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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. i switched to http://www.feedly.com yesterday and i think it will be very satisfactory. i had to tweak a couple settings to make it the way i like, but i had to do the same with reader so no problem there.
  2. If he just needs to make phone calls, you have some cheap options for new phones. any of these should do the job: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_st?bbn=2407749011&keywords=gsm+phone&qid=1362862138&rh=n%3A2335752011%2Cn%3A!2335753011%2Cn%3A2407749011%2Ck%3Agsm+phone%2Cp_36%3A2491156011&sort=price
  3. http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/stories/2000/07/31/story4.html?page=all <-- this is from 2000 ... states there were only Pantry stores here at the time, starting in 1992. The Fountainview store was the first large-format HEB in Houston according to HEB corporate, too: http://www.heb.com/sectionpage/about-us/company/heb-history/3000002
  4. Saturday was kinda cold. I stayed in. n=1 but seriously it wasn't the most pleasant temp
  5. I remember going to a "Garden Ridge Pottery" in southwest Austin in the early 2000s, when lived there (I moved to Houston in 2002) so the name must have lasted that long anyway. I am not sure I have been in one in the last 6 or 7 years, but yeah, I recall it as a sort of dollar store version of Pier 1.
  6. there's a neighborhood in friendswood that is just streets; i understand it was swamped by allison then bought out by govt. not much to look at but here's an aerial: http://goo.gl/maps/P65In the two houses that are still there were built on 8-foot piers
  7. They have a bunch of other plans with arbitrary names for houston also: http://edi-international.com/default/Brochures/On%20the%20Boards.pdf
  8. The name of the backing company is Mill Creek Residential Trust and they have apartment buildings all over the country, so it does not seem like this is a place name but rather the name of the complex. http://mcrtrust.com/our-communities/
  9. Per HCAD the lot is 23,100 ft^2 http://hcad.org/records/details.asp?crypt=%94%9A%B0%94%BFg%84%8F%7F%7Cie%8El%87tXtYW%9E%99%A2%D3%89%95%C2e%7CU%8A%7E%86%C0%AB%A8%AD%86%5E&bld=1&tab=2
  10. I haven't heard anything, but per HCAD it looks like it changed ownership last month: http://hcad.org/records/Ownership.asp?acct=0073130000001&taxyear=2012 http://hcad.org/records/Ownership.asp?acct=0073130000007&taxyear=2012
  11. wow! good stuff. your friend is quite handy with a camera i gotta say
  12. IMO it's hard for Dallas not to underwhelm. Fitting logo, in other words.
  13. interesting to see that practically ALL the C (vehicular/service) streets are one-way outbound!
  14. When JR Cohen managed it, it was great. It went downhill fast when he left. I think this must have been a failure of management, not anything to do with the location.
  15. has to be an apartment complex. Here's the property record: http://hcad.org/records/details.asp?crypt=%94%9A%B0%94%BFg%85%90%7F%83he%8El%88tXtYW%9E%99%A2%D3%89%95%C2e%7CU%8A%7E%86%C0%AB%A8%AD%86%5E&bld=1&tab=1
  16. just call 311 and complain... they will have someone come out and check it. If it's not "by the book" they will adjust it to be "by the book". If it is by the book and it still sucks, I don't know what you would do then...
  17. The background is on the city's web page: http://www.houstontx.gov/fire/firestations/station13.html "Station 13 went into service at 428 West 18th in 1928. Station 13 was located at West 18th and Nicholson in 1918 and was relocated in 1956 to West 43rd and T. C. Jester. "This station was renovated in FY 1993. Station 13 was closed in February 2008 for additional renovations and was re-opened April 28, 2008." Looks like the newer station 13 is the same one you refer to also. There don't seem to be any lodge-type buildings around there now; also the current station 13 is on the south side of the street...
  18. Apparently private. Here's the property record URL http://hcad.org/reco...���^&bld=&tab=1 Those graves are new, apparently, by the freshly-mounded dirt sans vegetation (also see google maps street view... they graves are not there). edit: in case my link above doesn't work, search account #0052350000008 on the hcad site
  19. yeah, it appears to be apartments - google maps street view shows 3 or 4 electric meters, several entrances, 4 mailboxes, 4 gas meters on the 2 buildings facing boston st
  20. yes! did some digging; it was at least into the mid-eighties a bar called the KooKoo's nest, apparently. Here's an article referring to it, in the context of a gun murder happening at that bar: http://www.chron.com...-shoot-out.html oh my... here's another article about a different murder happening there around the same period. I guess the neighborhood has calmed down some since... http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl/1986_248932/parolee-gets-60-years-in-abduction.html
  21. Nothing to do with Mayor Parker - the lawsuit was filed in federal court, in Dallas.
  22. I know what you mean - i just keep it in my google reader! same for this too actually
  23. I'm not sure if there's a thread here or not but it's been on swamplot a few times over the last several months. Here's the easiest thing: https://www.google.com/search?output=search&q=site%3Aswamplot.com+studemont+kroger
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