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Posts posted by Fringe

  1. Anyone else use the Opera browser? All of a sudden it crashes when I get on the HAIF forum. It's like they added something new over the weekend and Opera can't handle the plug-in. Thought it was just my home computer but it does the same at work. Forced me to go to the Chrome browser which isn't nearly as good as Opera.

    Update. I disabled the shockwave flash plug-in and Opera is no longer crashing. Must have been some new ad that was causing problems.

  2. You're kidding...in the whole metro area that's the only place you can go? Wow.

    That's where you would want to go for the best treatment. There's only two Level 1 trauma centers in all of Houston also. (Herman and Ben Taub) That doesn't mean other hospitals could not treat you but if your injured really bad those two are probably your best chance of survival.

  3. Fringe, where did you get the "running radio" image? I want one for my rear window even though my car is a 2007 year model and KLOL has been gone for a decade. Wasn't there a Cannabis leaf in the middle of the "O" at one time?

    The only ones I still have is the one I posted earlier and this one:


    check out these

  4. This article from Texas Monthly, March, 1976, says the Houston distributors of Coors hoped to launch May 15 of that year (last paragraph). There were 6 distributorships awarded for the Houston area, due to the high initial investment cost.

    My wife managed a Walgreens liquor store back in those days and I remember going to a grand opening at one of the Coors distributorship's. Seems like it was in the old Astroworld area. Earl Campbell was there and I got his autograph.

  5. Was surprised to hear that some of the kids were taken to Memorial Hermann when West Oaks Medical Center is only a few minutes drive down Richmond. Maybe that was due to the specifics of their injuries or capacity at West Houston MC at the time.

    Memorial Herman in the med center is the only burn treatment center in Houston.

  6. In 1974 and 75 I went to Fort Worth every other weekend to visit my kids, and I always made a point of coming back to Houston with at least half a dozen cases of Coors, which I had no trouble selling at cost to neighbors in my apartment complex. It got me invited to a lot of parties.

    Same here. I had Grandparents in Fort Worth and New Mexico and whenever we went to visit we would return with as many case of Coors as I could fit in the car. Was it really any better back then or was it just because it was so elusive? Of course there were not many choices back then either.

  7. Hoar works in several market sectors including healthcare, office, cultural and entertainment, civic, education, and others. For example, the Science Teaching Lab (University Of Houston), River Oaks Medical Center, and the Parks at Arlington Mall are a few of Hoar’s Houston notable projects. Hoar’s work on Houston Methodist’s Central Utility Plant won ENR’s Best Project in the Under $10 million category.

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  8. I can't stand to listen to any political talk show host. It's their job to be controversial so any of them are going to say ridiculous things. I'll stick to sports talk shows when I tune to local radio and thank god for satellite radio Totally worth the $7 a month.

  9. The 1953 aerial is great. Nice to see Houston pre 610. They were just starting my old neighborhood (Woodside). At the time it was the furthest neighborhood in southwest Houston. I first moved there as a child in 55.

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