a little uncomfortable, but we're not really 95092835% religious fanatics either. They would probably just worry about me. It still feels very weird for me to actually tell them though.

    Add another to the single list -_-

  9. The photos above remind me of a wanna-be Calatrava's Turning Torso, and the others of that unsightly "Phare" tower going up in Paris. It's one thing to be new, innovative, creative, and different, but then some cross the line of not having anything aesthetically pleasing left in them.

    I just don't like imbalance, that's why random odd shapes like this don't appeal to me; anything that reminds me of a bladder, some sort of amoeba, or wacky-inflatable-arm-flailing-tube-man.

    The work shown in the first pic is ok with the odd angles, but the round in the white section looses it for me.

    The proportions of the short bronze turning-torso don't work well, as well as the overall finish.

  10. Good grief, cry me a river!! Well, I'm a noobie and everyone has been nice to me. I don't understand the problem. There are lots of forums out there, find another if this one offends you. I don't think this original poster should have hid behind the "editor". I mean, we are all adults here and adults don't whine. I mean, one little four letter word and it gets edited out or the entire post is gone. How offensive can a forum be if these are the rules??

    It happens on many forums where people start to get snotty and give little credibility to it's newer members, or in this case people who don't seem to be as privaleged in the career, and often begin to discourage people from ever posting or participating in discussion. Every once in a while someone will come by and remind us.

    Sometimes it is posts like yours that lend to that loss of credibility to us new here though. If you're new, how can you suddenly conclude that simply because people have been nice to you, that all is fine in the world?

    When threads begin to fill with nonsense, the whole place starts to deteriorate and harder for serious discussion to take place, thus the entire forum loses credibility. So on both parts of the new people and the regulars, there's nothing wrong with asking for a bit of civility.

  11. So I started thinking about replacing lighting around the house with LED lighting, and my many thought processes eventually led to the replacement of city street lamps into LED lamps. I looked, and they do exist! Here's a website I ran into from England


    Among the obvious efficient energy consumtion positives, it claims something like this would significantly reduce light pollution, allowing us to see the stars for once! - I guessed that would be an interesting added plus.

    I started thinking, wouldn't it be awesome for my neighborhood to do this and show the city as an example? How do I go about doing this? Who do I need to contact and how, about urging the city to do such a thing?


    Here's something from LAX airport now using LED technology for their pylons:

    "...the LED-based system is expected to cut energy consumption by 75%, reduce annual electricity costs from $73,000 to $18,000, and cut annual maintenance costs from $1 million to $20,000

  12. I know there's a Pancho's still there by Almeda Mall.

    LORD do not even compare that mess to real Mexican food lol. I used to go when in elementary they would give us eat free coupon rewards. A couple years ago my mom and I decided to go just on a whim. Yuck. It was like eating cardboard, and the watery cheese smelled like vomit. None of the food has any real flavor.

    Anyway when it comes to real Mexican food, there are so may different kinds, since there are so many different regions through out the country. Also just as the same foods differ from house to house within the Hispanic community... as any other category of food within any different cultures.

    Who didn't love raising the little flag though :P

    Happy eating :lol:

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