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Posts posted by banking214

  1. The first 3 pertain to BARC.



    Regarding Lisa Falkenberg’s June 25 column on BARC, the city of Houston’s animal shelter (“Finally, a bit of good news out of BARC,” Page B8): The “good news” concerning the fining of two veterinarians is depressing. While it may be a start, it does not began to resolve the problem.

    I have always admired Houston for its compassion and willingness to help organizations, but BARC (the Bureau of Animal Regulation and Control) is truly a blemish on this city. The city needs to step forward and take the necessary action.

    It breaks my heart each time I read about the inadequacies of BARC and the injustice administered to the poor animals. Why does the city allow Dr. O (chief veterinarian Eunice Ohashiegbula-Iwunze) to remain? If this were a city official who omitted information on their application, he or she would be gone by now.

    Who in the city is responsible for this situation? Someone needs to take the appropriate action to turn this around. BARC definitely needs a complete overhaul with new people who are caring and willing to try new options to eliminate the way it currently operates.

    Thanks to columnist Falkenberg, as well as to Chronicle reporters, for keeping the situation at BARC in the news. Although the stories are usually heartbreaking, the public needs to know.

    — P.F. Samford, Houston

    Where’s mayor?

    Thanks to Lisa Falkenberg for keeping the Houston public aware of the goings-on at BARC. I am ashamed and appalled that a city like Houston is so unconcerned and uncaring about its city shelter and the welfare of the thousands of cats and dogs that are brought in each year to this facility.

    Mayor Bill White should get more involved in what is going on at BARC, and get some straight answers from the city’s health director, Stephen Williams. Williams has no clue as to what policies are in place at BARC and what is exactly going on out there (Falkenberg column, July 2: “Spoke too soon on BARC, Director has faulty memory”). Has Williams ever been to the facility and witnessed the enormous amount of euthanizations that occur?

    It is time to fully investigate this department and its personnel, and find out why BARC is in such a sorry state of affairs.

    Everyone, from the mayor on down, should be on the same page when it comes to the welfare and care of the dogs and cats that have been brought to BARC. So many of these animals have been through some type of abuse, whether from neglect by owners or actual physical abuse. They do not need to go through any more trauma just because they had the bad luck to end up at BARC. These animals deserve a chance to be treated with vaccinations so they can recover and then be placed in loving foster or permanent homes.

    — Denise D. Bryant, Houston

    Third World

    As a taxpayer, I demand accountability from all personnel associated with BARC, and I expect workers to adhere to all policies in the care and treatment of animals.

    We have a right to know how our tax money is being used. BARC should be a shining star for Houston, but it is run and operates like a Third World organization.

  2. What is OIG?

    The OIG is the Office of Inspector General.


    Mayor's Executive Order 1-39 authorizes the Office of Inspector General (OIG) as the central authority to investigate allegations made against city of Houston employees. Investigations are based on applicable criminal laws and administrative policy and procedures.


    Complaints: 713-247-4815

    Hotline: 713-437-6100

    Email: inspectorgeneral@cityofhouston.net

  3. Today, more about BARC from Craig Mailsow at the Houston Press.

    When it comes to the Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care, Stephen Williams is a man who does not like to dwell on the past. As the director of Houston's Department of Health and Human Services, he said in an interview Monday that while he was aware of years of criticism of BARC, the thing to really focus on are the recent and ongoing improvements. Chief among these is the new policy of vaccinating animals in the field, before they are even brought to the shelter. Williams said this will go a long way to combat the spread of distemper, among other diseases. But the ultimate goal is to increase foster homes.


  4. This is the letter that has been sent to over 70 people more than once.

    Our family recently decided to adopt two wonderful dogs from BARC (Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care). This was our first experience adopting or "rescuing" a dog. With so many abused and neglected dogs needing a home, this was the only option. In the short period of time they graced our home, Bear and Hondo were loved and cared for.

    From the moment Bear (adopted in March 2008) arrived, he was sick. He died April 17, 2008. During his time in the facility, an outbreak of distemper occurred. We were not informed of this when we adopted him. Our second dog, Hondo, had been in BARC for 3 days without being given the necessary shots. We simply could not let him stay anohter day. We adopted him in April as well. He died this past Saturday. We did everything possible. Routine trips to the vet, VERGI for treatments, and finally, Animal Emergency Clinic. The disease was simply too relentless and unforgiving.

    What we found out is that distemper and other deadly viruses are prevalent in BARC animals. Local rescue organizations and veterinarians constantly see dogs that come out of BARC with distemper or kennel cough. In some cases canine parvovirus is seen as well. All it takes is one sick dog to spread these highly contagious diseases. The best way to prevent this tragedy is through responsible pet ownership. If the original owners of our dogs had taken the time or been thoughtful enough to have them treated, this would never have occured.

    The City of Houston should be ashamed and embarrassed. In the November 22, 2005 report titled, Report of the Mayor's Animal Protection Task Force, the following is stated "The problem of BARC's poor reputation." Since the report was published, positive steps have taken place at BARC. I understand the budget for BARC is limited and the allocation of funds are lacking, however something must be done to improve current standards. The policies in place are failing the city and many families like ours.

    We will not let their deaths be in vain. Their deaths and our great sense of loss is a story that needs to told and heard by others. Words will never convey our true sense of loss and despair. They truly brought joy and happiness to our lives and we are going to miss them greatly.

    Chris M. Dodson

  5. randomly or do you know any of them?

    sending an email like you put here says a lot, but little a councilmember would respond to.

    If these pictures disturb you, Ray Sim is the person to contact at BARC. Please keep in mind that he might not ever call or write you back. He is very ineffective in his job and following up with the public.


    3200 Carr Street

    Houston, Texas 77026

    Attn: Ray Sim

    I only sent one letter to Senator Cornyn. I got a phone call and a letter. Says plenty about our council members. I have called, emailed and written my council member numerous times. Never a response. Pretty sad they statement if you ask me.

  6. More problems at BARC:

    Citing a vastly "flawed" system, BARC Senior Community Liaison Kim Grieff has tendered her resignation.

    In a June 18 e-mail to Health and Human Services Director Stephen Williams, Assistant Director Michael Terraso and Bureau Chief Ray Sim, Grieff wrote that, "After working over 60 hours per week every week at the facility, and many more outside with little or no support staff, I believe this position was set up for failure. Creating a management position to implement several new programs...simultaneously without a support system, then being berated in meetings regarding the lack of achievements is not only counter-productive, but unprofessional."


    The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners has fined BARC Chief Veterinarian Eunice Ohashiegbula and former BARC vet David Rundell for violating U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and Texas Veterinary Licensing Act requirements.


    The Bureau of Animal Regulation and Control vaccinated only eight percent of animals on entry between July 2008 and January 2009, according to a BARC supplement asking for additional funding from the city.


    All of these great artilces are by Craig Malisow of the Houston Press. Our city owes him a huge thanks for all of his work.

  7. I am with you. I was at Dr. Parham's a couple of weeks ago and as I was walking in a lady cradling her baby puppy and clearly in distress was coming out. About 45 minutes later she returned. She was told her puppy that came from BARC had distemper. She left because she wanted a day with him before putting him down. In the interim, he had started having serious seizures so she brought him back so that he wouldn't have to suffer anymore. That poor little puppy. And the lady was devastated. I offered her my shoulder to cry on and she sobbed. I could literally feel her pain and it was deep.

    There is an employee of BARC that is known to starve and otherwise mistreat the dogs on his block (the B block). One of my fosters, Cookie was terribly mistreated. The guy was about to power spray his kennel while he was still in it. A few years ago they power sprayed a litter of puppies right out of the building and they went down the drain. Since then, they are not supposed to spray them while they are in there. Anyway, a volunteer saw the guy about to spray Cookie, and he told the guy it wouldn't happen while he was there. This dog had been advertised on local websites as in need of a home. He was marked as adopted when he was not and the "error" was not discovered until it was almost time up for Cookie. I offered to foster him through the rescue that I foster with. BARC actually called them and told them he was a vicious dog. I have never met a more laid back and loving dog, ever. This guy had targeted Cookie out of spite. And he is still allowed to get paid with our tax dollars.

    Call your council member and your mayor. Demand that they make change at BARC a priority. These are your tax dollars being squandered in a way that is cruel to our most vulnerable, and it is unnecessary. For no additional cost, these dogs can be treated better. How about hiring workers that like and are not afraid of animals. Many of the shelter workers do not like dogs or are afraid of them.

    For more information go to: http://www.chron.com/channel/petshouston/c...29-2c18df9511e0

    I was at VERGI this past week and a family was standing next to me. Their dog had parvo and it did not look good. I believe their dog also came from BARC. It can really break your heart to see a family is such pain and distress. All they wanted was to adopt a dog that might not other wise had a chance.

  8. Craig Malisow over at the Press has been doing a great job of chronicling the massive dysfunction going on at BARC over the years:








    There are dozens more article where these came from, but should give you an idea of the continued incomptence and downright cruelty that plagues BARC. Our city should be ashamed of itself for allowing the shelter to continue operating in this fashion. :(

    Craig is doing a fantastic job covering BARC. I know he is working on a story right now that should raise many eyebrows.

  9. It seems like the problems at BARC are persistent and endemic. I hope that a new administration will bring about change at BARC.

    Below are just a few of the people I have emailed:

    To: leslie.denton-roach@cityofhouston.net; michelle.mitchell@cityofhouston.net; districti@cityofhouston.net; districtg@cityofhouston.net; districtf@cityofhouston.net; districte@cityofhouston.net; districtd@cityofhouston.net; districtc@cityofhouston.net; districtb@cityofhouston.net; districta@cityofhouston.net; atlarge5@cityofhouston.net; atlarge4@cityofhouston.net; atlarge3@cityofhouston.net; atlarge2@cityofhouston.net; atlarge1@cityofhouston.net; cecilia.ortiz@cityofhouston.net; citysecretary@cityofhouston.net; controllers@cityofhouston.net; mayor@cityofhouston.net; webadmin@cityofhouston.net; kathy.barton@cityofhouston.net; webadmin@cityofhouston.net; dfehling@khou.com; lfrillici@khou.com; czubowski@khou.com; lmcguire@khou.com; bwoodard@khou.com; andy.cerota@abc.com; deborah.wrigley@abc.com; gene.apodaca@abc.com; miya.shay@abc.com; wayne.dolcefino@abc.com; rkorsgard@click2houston.com; czavala@click2houston.com; sdean@click2houston.com; mbenton@click2houston.com; wallace@fox 26.com; chris.stipes@foxtv.com; kristine.galvan@foxtv.com; ned.hibberd@foxtv.com; carey@fox26.com; Outlook@chron.com; viewpoints@chron.com; lisa.falkenberg@chron.com; ken.hoffman@chron.com; lisa.gray@chron.com; mike.snyder@chron.com; carolyn.feibel@chron.com; bradley.olson@chron.com; joey.guerra@chron.com; melissa.bech@chron.com; askthevet@houstonpettalk.com

    Cc: oprah@oprah.com; nicole.sica@hotmail.com; ehutchins@tvma.org; action_alerts@thln.org; caguilar@hcnonline.com; chris.vogel@houstonpress.com; craig.malisow@houstonpress.com; twododsons@msn.com; jedodson_99@yahoo.com; events@hspca.org; gondo_42@yahoo.com; HCNonline@HCNonline.com; investigations8@hspca.org; info@friendsofbarc.org; info@houstonanimalrights.com; MemorialEditor@HCNonline.com; newsletter@cornyn.senate.gov; petloverescue@aol.com; volmgr@hspca.org

  10. Below is an email I sent regarding BARC. Please take a moment and read this email. Something must be done to stop the cruelty at the hands of our city.


    The Merck Veterinary Manual states, "Canine distemper is a highly contagious, systemic, viral disease of dogs seen worldwide. Clinically, it is characterized by a diphasic fever, leukopenia, GI and respiratory catarrh, and frequently pneumonic and neurologic complications". Personally, I have witnessed two of my dogs pass away due to this horrible, vicious disease. Words will never convey my sense of loss or sadness. In their loss I found a sense of purpose; to inform others about BARC and distemper. Since I started my site, I have received many encouraging emails and comments. This past month one common resounding theme could be heard: adopted dogs from BARC are still dying once rescued from BARC.

    I beg each and everyone of you to read just a few lines from each email below. They tell a story that no family should ever have to endure.

    Email #1:

    Medicines, force feeding and fluids, cleaning her up, trying everything suggested. That Saturday, Abby looked better, we took her out on a car ride, she loved it. The wind in her face, kisses on her face. When we woke the next morning, she was down, breathing, but barely. We put in her a humidifier room and a few minutes later, my husband said she was gone.

    Email #2:

    I'm worried because my barc rescue, Sara, has been in heavy contact with my other dogs (who have been vaccinated of course). We've had her for a week. We are treating her, and her symptoms appear to be mild right now. She is already at the neuro stage ( right leg twitches and I think I might have witnessed "gum chewing"), so we think she's had it for a while. She was at the kennel for a month and got sick after a week of being there.

    Email 3#:

    Emily had a good weekend, with lots of love, but on Tuesday, she began to exhibit green mucosal discharges, and her rear legs began to shake. We had to make the difficult decision to put her to sleep this past Wednesday, and we are all devastated.

    In closing, it has also come to my attention that dogs are starving at BARC. There is food, however attendants would prefer not to clean up after them. I also received very graphic and shocking photos of dead dogs in the back of a truck today. I can't imagine to tell you how disgusted I am. I could clearly see the legs of dogs sticking up in the air. I ask for each and everyone of you to help bring change to BARC. The animals desperately deserve our attention and help.


    Chris M. Dodson



    M: 214.673.3329

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