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Everything posted by kurian

  1. This is the problem with the way they do planning in Houston. The planners are less interested in creating a neighborhood than in insuring traffic flow for commuters, which is why self-sufficient neighborhoods don't exist. Besides, why does Bagby need to be a thoroughfare? Smith is two blocks over.
  2. Does it look like they'l add ground level retail? I kind of doubt it but it would be nice.
  3. Pictures make it look like NYC, lol. Still, this street really needed to be redone and they're doing it in the best possible way.
  4. Yeah, the section through the medical center and the planned sections around the Galleria should really be elevated. It's really dumb to create one problem while trying to solve another.
  5. There was a bridge below the Wayside bridge that connected the stub roads coming from Garcia and Wayside to the 69th street on the other side of the Ship Channel. Sometime between 1981 and 2002, that bridge was removed. Does anybody know why it torn down?
  6. Those are some bad choices, although the Kim Son parking garage is atrocious. Also, the picture of the AT&T building was ridiculously bad.
  7. Actually, that was mainly due to the force of the winds, which a levee wouldn't stop anyways.
  8. My grandfather attended Johnston Middle School at its previous location (Wheeler and Chenevert, I think) which is now the Contemporary learning center. I don't know if that was the original location, though, and I don't know if it has anything to do with Miller Jr. High.
  9. Another thing I've never understood in that area is why Hermann Drive turns into MacGregor Way for the short section between Almeda and SH 288. Also, a short one-block section of Hermann runs just north of there.
  10. Wait, are you reffering to the access road that went to nothing, or the other road in that area named North MacGregor?
  11. I really wish these midrises would add a retail component. I think that's one of the things that keeps Houston from having a more open atmosphere.
  12. If there's one thing that Bryan doesn't need, it's another Walmart.
  13. There is a large floodplain just east of highway six that would prevent much developement. However, there is developement over near Briarcrest and Boonville Road.
  14. Kind of funny that you can't even drive at the top speed of early cars on parts of Buffalo Speedway. On all of the sign's I've seen, Speedway is abreviated to SPDWY.
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