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Posts posted by swtsig

  1. how in god's name is that an "ugly building"??? it may not be a masterpiece but i have no doubt had that building been proposed somewhere in Houston there would be an overwhelmingly positive reaction to it. it's essentially something midway would develop.


    and why the hell are y'all comparing one uptown to 2727 weslayan? becasue they both share curvy glass facades?? good grief.

    • Like 5
  2. jesus this thing has devolved into ridiculousness including an overwhelming bitterness by the UH contingency. there's never been any love lost there and it is painfully obvious in this thread.


    and i'd agree with ADCS that being near a major logistical hub is part of the lure in a long list of lures that makes Houston an attractive option to UT.

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  3. as of a year and half ago i could say with 100% certainty that the owner had absolutely no clue what to do with the site and floated around some pretty asinine ideas. HEB had been rumored back then as well.  when it was first purchased my money would've been on a significant project but it was pretty evident later on he had absolutely no idea what he was doing.

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