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Posts posted by tanith27

  1. there is a for lease sign in front of the tamale factory at 11th. anyone???

    During my weekly Saturday morning breakfast burrito trip I asked the owners. They said the landlords are upping the rent to a price point they can't afford. They say the building is really in bad shape and needs a lot of work, which they dont feel obliged to do themselves. I agree their hours of operation are so bizarre it probably doesnt take much of an increase for them to no longer become profitable. Either way, their lease on this place runs out in December, and they are looking to do what so many others seem to be doing along Studewood right now: opening up their own restaurant. They're talking with a real estate agent trying to find a good location with room for a patio deck. They also have a second location somewhere downtown.

  2. i know a couple on bayland who bulldozed a bungalow next door and the lot is just vacant. they don't know what they are going to do with it but they just wanted to own it for profit later.

    Is this that empty lot on the north side of Bayland next to the wooden home that seems more like it should be in the mountains of Colorado? Maybe 800 block or so? That lot has been empty for years....I've often wondered why nothing has been done with it.

  3. I had 8am classes because I was eager to learn in the beginning. Then, I ended up sleeping through my 8am's because my education extended well past midnight the night before. Plus I was on an island and the beach was 10 minutes down the hill so there wasn't a whole lot of incentive to be asleep by 10pm. HtownWxBoy nailed it in that much of your 'education' will come outside of the classroom. Many consider their formative years where they grew up as a youth. Not me. I was shaped entirely by my experiences at university, and the person I am today is wholly representative of what I learned there.

  4. Once Pearl Bar newness wears down, I can see the scenesters moving on to another place. People who live in the area will not be inclined to travel far to have the same drink they are going to have down the street.

    You comment that people who live in the area will not be inclined to travel far and I fully agree with that. Which makes me believe with all the so-called urban pioneers and new residents all along the washington corridor that places like Pearl are busy because of all the nearby residents. Rice Military is booming, the Heights is booming, there are townhomes and apartments going up everywhere so the natural population of this area is increasing. I'd be curious what the actual numbers are, but my guess much of the activity along Washington are from the 'locals'.

  5. Another fleecing of the taxpayers dollars. Why on earth did we have to foot the bill to fly her out here just so she could stand on stage and tell us they've reduced the red tape by a little bit. Talk about non information. Seriously....just send an email. We'll take the money saved and apply it towards our rail line or teachers salaries. What a joke.

  6. Almost 2 years ago as I was looking for a new place to live I went to these places with my realtor to look at a couple of the units. Given the prices and location it seemed like a good deal. When I got there there were so many red flags suggesting the condos were in bad shape. Crumbling mortar everywhere, rusted steps, and on top of that as I recall the monthly association fees were over $500. That immediately told me that either a) the association didn't use the money to fix the property or if they did, this complex was on the verge of a massive one time levy from each homeowner to fix everything. Had to walk away...no other choice. Its a great location though, but given the difficulty in developers to secure financing now, I can't help but think these may sit around as condemned units for a while...

  7. I can't comment on your salary amount, however as a Canadian who grew up in Calgary I can comment on the cost of living difference. Even if you came down at 85K, you'll pay less tax, less for food and less for your much bigger home here than in Calgary. So dont necessarily think that you need to negotiate a higher salary to increase your standard of living.

  8. Were they open for White Linen Night? How was the food?

    Yes, they were serving some of their cajun fare but I was stuffed by the time I made it here I couldn't think about eating anything. They seemed to be doing decent business and this was early, probably close to 7pm. I bet it got more hectic as the crowds built up.

  9. If it's too hot the Christmas thing they do is pretty good also. I did see an unfortunate notice on one of the 19th storefronts. It had to do with the Heights being dry and merchants being discouraged from even giving away alcohol. I hope they don't follow this, seems kind of silly to me. A dry district only means you can't sell alcohol and has nothing to do with consuming or giving it away. Am I right on this?

    I'm sure thats a city lawyer doing a little CYA. With sponsors like St Arnolds I anticipate many frosty beverages to be handed out...

  10. Some amazing numbers to be sure, but how many people will pay to see it twice? Three times? Four? The top movies seem to be very watchable over and over again, and I'm not sure this falls into the same category. Great acting, great story, but so was Schindlers List and thats not a movie I can watch all that often.

  11. Thats my understanding as well from talking directly with the owner. They will be building a deck for outside seating and the lot directly behind will be used as parking. I was also told that they will be participating in White Linen this year, so drop by for some samples from their menu.

  12. Great movie. I paid $14 to go see it. Imax. Well worth the extra coin. I think many were surprised to see this incarnation as so dark, but this has been the case for well over 20 years since Frank Miller did the classic Dark Knight graphic novels back in the 80s.

    What really piqued my interest was the trailer for the Watchmen, which many (including myself) classify as the best graphic novel ever created. If done right, this movie could turn heads. For one, I'm glad to see the 'comic book' industry be brought to the big screen with decent budgets and well scripted screenplays. Many people dont realize that movies like 300 and Sin City started off on the shelves of your neighborhood comic book store.

  13. No browser at all for the 360. Just the standard interface. Not a selling point for me, as I already have experienced the mess that is WebTV, but not a bad idea for MSFT to put one in down the road as long as its done right. But for now, no. Navigating around webpages with just a controller is insane. I use a real computer with a real keyboard and a real mouse when I need to surf.

    Which reminds me...I had a mouse for my PS1 and it totally rocked when I had to play games like Command and Conquer. Why haven't those caught on as a peripheral? There are many RTS games out there that would benefit from this.

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