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Posts posted by Jax

  1. I notice that the retail at Dryden Station is absolutely packed at lunch time, and I've never seen it empty, even at off times. You have to wait 30-45 minutes sometimes to get a Chipotle at noon. I think more retail (especially restaurants) would do really well. I know for a fact that the Rice CRC will have ground level restaurants, not sure about the rest though.

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  2. I kind of wish the Med Center had a bit more residential. I kind of doubt that will happen though, but I would like to live there if it did. And I'm not talking about the Astrodome area that people call "Medical Center" when they are trying to sell condos and apartments.

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  3. When I lived up there, I had a car and it was great. I rarely took the trains as they were grossly inconvenient.

    Where did you park and how much did you pay for rent/parking? My sister lives in NYC, as do a few friends of mine, and nobody I know has access to any parking, but they're probably younger and have less money than you. Having a car in Manhattan is a luxury.

    Here in Houston, I pay less rent AND have free parking!

  4. I don't think there is, unless you want to email the developer. From this rendering, it looks to me like a public sidewalk, you never know...


    My best guess is that the "exterior" sidewalks (previously existing sidewalks) will remain public space, while the "interior" sidewalks (between the two buildings on each block) will most likely be private space.

  5. Nah it'll probably okay. I've never had a problem besides at the courthouse once. Don't let this stop you from taking pictures, and if anybody complains just be polite and it probably won't be a big deal.. unless you run into the same guy Woolie did with those imaginary laws.

    Make sure you post some photos here!

  6. The only day I was there in the afternoon was Monday and I spent most of my time in and around the Mission District that day. Sunday I was downtown more, as well as Tuesday evening. So I guess I wasn't there at the right time, and I believe you that it can get crowded. But the 300 pound woman thing is probably less likely to be an issue.

  7. This building is gorgeous! But as a marketing hack I have to giggle at that mailer "live like a Titan". Do they mean like a giant other-worldly god? "Hey, this is Cronus, kickin' it in my penthouse, you should see the spire we have!" Things ended rather badly for the titans, as I recall.


  8. For some reason there didn't seem to be as many 300 pound women in San Francisco as here in Houston. Maybe since we have so many overweight people, we need to design our rail cars accordingly. :)

    I actually never felt overly crowded on the public transportation in San Francisco, and it seemed to be well used. Now Montreal is another story. A few times the Metro was so crowded we had to wait until the next train. And again, not as many fat people...

  9. Most apartments in NYC don't even have parking garages like everything does here in Houston, so having a car can be pretty expensive, not to mention a big pain trying to park. But of course people always want what they don't have.

  10. .....and we had Jax quote from the transcript of Joe Horn saying that "they came in my frontyard with me.....I had no choice." So, is Jax making that up ? I also never said what the criminals intentions were towards Joe, I merely speculated on what appeared to be the obvious.

    I haven't seen anybody say I was making anything up. And you missed the other part of my quote. The quote was "he's down, he almost run down the street.", and immediately after "I had no choice. They came in the front yard with me, man, I had no choice"

    The question is, which of these statements are true (or are they both true)? If we knew the time difference between the first sentence and the shot (you can actually hear the shot on the 911 recording), and the distance from his yard to the street, we could figure out whether there is chance that criminals turned around and ran back into his yard before being shot. Due to the short time between the first statement and the shot, it sounds like the second statement may have been made up, but I think you'd need to have the full unedited transcript and the distance to prove this. Only the investigators have all of the data to put this together.

    I think we can all agree that if Joe were truly in danger, he would have had the right to defend himself, and if he wasn't in danger, he would have broken the law. Since we don't have the facts to prove it one way or the other, what's the point in bickering about it?

  11. It won't be painted on the front. That is the look they were going for - exposed, architectural concrete - just like the new parking garage on Main.. seems we've all talked about this before.

    I just assumed since they painted the back side they would pain the front as well. Weird.

    I think the front would look better if it were white like the back is in this photo.


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  12. I thought it was interesting that the he first said something along the lines of "they are getting away" (not coming at him), then he went outside, shot them, came back, and said they were in HIS yard. It sounds like he changed his story after the shooting.

    It should be pretty clear for the investigators whether the bodies were on his lawn or not, and I think that will be one of the deciding factors in this case.

    EDIT: The exact quote was "... he's down, he almost run down the street.", and then "I had no choice. They came in the front yard with me, man, I had no choice!". So was the guy in his yard or was he down the street?

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