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Posts posted by stolitx

  1. Better question, do you have examples of ones that will not be protected by this stupid legislation? :wacko::wacko:

    If people want to preserve that crap, get out and buy it. Stop trying to dictate to private owners what they should do with thier property. If dictation of property is the goal, encourage deed restrictions and not some dumb ass government legislation that will do nothing other than create more useless red tape.

    Deed restrictions are useless in a city that won't help neighborhoods enforce them.

  2. article from press

    interesting article. i like how they finished phase 1 in a weekend.

    hopefully the meeting between the condo mgmt and glenbrook will come ot fruition. i think because the people are vietnamese, the city is scared to enforce the ordinances. they don't want to look like they are targeting a specific group.

    By the way since I see this building every day, I don't know what Phase 1 even included. There is no difference in the building. No paint, no non-sagging roof/balconies/floors/walls, nothing.

    And if anyone has a lead on where I can find magic paint that will fix structural problems, let me know.

  3. Ok - well, say for example that a chain has a deal - get your choice of appetizer, beverage (alcoholic - or dessert instead) and a meal for $9.99. If it was a chain that you knew had decent food - would that be enough to bring you in?

    Maybe. I noticed several chains doing this lately. I see the commericals (for Friday's I think) and think well that wouldn't be bad for a quick dinner. But I haven't actually gone yet.

  4. it definitely isn't the only apartment complex like this either.

    the city just turns their head and ignores the problem.

    It's a shame that 2 kids had to get hurt first. It's also a shame that people are willing to live like that or feel that it's their only option.

    My understanding is that the Mayor is having meetings with several groups concerning our Vietnam Village issues. It's a little different than the issue on the news as those are apartments and the village are supposedly condos (I say supposedly since they weren't legally converted from apartments).

    But hopefully he and others are gathering up govt and non profit groups together to help with relocation like they did with the folks in the apt complex.

  5. The meeting is not until 7 in the evening. Let me check with Stolitx to see when the next one is. Another HAIF'er lives behind you in that mod on the corner of Conlon and Broadview or Pecan Villas, I can't remember which street that is.

    I don't know the date of the next General Meeting after the one this week on Thursday at 7:00. They aren't monthly (I think we do 6 per year). I'll see if I can find out something. You can certainly attend the General Meetings, you just couldn't vote on any matters the board brought to the meeting. But there are often guests from surrounding neighborhoods in the area.

    Also you might want to consider joining the Hobby Area Chamber of Commerce. It's a joint business and residential Chamber. Many area reseidents from variety of subdivisions and civic clubs are members along with area businesses. Great way to hear what is going on, influence area decisions, etc.

  6. he made it sound as if he knew rps from the developer/realtor world as he mentioned his name more than once. i agree with you stoli. i just thought it was funny that the developer said this project would "revitalize" the neighborhood. i asked him how low income people would revitalize the neighborhood? all i got was a blank stare.

    I wonder if they think it would revitalize their neighborhood?

    Blank stares are what all the city employees present at the Town Hall meeting had. I wonder if they go to seminars to learn that.


    Perhaps good news? Apartment Fire by Hobby

    Scharpe St Guy

    ps.... where were you earlier today? hmm!@!!!

    My boyfriend is working today (Station 26) he mentioned there was a fire at Bellfort & Lenora. I'll have to drive by to see. There are apts at both intersection.

    Apparently Don Stampely is coming to the Glenbrook Valley civic club Board meeting tonight. I'll prepare for blank stares.

  7. the president of glenbrook was irritated that she had heard nothing of the project and the lead responded that he told you, rps, to pass on the info.

    Why would he tell a resident of the neighborhood and not the President of the Civic Club directly about the program? That doesn't make sense. I don't know if he did or didn't, it's just stupid that he would communicate (or not) in that manner.

    When I need to talk to a client/vendor/etc about a program that impacts them, I don't relay the information through a random employee in the breakroom. I do it.

  8. Thanks for all the great responses. This place you mentioned never answers the ph number on the sign and other times it says mail box full. A real tease, especially since its just down the feeder from me. That is the strange thing is the dirt piles up so often but I never see anyone remove any. Makes you think little green Martians zap it up and take it away in the twilight hours. Maybe Mars need land fill too.

    Thanks again...

    That is strange. I've wanted to call but haven't gotten around to it yet. I do see the levels of dirt change since I drive passed it everyday to and from work.

  9. I have a home in the Near East End 45S/Wayside area and need or would like to have a truck or 2 bring in some inexpensive dirt? Nothing fancy but dirt that wont "disappear" like sand. Something that will raise up the appearance of the yard while allowing grass to grow.

    Any phone numbers, etc would be greatly appreciated!

    Good neighbors help each other right! :)

    There is a fenced lot filled with dirt on 45, near Wayside maybe. On the lot is a large sign that says free dirt and a phone number. It seems to be a pretty permanent place for free dirt as the sign never comes down and dirt is always coming in.

  10. there are multiple sections in glenbrook, there are over 10. Many larger neighborhoods are divided this way as homes were built at different times. RPS can give you specifics of which section is where.

    rps would know what the difference between 1 and 2 are. Also keep in mind that the realtor listing the property might not get the sections right either. But like already stated, north of Bellfort is considered more desirable and the homes and lots are much larger.

    Of course the prices reflect that as well. There are some lovely homes & streets south of Bellfort but that is the general difference.

  11. I'm looking for a vintage conical fireplace.

    Does anyone have one of these for sale or know of a place to find one?

    I have attached a picture as an example...

    Only place I know of where they are regularly is ebay. Problem is sometimes the shipping is more than it's worth.

  12. I posted this in another area not really thinking that it would really be appriciated here more than there. The link is to Live.map and shows a "house?" that is being built in Meadowcreek near the Glenbrook pool. My Mother in Law lives right where the road to the construction site hits Neal and Chalcos. Its a dome house built with concrete that used an inflatable shape to frame the structure while the concrete was poured. It is two stories and will have balconies on two side. The owner is a Doctor who apparently is an accomplished organist. My wife and MIL walked up the road and spoke to him one day and he showed them around. The location is elevated so flodding is not an issue. Take a look at the house on the link below.


    Interesting. I'll have to take a drive over since it's so close to me.

  13. i think the law you're referencing may be chapter 204 of the state property code which is only applicable to houston. Since we are the only big city without zoning, this was developed to supposedly assist houston. there's also chapter 201 which is applicable statewide (specific limitations are found there). I was on a deed restriction committee for 2 councilmembers here to help the councilmembers understand what is/isn't being done by the legal dept deed restriction wise. i remember a deed restriction attorney mentioned that dallas has about 20 attorneys employeed by the city who enforce restrictions while the city of houston only had 3. i'm pretty sure we're not the only city in texas whose legal dept enforces restricitons.

    Exactly why the neighborhoods (any of them) have trouble getting the city to back the neighborhoods in their fight on deed restriction violations. 3 attorneys can't handle the work load for a city as large as Houston.

    But like mentioned this specific property isn't part of a deed restriction, it's the city's building codes that aren't being enforced. We'll have to get pictures to post. I know the civic club has some because we gave them to the mayor.

    As for the fireworks, there is no permit issued to them. But every year they shoot them off. And I don't mean a few here and there like we might all hear on the 4th. I mean enough that smoke billows onto Broadway. smoke thick enough that literally people can't see to drive through it. Like the heavy fog that rolls in through San Fran if you've ever been there for that. I've never seen or heard anything like it. Next year I will invite you over to my house to experience it.

  14. One thing I fear is getting hammered with drug rehab facilities, homeless shelters (Mayor wants them off the streets), SROs and "affordable housing", as the City (Mayor) has decided that we have major shortages and obviously the West End is just too expensive and has too many NIMBYs to even try over there.

    I couldn't agree more. Apparently there is chatter that there are plans for the Hou-Tex Inn to be used for this.

  15. Hello All,

    I have several family members and friends that reside in the East End and during my last

    visit I noticed some changes. Does anyone have any ideas or news about the following :

    Empty land on the corner of S. Wayside and I-45 ?

    Retail space where Fiesta was located on Lawndale ?

    What updates are being made across Mason Park Gym ?

    Is Circuit City coming to Gulfgate ????

    A while back there was talk of a grocery store near Harrisburg ?

    Thank You

    I can only answer the last question. It's a Best Buy going in Gulfgate. Their Almeda store will shut down and move to the new space they are building at Gulfgate. The Circuit City at Almeda built a new store in front of the new Walmart at Almeda.

  16. Nothing will change as long as Houston continues to elect Democratic mayors.

    Does anyone really expect a Dem to be tough on the poor folk?

    Not necessarily true. This issue has been brought up to all the past mayors for ages. Mayor White is just the latest to not do anything. They all hand it off.

    They've already started shooting off fireworks tonight for Chinese New Year. "NO Fireworks in the city limits" is another city law that doesn't seem to apply to them. Tomorrow night will be a freakin' nightmare, the noise will be obnoxious, the smoke will be thick enough to literally block cars from driving down Broadway, police will be called, no one will make them stop the damn fireworks all night long. However I'm sure if my neighbors reported me shooting off fireworks, the cops would show up to my house, confiscate the fireworks, and issue me a ticket. I'll try it on 4th of July this year.

    Sadly more children will have to die in a fire. Still then, nothing will be done.

    on a side note, rps was outstanding at the meeting! Particularly when he brought up that we were able to quickly take in the Katrina evacuees but somehow don't know what to do with the relative handful of people that would be forced to move if the building can't be brought to code.

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