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Posts posted by JJxvi

  1. It makes a hell of a lot more sense for the extremist urban planning view that the apartment shouldn't have a garage for cars at all than complaining about a benign skywalk that wont even allow you to bypass any semblance of urban business, just allows you to bypass a quasi courtyard pass through.  This development is transit oriented! Lets rail on the developer for thinking of his pocket book and putting in a useless amenity like parking when tehse tenants should be forced to walk and use the convenient train station!!!

  2. Man she really tore the sash guy a new one compared with what you said she should have done.


    All she had to do was just say that she was unable to get the Sash Guy to do the work and needed someone else.




    Does anyone have a recommendation for someone who is good at repairing old windows? Unfortunately, The Sash Guy was unwilling to help us (despite the fact that I recommended The Sash Guy to a big group of people at the Historic Preservation Fair when the man leading the old window repair session said that he did not repair old windows for others professionally himself b/c it is too tedious/time consuming/expensive).
  3. I think its obvious that eliminating the through, elevated portions on the boundaries of downtown would decrease congestion and improve traffic for those who commute to and from and around the CBD.  Whether or not it would cause problem for point to point commuters and through traffic  would then depend on the carrying capacity of the new through traffic networks, primarily loop 610, which has its own dubious capacity in certain areas,


    Ideally the major freeways in Houston I think would not be so close to the CBD, have 3 major interstate corridors all intersect within 1 mile of each other seems a bit excessive, but that's how its happened.

  4. Having studied the application for the abandonment of Allston St. between 5th St. and 6th St, my priority is to ensure that the neighborhood remains safe and accessible for my constituents. Allston St. serves as a connecting street between 5th St. and 6th St, and its abandonment will negatively impact the quality of life of the surrounding community. Therefore, if this matter comes to City Council for consideration, I plan to vote against the closure of Allston St.


    Wait, Allston doesn't go through from 6th to 5th does it? I was under the impression that it runs into the Fixtures International yard back there. Doesn't it just end into a roadblock?

  5. Any place with a semblance of skyline view and the realtor always gets that shot, and sometimes many shots to put on the listing. Sm3h has admitted as much earlier claiming that the views were exaggerated by the realtor. And how many shots of 2200 Harvard show street views of the surrounding neighborhood that is so desirable? Surely the realtor would want to put something as grand as that in?

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