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Everything posted by sidegate

  1. ^ Ahh...badmouthing German cars...slow day on HAIF I guess. "Some people" buy these cars for their superior performance and handling. I was back home in Ireland recently on vacation and rented a Toyota Avensis. As it lurched drunkenly* through the wee back roads of Donegal like a superannuated earth mover I kept wishing I was in my 325i. As for reliability - any conversation on that inevitably drifts into tendentiousness, but I haven't looked under the hood of mine except to refill fluids for 3 years, and it's 6 years old. Changed the tires a couple of months ago, that's about it. Formula 1 engines are rebuilt after every race, but show me one person who wouldn't want to be in one for a day. * the car, not me.
  2. I'm sure it's on their radar if they are serious about looking here. Lot might even be on the big side but that's a good problem to have here.
  3. This thread bears a strong resemblance to some of the last posts (from March 2009) in the thread on the demolition of the old Martha Turner building here. Plus ca change...
  4. Possible. There's a lot on the NW corner of Westheimer and Hazard (which, intriguingly, has a brand new For Sale sign) that is an appropriate size. But seriously, how many grocery stores does one area need? Between HEB & Whole foods, the two Krogers, Randall's & the Fiesta.....seems more than enough, even if the latter does take the fall.
  5. The couple I've seen have been in very walkable urban areas, relying heavily on local foot traffic. Be interesting to see if they stick with that model or say "When in Rome...." if/when they do end up here. Definitely not somewhere you would do a week's shopping so will not appeal less to people shopping for larger households.
  6. Why not just make Specs bigger? Then you have more food and more alcohol.
  7. Monthly pub crawls. Sign me up!
  8. I'd like to think they could do better than tired British kitsch.
  9. Lol. I confirmed with the school that printed e-statements are acceptable after all. Deadline is today so no time to switch to paper statements.
  10. My child is moving into 4th grade next year and we need to provide proof of residence. HISD requires original (mailed) utility bills but, this being the 21st century, we don't receive mailed utility bills at our address, but rather receive them via e-mail or on online accounts. Has anyone had problems with this anachronism? These are all I have to submit and I can envisage them being rejected by the great bureaucratic machine that is HISD....
  11. An officer of the Management District spoke at the Winlow Place meeting last night. Two off duty HPD officers are now patrolling the area (separately) east of Montrose and a third will be added west of Montrose in the near future. A list of arrests and citations resulting from the increased security was read out. Shockingly, none were for violent crime or rape. Let's not let one deliberately inflammatory post take this thread off topic.
  12. Actually I don't use the Facebook app on Android, it's ponderous and drab. Not that that whether I do or not has the slightest thing to do with you. Mindful of the need not to tempt fate I've never had an accident in the 15 years I've lived here. If you get off on pontificating about responsibility to random people on the Internet that's your business, Texting is an easy target. People will always do dumb things when driving, no number of laws will ever stop that.
  13. Very cute. Please don't edit my posts. Two can play at that game. None of us "need" to do anything. You don't need to check out that guy/girl walking down the street. You don't need to shuffle through your iPod to get that catchy song. You don't need to rummage in your glove compartment for a mint. But we all do it. The sooner people stop hand wringing over this the better.
  14. I don't buy that a competent driver can't assess the road conditions ahead of themselves at any one time and, within their good judgement and giving due attention to untoward events, complete a text message without the inteference of city, state or any other government.
  15. I am extremely sorry to hear about this, but were there any other variables involved in this incident? Even if none were documented, there may be some that will never be known I am not defending texting while driving. I am saying that there is only so far a government's hand should reach.
  16. We're skipping LOTS of variables here - speed, road conditions, how good a driver one is......this is not something a government should be involved in. If it does want to get involved I can think of any number of other things it should be, but will never be.
  17. Okay, if they ban obnoxious flashing neon signs in car dealerships, freeway billboards, etc, I'll sign up for the "make distracted driving illegal" argument.
  18. It could be argued that texting is safer than speaking on a phone since one can write at a red light then stop writing when traffic builds up or stress level is otherwise raised. Personally speaking, there are times when even having a conversation with someone in the seat next to me intrudes on the level of concentration required. Driving is all about context - a person's proficiency, the level of stress in any given situation - that laws rarely accommodate. There are more pressing issues for our lawmakers to be focussing on.
  19. Lots of things distract people while they are driving. Ban one, then ban them all.
  20. I like it. Heard about problems with Vista so held off upgrading XP until a couple of weeks ago. Got the Home Edition and the difference between it and XP is night and day. Quality of streaming video is exceptional on a 42" screen. WMC has a very nice DVR built in. Parenthetically I was very pleased to find that reruns of Curb Your Enthusiasm are now available in HD OTA on one of the 39 subchannels.<div><br></div><div>Overall one of my better tech purchases. For those who care it was a clean installation on a new HDD after my last( XP) one cra**ed itself.</div>
  21. Stock market, lottery, slots, poker....people will always want to use money to make more money. Let them have as much choice as possible. The notion that only the poor gamble with their money is a little rich. Or not.
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