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Mark F. Barnes

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Everything posted by Mark F. Barnes

  1. Even if he were to have said something about buying at fire-sale prices, where is all this debt going to be absorbed at? It just doesn't go away without recourse, the black hole is not going to make it disappear, nor is the Bermuda Triangle. This is touchy stuff we are playing with. It's kinda like playing Jenga, the economy is in a mess, and any bad moves and you'll have a catastrophic event. This is going to take work and money to fix. Anything but more debt added to it. There was insinuation today the McCain was wanting to include that $300 Billion in the $700 Billion that was voted in, but that is not part of that deal. There is very vague wording in the bailout bill that could possible be interpreted that way, but I can guarantee he will be fought tooth and nail for that. That is if he gets in that position. I just don't see them buying out all that paper and just slashing the value of all that collateral. Then comes the fairness issue. Are you going to reward people who lied and provided false documents, in order to help qualify for this loan? Are you going to reward people for knowingly getting in over their heads, and punish those who acted with personal responsibility, and are making their notes? If you don't think it will punish those people you are sadly mistaken, people with non-fixed rates will pay dearly.
  2. Another tough day but the bleeding has slowed some. The FED cut interest rates to 1.5% but still people are uneasy. They are giving AIG another 37 billion dollars, that I have issues with. $440,000.00 on a Spa Junket and I have to pony up another 37 billion, this is getting deep.
  3. I think you are so far off the reservation on this, I really don't know how to respond. Talk about totally reaching beyond anything remotely imaginable. I could just as easily accuse you of being a racist to think such a thing, just because McCain is white. Do you see what I'm leading to. This sounds like an OJ defense, he's screaming racism now that he's convicted. ACORN is crying racism because they raided their office and found thousand of bogus ballots filled out illegally. It makes a person no less a racist to try and use racism as an excuse for no pliable reason. Racism comes in many shapes and forms. There is a big double standard in the world today, and it's got to be examined a little closer. I'll give you some examples and then get back on the subject of this thread. And before you start freaking out and flipping, read my entire post, to fully understand where I am coming from. Black Entertainment Channel (BET) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) United Negro College Fund (UNCF) The Organization of Black Airline Pilots Inc. (OBAP) National Association of Black Military Women (NABMW) Ohio Young Black Democrats (OYBD) Now every one of these organizations are perfectly legit and worthwhile organizations. Every one of these do outstanding work in representing their original charter, and their prospective agendas. But you let the identifier of color or race be switched out for White, Caucasian, or what have you, and immediately it will be label racist. Whether it is or it isn't it will be immediately treated as though it is. The only reason I address this is that you have thrown down the race card in an election that most obviously is between two gentlemen of different races. And this election is highly racially divided, whether anyone wants to admit it or not. There are people on both sides that will vote for Barack Obama for no other reason than the fact that he is an African American, and there are those on the other side, that will not vote for him for the very same reason. To those people that fall into those two categories, they are both racists. To them it doesn't matter what his views are or what his agenda is, or whether or not he's qualified or not. To them it doesn't matter they will be casting their vote strictly based on race and for no other reason, and that my friend is textbook racism on both sides of the coin. If anyone believes that it doesn't exist or that there are not people that feel that way, they are not in touch with reality. When that my friend, IS reality. There are people in this very thread that feel that way. They may or may not come out and say it, but they feel that way. Some do it out of inexperience, and haven't lived through enough life to be able to see the difference. Or there are some that may have too much experience and are just plain set in their ways, and won't change. But racism is still in society, it always will be, it's part of human nature. Some people just chose to overcome it, or work at controling it. Regardless how this election comes out, history is going to be made. A new page in life is going to be started, and a new barrier will have been broken down. That my friends is progress, and progress is always a good thing. You may not like it always, but things are coming around. I hate to think that not everyone will see it that way, and there will be some, but just because your guy doesn't win, you will have witnessed history. Those of us that are old enough to have lived through the late 50's and early 60's, that really appreciate America and all it's history, will have a smile on our faces if Barack Obama wins, because I still remember White and Colored water fountains, I still remember segregated buses, and schools. I remember Ms. Stella (my grandmothers housekeeper) having to eat in the back of the restaurants in downtown. Those days aren't that far gone. But whether or not I fully agree with Barack Obama or not, is beside the point, because I don't agree with all of John McCain's stuff either. But either of which are elected, I will have some pride in knowing, I witness the first Black Man become President, or I will see the first Woman become Vice President, and will be proud to be an American on that day. Damn the partisan politics aside, if you really love your country and care about it as some try and make us believe, you will have a sense of pride, because it is a big step in the 232 years of our democracy. Regardless of the winner, I will be proud, if for no other reason than I do love my country and take great pride in being from the United States of America. I am just as proud a Texan, and feel just as close to my home state. I spent almost 20 years of my life living abroad, some places not as pleasant as the others, but there was never any doubt in anyone's mind that met me, that I was American First and foremost. There was no gray area in my pride.
  4. I guess it just depends on whose camera you were watching during the debate. All the networks were so focused on Brokaw's closing remarks that they missed most of the ending. http://www.click2houston.com/slideshow/pol...366/detail.html A phtographer actually captured the handshake.
  5. WHAT??? What race card are you referring to? I guess I am missing that. And he just said he may have not ever heard of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. How in the hell is that talking down, get real. It's a simple observation that the average citizen didn't. "May have never" is not an absolute. They immediately shook hands at the end of the debate and were standing next to each other for the photo op when they were blocking Tom's script and he told them so, so they seperated. I don't know, it was off mike so it's hard to say, but it appeared to me he tapped Barack on the shoulder to get his attention to formally introduce his wife. And while we are cretiquing here, did you notice Mrs. Obama didn't acknowledge anyone. She got out of her seat nodded to her husband and started working the crowd. Mrs. McCain wasn't seated during the debate, she stood in the isle off of stage left. She walked in Mrs. Obama's direction with her hand out after shaking hands with Barack and Mrs. Obama turned away continuing to work the crowd. So if you want to scrutinize, do both sides.
  6. Well the ACORD machine is coming off the tracks, They raided the Nevada HQ yesterday, evidently the Dallas Cowboys offense including Romo are now registered to vote in Nevada. News stated 1100 of every 2000 early voters cards in Ohio are Bogus. 90% of these are ACORN induced. ACORN people under indictment in Missouri, there are thousands of lawyers and para-legals flocking to Florida to "gear up" for the election! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! I knew this was coming. Another election decided in the court room........... So much for the playoffs coverage, we'll be chad tracking again.
  7. Not so far fetched, the average John Q Public, has more that likely not heard of either Fannie or Freddie. I think you are reaching here. Even the people that have heard of them now, the majority of them don't fully understand what they are other than a pain in there wallets. The average John Q Public is not a news junkie like some of us, and doesn't fully get it yet, but they will if they just pay attention long enough. For all you know, that audience had been briefly polled before being brought in, and one of those questions may have been, had the heard of Fannie or Freddie, before this fallout. That is not unheard of. If you attend this type of event, there are commonly people running around the lobby with clip board, asking brief short questions, it gives the speakers a feel for the demographic of the audience that they are speaking too. Not uncommon at all.
  8. FactChecking Debate No. 2 October 8, 2008 Nonsense in Nashville Summary McCain and Obama debated for the second time, in Nashville. We noted some misleading statements and mangled facts: [*]McCain proposed to write down the amount owed by over-mortgaged homeowners and claimed the idea as his own:
  9. Red if you go poll in say New Iberia LA. you'll get the same offset on sucking mudbugs heads.....if you catch my drift. Pollsters you got to love them. As in the words of a great band of my liking Blood Sweat and Tears........... What goes up, must come down, spinnin' wheels they got to go 'round..................
  10. Honestly Red I guess I just sub-consciously ignored that one as BS cause it isn't going to happen. I think McCain must have found some Peyote while he was home in AZ studying up for tonight. He could have gone out to Joshua Tree with the Ari and the boys, and still has a bit of a buzz. Don't see much help in our futures. Just got to tough out the next few months and let the market recover. I know we will get a bump post November, and by then some of this stranded capital will begin to move around. Maybe by then, if they haven't pissed away all the bailout money, the can begin to "really" inject into the economy.
  11. Kneejerk market is going to be shakey for a while.
  12. Both were evasive as usual neither said anything new, same old rhetoric, we are in for a long 4 years no matter what. Are both of these idiots stupid enough to think Warren Buffett would take a treasury job? He's made a ton of money watching the goofballs in congress make all the wrong moves while he counters and cashes in. Enjoy your free drinks Red, I have a feeling you may need them.
  13. The dollar would resemble the Peso of the 1980's Another words your next set of tennis shoes will cost you about $25,000.00 And we are not talking Nike's we are talking Athletic Works.
  14. I understand what you are saying, but mark my words, the precedence has been set for voter fraud from both sides. Ohio is going to be such a huge distraction through this entire election, the real smoking gun will never be found. This is an ugly business, and you have to understand what pollsters do. They fix polls to actually manipulate votes, instead of taking polls to get the gist of what is really going on. They operate list speculators in futures market, they can manipulate the bottom line with polls, much like speculators manipulate the market with speculation. It's a really bad bad business. They only thing that really throws a wrench in an election is a landslide, there's not a lot you can do with that. It is what it is. This thing is far from a landslide. And the pollsters and strategists are doing there thing, with their person spin doctors and media connections, to sway close votes and fence setters, it's all part of the game. The pollsters play the media again themselves for the good of their individual causes. that's what they get paid to do.
  15. All do respect and nothing personal Trae, I know it's your thread, but none of that crap your posting means anything come election day. By the time everybody gets through shuffling the deck and cutting it like a pumpkin pie. It's going to be whatever the best fix that's in. There is going to be so much funny business in this election, Gore's little sniveling fit isn't going to mean a damn thing. The shenanigans have already started. Ohio laid the groundwork to get somebody screwed. I'll bet this election winds up in litigation. I'll pass on that fool's bet.
  16. Yes that is a certain, it is going to take taxes. They need to slap some heavy tariffs on imported goods,somewhere in the neighborhood of 5-6%. I know the Chinese will try to balk at it, but where the hell are they going to sell their crap at anyway. We all are going to have to pony up a couple of grand to make a dent. Instead of cutting capital gains tax, lets leave it be for now to help ease some of the pain. The Bush hand out checks need to be held for a year, possibly two. Then if they want to resume after we get some recovering done, go for it. I never saw any of it anyway. Since we own a chunk of some of these bailouts, we need to seize and liquidate some of the extras. Warren Buffet can shut his pie-hole unless he wants to assume some of this debt, we don't need his so called expert opinion, since I am sure he pays very little tax anyway, cheap bastard, what we need is liquidity not BS.
  17. I just don't feel easy about this new 1+ trillion that the FED is going to buy up all this short term bad paper. I know if these two goofballs tonight spend the majority of the time arguing who's the bigger crook, I may start cleaning my FN-FAL myself. Sure McCain, you jumped on board a bill as it was dying a slow death, due to a filibuster by the Senate. Did you cross party lines, I guess you can call it that, did you you accomplish a damn thing? Not that I can tell. And Obama, you haven't done a damn thing sense you've been in office except make a speech and verbally oppose the war. Did you accomplish a damn thing, no that I can tell either. It's time to for some real straight talk out of somebody. I want to hear some solid answers to this free fall we are in. I've lost half a million dollars in three days, because of all the bureaucratic BS. Barney Franks better pray I never get a clean look at him through a 9 X 24 Gold Ring. And either one says they are going to lower anybodies taxes, middle class corporate or other wise, they are a lying son of a delicate flower. Taxes are going to have to be ponied up to pull out of this mess. And screw helping anybody else's economy until we get ours under control. All the damn hybrid cars, windmills and nuclear plants, in the world are not going to fix this mess, we have got to get some capital moving around. Screw the Automakers, they best deal with their situation or pack up their tent. Park that damn space shuttle for a few rounds. Send a fleet of super tankers over up the Euphrates and tell Iraq to "Fill'er up!" consider it a down payment on services rendered. I don't care if Obama made Ayers a PB&J with his favorite call girl blew him. I don't care if McCain made a stupid move and got into bed with the Keating five. They've both been in bed with the idiots that have us in the economic toilet right now, and everybody knows it. Let's get it together and talk about a real fix, that's reasonable and is going to work. Enough of this non-sense is enough.
  18. The Market Friday at closing is going to be a nightmare, I can just feel it coming.
  19. Jesus Red check this out Talk about bizarre still waiting on the data to break out.....
  20. Oh well taxes are going to be interesting this year. I may have over paid already.
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